
Electricity Rates

awfulart - 4-2-2006 at 03:12 PM

In San Diego County the rate is around .15cents per KWH. There are variations based on how much you go over the Base Line usage for 2 peoiple is, I believe, 356.50 kwh, not sure.

Our average rate comes out around .15cents based on 680 KWH. The 680 goes up during the summer when we use our Air Conditioning.

I assume in the Mulege area there is a graduated rate too, based on amount used. Is there any info available regarding the rate structure.

Any info would be most appreciated.

Don Alley - 4-2-2006 at 04:26 PM

Latest, January-Feb rates for Loreto, in pesos

to 150 kWh 0.599
next 250 kWh 0.989
additional kWh 2.087

In the summer, air conditioning months, the rate categories change, with larger basic and intermdiate allowances.

We used 634 kWh over the last two month period for a total charge of 825.45 plus IVA (tax) of 82.54. Total 908.26 MN

Just over 13? per kWh.