
Restaurant review or rebuke

Sharksbaja - 4-2-2006 at 02:34 PM

It's a hard one for me.
Review honestly that is.
What I am talkin' bout is simply the fact that your opinion is subjective when it comes to critiqueing others food.

Think of this: "Fast food has become ever so popular because it's good"
Now, think to yerself....."do I enjoy that food and the like?"
If you answer yes, than most likely you would enjoy similarly prepared foods...e.g.: fried foods. THe same can go for, say, Cioppino, only not all fried food and cioppino for that matter are created the exactly same in many establishments.. Even in the same kitchen!

So what's my point?

My point is; that although you may dine at and post about a particular restaurant and say marvelous things about it it is the subjectiveness of your taste that can cloud a review. True. many foods are enjoyed by most everyone and consequently naysayers can be rare.

So I have decided that since peoples tastebuds are ever so different(it's true, some folks don't savor greasy and over oiled foods) I will not post any more negative comments regarding dining or meals from restaurants that I have visited.

I was reluctant to order prawns at a local favorite restauarant because I had scored big ones and feasted at home on them the day before. But as the owner passed by he remarked" the prawns are very large and good.
OK. Sold!
I was literally shocked when I recieved the shrimp. Tiny(by local standards) and over cooked.
WTF I thought. I don't get it. Why did the cook prepare the small shrimp for all of us. It was certainly not my first visit and the food was always fair to good before.
See how your meal can be manipulated. To me consistancy is paramount, especially when it comes to perishables such as seafood.
Now, if I posted these negative comments with a name attached I would most likely be berated as I have in the past.
I won't hurt a fellow Nomads feelings by judging their taste vs. mine, and why should I? Will I go back to that restaurant again? Sure, but I'll NEVER order that meal again:lol: Maybe my next post will be of a positive nature at the same place. I think it may be unfair of any of us to degrade any place as the subjectiveness of this topic in general may not be in the best interest for many establishments. Maybe this topic should be eliminated if it means that people(Nomads in general) would be discouraged from a place that I or you personally disliked because they have a different set of tastebuds and standards.
Exceptions are establishements that have been known to have given people illness or discomfort.

In other news:


I enjoyed a nicely prepared and tasty Chile Relleno at the La Palapa restaurant in Loreto. The guacamole was akin to my own being chunky with fresh tomatos and a hint of garlic.
The sever was extremely prompt and helpful as we were rushed. The others in our party enjoyed there combo plates as well. Clean and comfortable.

So my fellow diner.... not to worry, I'll tell you what I liked. It's possible might not.:lol: Be forewarned however that unpleasantries may exist.

See the point?


Barry A. - 4-2-2006 at 02:49 PM

--------that "post" makes more sense than any I have seen lately. Your points are----well-----right on "point". :tumble:

I applaud you for your insightful comments.

Don Alley - 4-2-2006 at 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
So my fellow diner.... not to worry, I'll tell you what I liked. It's possible might not.:lol: Be forewarned however that unpleasantries may exist.

See the point?

See the point? :lol:

Hey, as I'm reading your post, I'm in agreement...I don't often post horror stories of bad restaurant experiences. No, not even the really, really bad (rancid?) food that kept my wife and I away from a certain restaurant for a year. The one we finally went back to, with two friends, and each ordered different meals and all four of us thought our meals were terrible. Then I reaqd your positive review. Yes, unpleasantries may exist! :lol:

Seriously, the bad rap I had heard long before about this restaurant was that they had a big problem with consistency...good sometimes, to very poor other times.

Nice location and atmosphere, though.

The squarecircle - 4-2-2006 at 04:16 PM

Greetings; >>>> "I will not post anymore negative comments regarding dining or meals from restaurants that I have visited." >>>> Your exemplary accomplistment in the food prep business is TOP SHELF and to be imitated.. Your honest opinions (positive or negative) it they are not forthcoming will be sorely missed here on this board by many a Nomad..

Diver - 4-2-2006 at 04:32 PM

Nice thoughts and I agree in theory but.....

I appreciate peoples' comments positive or negative about restaurants, gas stations, fishing guides, campgrounds etc. I think continued posting of both sides of the story is valuable information for us all. Of course, we must remember to take each opinion with its proper grain of salt as we of many tastes and cultures do have varying thoughts on many things.

The squarecircle - 4-2-2006 at 04:33 PM

For a lack of words here, I say >>> Out with the obvious TRUTHS and stop with the pandering that elevates mediocrity in the food prep and serving establishments. >>>> As another Nomad on this board expresses the idea ----- the truth is out there! >>>> Yes sir, tell it as you perceive it.. Your credibility is backed by your accomplishments in your own restaurant.. >>>>>>>>> Best Regards, sq.


Sharksbaja - 4-2-2006 at 06:23 PM

Originally posted by The squarecircle
For a lack of words here, I say >>> Out with the obvious TRUTHS and stop with the pandering that elevates mediocrity in the food prep and serving establishments. >>>> As another Nomad on this board expresses the idea ----- the truth is out there! >>>> Yes sir, tell it as you perceive it.. Your credibility is backed by your accomplishments in your own restaurant.. >>>>>>>>> Best Regards, sq.

Sq., thank you for the kind words. But with all due respect, I can feel better NOT contradicting a fellow Nomad by my own taste and preference. You see amigo, the picture is more grand than that. Plenty of Nomads frequent lots of nearby restaurants and have a personal relationship with the owners.
The casual diner being somewhat at a disadvantage cannot clearly see the ebb and flow of quality that persists in many restaurants. It's pretty well-known that the turn-over of cooks and chefs in the industry are normally short-lived. This means the controls are more often than not turned over to a new recruit. With the change of a food preparer typically comes a change of the meal. Even something like lobster can be completely different because the new cook gives it 3 more minutes. Now factor in EVERYTHING that is required to deliver that meal and you may very well experience a whole new taste. Might be twice as good for ten different reasons.
Needless to say amigo, I now prefer to sample individual items at tiny places and avoid scrutinizing a biz based on one visit and one dinner plate. Most of the time I don't mince words........esta peligroso muchos tiempos!
Mainly what I am trying to do is emphasize what is good to ME (that day)and all the rest is a gamble.......or not!

Besides what may suck today may not suck manana, or vice versa.:lol::?:

Let's face it, it's a crap shoot in many places.:no::spingrin::no::spingrin::tumble::O:biggrin::barf::(:yawn::wow:

AS far as your use of the verb "pandering" I'd prefer to call it "respect" for those(in this forum)who feel personally insullted by negative restaurant feedback.

Sharks, I am confused

Gypsy Jan - 4-2-2006 at 07:51 PM

by your posting.

Do you think that there is an excessive amount of unfair negative restaurant reviews/rants on this board?

I can't recall any.

The vast majority of posters (myself included) are talking about a fair/good/great/fantastic meal someplace in Baja and they made time to report back and share their experience with this cyberspace community.

As far as I am concerned, all info is good and the reader should use a common sense filter on what comes into the board.

David K - 4-2-2006 at 09:11 PM

I rarely find bad places to eat in Baja... and enjoy promoting the good ones to help keep them in business!

thebajarunner - 4-2-2006 at 10:22 PM

If you are going to post concerning restaurants then you gotta be honest!
And, if you have a bad experience, you need to say so.
Otherwise this board is just a shameless "shill joint" and I don't think that is the case.
Really, if you cannot be honest, then just go lurk!!!
I have posted a number of restaurant reviews here, all were pretty positive, but if I find a bad one, you will hear about it.

Sharksbaja - 4-2-2006 at 10:40 PM

Gypsy said:


The vast majority of posters (myself included) are talking about a fair/good/great/fantastic meal someplace in Baja




Do you think that there is an excessive amount of unfair negative restaurant reviews/rants on this board?

No Gypsy not paticularily. that's the problem I have. There should be more, but then, that's what the point of the post is really about. Nobody wants to be the down guy. Unless yer JR whos' wisdom and selfconfidence ruled the thread regardless. But then, I don't think I ever saw him rant about restaurants.

I do see myself as somewhat of a critic in a select dept. but again, opinions of the subjective nature can be painful .

Hypothetically speaking;
what would you think of my opinion if I visited 5 establishments that received good reviews here and I reported later that I found them fair to mediocre. Would you feel short-changed or under-mined by my opinion if you had had a positive experience there before?

Dave - 4-2-2006 at 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Hypothetically speaking;
what would you think of my opinion if I visited 5 establishments that received good reviews here and I reported later that I found them fair to mediocre. Would you feel short-changed or under-mined by my opinion if you had had a positive experience there before?

Why should it matter?

I never visit a restaurant based on an unsolicited review. And I only read reviews for amusement. We base our dining choices on a small circle of friends who serve as guinea pigs. If they say go...we go. Rarely have they been wrong. Even then, I always give a joint at least two chances. Unless they outright lie to me.

Then I'm merciless. :biggrin:

Sharksbaja - 4-2-2006 at 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Hypothetically speaking;
what would you think of my opinion if I visited 5 establishments that received good reviews here and I reported later that I found them fair to mediocre. Would you feel short-changed or under-mined by my opinion if you had had a positive experience there before?

Why should it matter?

I never visit a restaurant based on an unsolicited review. And I only read reviews for amusement. We base our dining choices on a small circle of friends who serve as guinea pigs. If they say go...we go. Rarely have they been wrong. Even then, I always give a joint at least two chances. Unless they outright lie to me.

Then I'm merciless. :biggrin:

Thank you.

oladulce - 4-3-2006 at 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Hypothetically speaking;
what would you think of my opinion if I visited 5 establishments that received good reviews here and I reported later that I found them fair to mediocre. Would you feel short-changed or under-mined by my opinion if you had had a positive experience there before?

Nope, not really Sharky. I'd just figure that this is your area of expertise and you have a more finely tuned palate than I , who was raised on corn dogs and tatter tots. But if I liked the place, I'd try it again in spite of a negative review about the food.

Now, if you reported that patrons were tossing their cookies in the parking lot and the staff was smoking crack in the kitchen, it would certainly impact my next visit to the establishment.

[Edited on 4-4-2006 by oladulce]