Pompano - 3-3-2006 at 08:58 AM
This daring daylight desperado was photographed by yours truly the other day during a swift snatch-and-run of a plastic bag full of plastic bags. A
dragnet is out and local authorities are sealing off his escape routes. An imminent capture is predicted by the commandante.
Okay, okay, so he is not the fastest runner and I made this up.....Please say Hola! to our dear friend, Rudolfo of Mulege, as you see him make his
rounds near the city square. If you take his picture he likes to say Gracias for the pesos you can give him.
thats quite a picture
eetdrt88 - 3-3-2006 at 09:49 AM
worthy of an artists rendition,maybe a painting or drawing
Pompano - 3-3-2006 at 09:56 AM
Bob H - 3-3-2006 at 10:08 AM
He seems to be slumping over a little more these days. Here's a shot of Rudolfo a couple of years ago. Walking across the street from El Candil.
Heartwarming Roger, thanks.
vgabndo - 3-3-2006 at 10:29 AM
I like the idea of a painting. With your permission, I'll copy your image and time permitting I'd like to give it a try.
I've attached an image of Alfredo Baustida the patriarch of San Nicolas which I've been working on. Just a snapshot, there is a lot of glare on the
bill erhardt - 3-3-2006 at 12:30 PM
Here is Rudolfo negotiating a speed bump.
vgabundo...beautiful!... Sr. Baustida and Rudolfo
Pompano - 3-3-2006 at 12:31 PM
By all means use my photo however you wish. I, along with others I am sure, would like to see the end result.
I also like your feeling of Sr. Baustida very much and look forward to it's conclusion. Bravo! Reminds me of this watercolor of Rudolfo in our
home...which started out as just one painting for us by a sister from one of my pictures. It has now been reproduced many times over for a lot of
Rudolfo fans.
bill erhardt - 3-3-2006 at 12:34 PM
And rendered as a water color by Photo Deluxe.
Here is Rudolfo..BEING the speed bump...
Pompano - 3-3-2006 at 12:38 PM
Caution!...Cuidado!...topes de Rudolfo ahead!
bill erhardt - 3-3-2006 at 12:48 PM
More of Mulege's most photogenic man. Mine were taken about four years ago. It looks like Rudolfo has a new hat and a new cane.
bill erhardt - 3-3-2006 at 12:51 PM
Nice Rudolfo, Bill....
Pompano - 3-3-2006 at 12:53 PM
This one was taken about 6 days ago....it was a chilly morning in town. Rudolfo was taking a brisk canter around the square.
Have you met Rudolfo's female counterpart?
Pompano - 3-3-2006 at 12:58 PM
Presenting.... Dora of Mulege. A charming gal who is not a fashion fanatic. She is very pleasant to visit with and has a winning smile when it suits
her. Just please don't give in to her request for a cigarette.
bill erhardt - 3-3-2006 at 12:59 PM
It must be the brisk Spring air. I don't think I saw him break out of a trot the whole time I was in Mulege.
Pompano - 3-3-2006 at 01:03 PM
Bill...he has been asked to be the running torch bearer in the next summer Olympics. Quite a kudo for a homeboy.
Natalie Ann - 3-3-2006 at 02:26 PM
Turning back the clock on Rudolfo....
Pompano - 3-4-2006 at 07:19 AM
A few years back in Mulege...the post office was in a different building then. When Rudolfo was quite the ladies man, played a fine guitar, and sang
love songs. Well, we were ALL a little younger and faster then!
Skeet/Loreto - 3-6-2006 at 07:45 PM
God will surley Bless all of you for your thoughts and taking the time to take those awsome Pictures of Young Men at heart!!!
Thank You.!
Vag. If you do a picture of Alfreado, please save a copy for me. He gave me a peice of property in San Nicholas to live on the rest of my Life.He also
started the action of geting me into a Bathtub of Cold war, the ice came from the only Butane Ice Box there at the time. He very likely saved my life.
geting me into a Truck wraped in old clothes , pouring water over me on the long trip to the clinic in Loreto. They gave me 16 Bottles of Glucose
before the town ran out.
If he ever, ever needs anything, let me Know. Skeet/Loreto