
Photo posting guidelines -- Please Read.

BajaNomad - 11-22-2002 at 11:09 AM

Noting the interest on this board for uploading photos, I'll add this forum and see where it goes. I'll break it into sub-categories as needed in the future.

Please limit attachments to no more than 50k in file size.

Another way you can help with photos is to put them on ANOTHER server, then use the "BB code" to link to it. If you don't understand the [img]-type tags, just use this button to put in the pictures address:

If the server/database get over utilized using pics as attachments, then I may have no choice but to revert to the BB code as the *only* way to post pictures here.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Edited on 9-4-2003 by BajaNomad]

to elgatoloco

reefrocket - 11-24-2002 at 10:30 PM

don't feel like your all alone it took me five trys to get my fisrt pic in since all that 'ANOTHER server, then use the "BB code" to link to it (using the [img] and [/img] "tags." is way over this head. I am lucky I guess in I have a photo editing program that I can work with jpg.s, bmp.s, gif.s and a few others to remove things, add things, resize, change color hues ect. I've seen other peoples post where there is a site that they make a page for pics don't know if it cost or not. Don't remember who (someone like 4baja or bajataco or ??) Not much real help here and I know "it's no damn help havin' another dunce in the boat with you":P

Keri - 11-24-2002 at 10:50 PM

Try (another server) they hold your pictures and then you just give people the link. Easy and free download. great for everyone with digital cameras,It's a kodak product.:light:

Image file access?

Sharksbaja - 5-7-2005 at 02:59 AM

Hi Doug

I was wondering if it is possible to view or otherwise retrieve downloaded image files that end up on your server. Possibly for registered Nomads? Do these files have a predetermined lifetime or are they saved for all time?

I see this message displayed:

"This file is here to prevent against directory listings so visitors cannot download images directly."

Is this so non-Nomads can't just visit to steal pics off your server?

The reason I am curious is because I do a bit of personal graphic work and share it freely. I was hoping the files on your server were treated as public domain. After all, in order to partake on these boards one must automatically download and display.

I think that is all fine and dandy. I would just like to be able to retrieve a picture of say, a certain fish. I would look for a file with a synonymous name like 'dorado1.jpg'
That would be great for referencing threads where images are employed. It would be like a search for pic(.jpg/.gif) files.It would greatly cut down on the time it takes to chase down a pic on a old thread. Maybe even a thumbnail gallery. I think that it would greatly enhance ones ability to surf this board.

Thanks Doug, just wondering .............. :?: