
Beer for Water: Good Trade

kcabo - 3-24-2006 at 05:55 AM

My ex and I were driving our Honda Prelude south from La Paz, trying to get to East Cape by dark. We had spent way too much time at a deserted beach near Pichilingue, and were seriously cutting into our drivetime back to Washington State, but had to fulfill out goal to make it to the tip of the peninsula. Somehow, we took a wrong turn and ended up way out of our way in the middle of the desert on washboard for about a 3-hour stretch. Nothing but serious washboard as far as you could see in either direction.

I was anxious as I noticed a vehicle quickly approaching in the rearview mirror, but realized we had nothing to worry about as the huge Modelo beer truck passed us in a cloud of dust. We were going about 5kph; he must have been going 75kph. Oh, well, it's not HIS truck, I guessed.

About 10 minutes later, we were surprised to see the same truck stopped with it's hood opened and the driver pacing back and forth in the dirt road flagging us down. We stopped and quickly surmised that he was overheated, needed some water. We had plenty of water, but had no beer. Quickly exchanged was 2 gallons o' water for 2 cases o' cerveza.

I can honestly say this was one of the best deals I ever made in my life. We even had ice. We made it to East Cape in tme to watch the sun go down, toasting the beautiful light with the cold libation.

Only in Mexico.

(I wonder if beer would have worked in the radiator as a last resort for that Modelo guy?)

Bruce R Leech - 3-24-2006 at 07:25 AM

that is one to remember.

there are still some good deals in Baja ca. and it always pays to stop and help some one.

woody with a view - 3-24-2006 at 07:35 AM

ain't baja great?

my friend andy is famous for stopping the beer trucks and buying cases right out the back. cuts out the middle man, i guess.

Bob and Susan - 3-27-2006 at 08:13 AM

we used to but "beer" in the master cylinder for the barkes on the sand rail...didn't collect sand like regular fluid:light:

BajaGeoff - 4-7-2006 at 03:06 PM

I had a similar experience on the dirt road into Scorpion Bay. We saw a truck pulled off to the side with a flat tire. We stopped to help out and offered them a few cold beers while the spare was being put on. Turns out they were fishermen from San Juanico. They were very appreciative of the gesture and thanked us as we headed off to our destination. We were going to be in Scorpion Bay for two weeks....and they said they would stop by our campground. Sure enougn.....a week into our stay they came by with fresh fish and ice for us. After eating Hormel chili from a can for the last seven days eating fresh fish and having ice cold beer was amazing! A helping hand and a couple of cold beers really came back tenfold. Great experience!

55steve - 7-8-2006 at 07:21 AM

We were headed to Turtle Bay to fuel up and was approached by a panga - he held up a milk crate full of live lobster - we ended up trading 3 lbs of leftover Halloween chocolate for 18 lobsters! The guy is probably still telling the story how he got 3 whole pounds of chocolate for a basket full of bugs!