
HELPNEEDED! for Punta chivato

bajasunshine - 4-7-2006 at 09:03 AM

I looked online yesterday, to find Punta Chivato hotel closed for renovations until june 30 .. We cant change our dates, Its not really a big deal as we were planning on camping, my spanish is not soo great, and I cant get a answer on if the beach and the road are open so we can still camp . I know from past visits it was nice to have the hotel resteraunt for a backup for food, and margarita's. This will not be possible, but I need to know for planning, if we can still Beach Camp.. does anyone know any members who live down there who can give me this information.... Help Needed>>>>>

Thanks Again All !!!!

losfrailes - 4-7-2006 at 09:31 AM

You could email this gentleman. He is back and forth a lot to PC. He will gladly advise and assist you.

Rick Etzler <>

Road is open and there is camping available, but better if you hear it from a resident there.

BajaCactus - 4-7-2006 at 01:25 PM


Tomorrow saturday (april 8th), a friend who lives in Punta Chivato is staying at BajaCactus.

If you let me know some specific questions, I can ask him.


tim40 - 4-7-2006 at 01:37 PM

Are you sure they are remodeling? It has only been a couple of years since they gutted the place for a complete remodel.

Martyman - 4-7-2006 at 01:43 PM

I can't wait for the remodel! Maybe I'll be able to get a room for under $350

Bob and Susan - 4-7-2006 at 01:47 PM

Website says closed for maintence and remodeling

Hook - 4-7-2006 at 02:00 PM

The cement mixer and shoe molds must have broken down........

beach access at Chivato....

Pompano - 4-7-2006 at 02:05 PM

bajasunshine...I believe the road will always be in need of a recent grading...just the nature of that beast...but is always passable, just drive slowly. I am referring to both the road from the highway in..Palo Verde turnoff..and also the beach access roads thru the houses down to the beach.

As for beach access near Point Chivato, (out by the lighthouse) it must be still possible to reach the Zona Federal for camping, etc, as we have often gone by that point by boat when enroute fishing and always saw plenty of campers at the same old places they have been camping at for over 30 years. Of course, the way things are changing so fast in Baja Sur, that could well be over with shortly.

There is another camping area further west of the Chivato development that is open to campers..forget the new name given to it. We called it Fire Beach - Playa Fuego..(anything renamed in the last 10 years is new to me!)

The old Shell Beach west of the hotel and at the bottom of the old airstrip was always open for campers but may or may not be closed off by now. (That's where the photo below was taken..coming up from Shell Beach in 1989..varooom!...ah, the joys of a Jeep!)

Good luck and good camping!

capt. mike - 4-7-2006 at 04:14 PM

must be time for Marceleto to launder some more money for the real Jefe................Mustache Pete..............what a bunch of knot heads that whole group are.....................


eetdrt88 - 4-7-2006 at 04:40 PM

that picture is a classic!!!

Say HI to this place for me

bajajudy - 4-7-2006 at 05:06 PM

Pompano - 4-7-2006 at 05:28 PM

Will do, Judy...I have cleaned many a fish on that table..and a whole lot more on the one that was there before this one was built.

Short story about this spot.....One time we were anchored and spending a few nights in my old trawler, Pompano, just offshore from where you took this photo. We had a ball at c-cktail time watching a van launch a boat on the ramp just to the right of that cement deck. Yup..he forgot to put on the brake and the whole works rolled into the ocean. Sheesh! We helped pull him out with one of Alvarado's trucks and rinse everything off, but I fear the damage had been done. I hope the guy at least took it into town for a full flush!

[Edited on 4-10-2006 by Pompano]

aerial view of the Punta Chivato hotel...circa 1979

Pompano - 4-7-2006 at 05:44 PM

this was a few years before the new arrivals.....we used to fly out there and picnic in the old hotel. It was closed and in need of some TLC about then..which it got from Bill A and Doc L.

We would sit up on the patio deck facing to the west...the upper part of the U-shaped point where the hotel sits...and watch for roosterfish coming into the shallows to feed. Man, they would tear up a school of bait! We kept our casting rods tied to Krocodiles to pitch out to them and HANG ON! We had some times...

capt. mike - 4-8-2006 at 07:30 AM

yeah..........them were the days when Alvarado ran it. fun, friendly, cheap.

always packed with planes when weather good, had to make reservations as drop ins dicey on room availability.
the antithesis of what it is now.

overpriced beyond semblance. snooty offensive staff. no fun ambiance.

what a waste of a resource.

Well, TGF the Serenidad!

any more meets at Punta Chivato?

Pompano - 4-8-2006 at 08:50 AM any of the tailer-dragger clubs or other airplane get-togethers happen any more at Chivato? It has been a while since I attended one out there.

And how would you like to have one of these beauties for Baja? Could taxi right to the swim-up bar at Serinadad, maybe?;)

BajaHawk - 4-9-2006 at 03:53 PM


As far as I know the camping is still there at Chivato. Also, last summer there was a new place to eat by the mechanics place. Food and margaritas were good, prices reasonable (better that the hotel for sure!)

The raod was as it always is, wash-board with a few surprise ledges, no problem if you take it slow for the first time.

The camping beach had a ton of soft sand that was deposited from on of the big blows. Best to stop on the hard pack to scout things out and ask fellow campers where the problems are. We managed to get stuck pretty good last year - not hard to do! We were victims of Chivato Euphoria, which happens after driving down straight from San Diego, enjoying a few beers on the dirt road and being so damn happy to be arrive. You kind of loose your head.

Take your tin boat! Should be a blast!

[Edited on 4-10-2006 by BajaHawk]

Sharksbaja - 4-9-2006 at 04:58 PM


You knido of loose your head.

Yer knido is loose!:lol:

Cap'n is spot on, that place is a waste of everything. Hey, the Germans and Austrians seem to like it. Perrfect!

capt. mike - 4-10-2006 at 06:47 AM

nice Plane Pomp!

stopped at the Planes of Fame museum annex at Valle airport south of the Grand Canyon yesterday , while on the way to the canyon for the day, a flight of 2 comanches. they have a Grumman Duck in immaculate condition. Never see them much around. would be a dream baja plane too. And cheap to run with one mill up front. Avgas at the grand canyon was $4.45 a gal. ridiculous for the guvmint to rip off the public like that...........