
El Rosario Topes...

Mexray - 4-26-2006 at 10:55 AM

I know there have been discussions about 'Topes' in Baja pubelos...but if you've been through El Rosario recently, you'll have to agree that the Pueblo 'Fathers' have gone completely overboard!

I know Antionio (Baja Cactus) wanted some topes put on the highway coming down the hill into town from the help keep the noise down, and for safety at the 90 degree, LH turn in town.

However - they have gone topes 'skitzo' in town! I counted 150 topes as you travel through El Rosario! Now that's just plain 'overkill' and unnecessary!

I know, it's Baja, and they want to keep the speed down...but 150 topes??? The most I counted in any other small Pueblo was 40, and most have far fewer that that! Why go so overboard, when just a couple will at Santo Tomas, Mulege, etc...I can't help but wonder what the thought process was in El Rosario???

In all honesty, I have to say those topes are so irritating in E.R., that I've vowed to not stop there unless absolutely necessary...such as for fuel. Sorry, E.R, but I'm going to spend my $$$'s elsewhere from now on!

Mike Supino - 4-26-2006 at 11:41 AM

The topes may have been put in stratigic positions so that one looks around, while traveling very slowly, at the different merchant's sites and signs.
Just a thought.

Sharksbaja - 4-26-2006 at 11:48 AM

My advise................. gas shocks.

The Sculpin - 4-26-2006 at 02:31 PM

For a one mile stretch, that averages out to one every 35 feet. For most semi's, they will have gone over 2 topes with thier front axel before their back axle hits the first.

Are you sure the first 50 topes didn't jar one of your screws loose?!?

Maybe you're really talking about sopes - hmmm yum!

Oh well, ER has always been a speed trap, so at least that problem is solved. Maybe invest in a mechanico that specializes in suspensions!!

comitan - 4-26-2006 at 02:40 PM


Just drove through there Saturday, I think there is maybe 5 or 6 the problem is they are not well marked and you hit them tooo hard, just slow down and pay attention they are no problem. Sorry you bumped your head.:yes::yes:

Frank - 4-26-2006 at 03:20 PM

Thanks for the warning. What usually gets me is the "fake" Topes, mixed in with the real ones.

comitan - 4-26-2006 at 03:26 PM


There are quite a few now that way, some are painted so well they do look like topes.

rts551 - 4-26-2006 at 03:32 PM

what Mexray is talking about is the rumble strips before and after the topes. Take 5-6 topes and add the rumble strips and it keeps everyone at 15-20 through the whole town.

comitan - 4-26-2006 at 03:35 PM

The rumble strips I take at a speed like they are not there.

bajalera - 4-26-2006 at 03:40 PM

That complaint is justified!

Those pesky little topes are a new kind, and they've caught on at Punta Prieta, too. We slow down in passing settlements and have never minded the usual speed bumps, but this new type is truly abominable--particularly if you're towing anything.

Diver - 4-26-2006 at 04:08 PM

Those little repetitve topas drove my trailer brakes nuts. I had to brake early and then turn off the trailer brakes or they would lock up going over those little orphans !

comitan - 4-26-2006 at 04:22 PM


Bajaboy - 4-26-2006 at 04:47 PM

There's always the east route?!


David K - 4-26-2006 at 04:54 PM

They are not the full blown topes like in Santo Tomas or other places around San Quintin, they are the pre-tope warning bumps.

Ray, the semis would scream down the grade with their jake brakes right up to the sharp curve at Mama's. The mini topes begin by the Pemex and has the truckers slowed up before. Offering a 'break' from the jake brake for the town and motels.

Unless some big topes were added since I was last there?

surfer jim - 4-26-2006 at 06:00 PM

Take them all down and use the material to make one.... one BIG tope....:o


Mexray - 4-26-2006 at 11:51 PM's true, there are 150 'rumble strips'...not the big, full blown 'topes' as in Santo point is I don't really think all those 'bumps' on the roadway are needed in that great a number, past the sharp LH turn.

Yes, I can see the need for some coming down the hill, southbound, as I mentioned...I just think the remainder are a bit much...You've got to admit that traveling through E.R. these days will rattle your fillings, whether you have good shocks or bad...:o

David K - 4-27-2006 at 07:36 AM

10-4 ;)

Bruce R Leech - 4-27-2006 at 07:55 AM

they want everyone to be so busy looking for topes that cant see the trash along the highway or any of the people trying to do business.

Bajaboy - 4-27-2006 at 08:24 AM


I know that the contractor was asked to install at the bottom of the hill but also in front of the schools. I'm guessing the contractor might have gotten a bit carried away.

The topes don't seem to slow the locals down much.


Bajame - 4-27-2006 at 08:36 AM

Also along the highway going by San Ingnacio, One marked, another one is too but has been taken out and the other one is not marked!

Baja&Back - 4-29-2006 at 10:18 AM

Another place that drives me nuts every time I drive it is about KM 70, between El Cien and La Paz, in the middle of nowhere. There is a half mile of rumble strips on a grade in an arroyo, which is not at all steep enough to warrant warnings, like Devils Grade. There is no logical reason I can see for them. There was a gravel pit on the hill 35 years ago when the hiway was built, but the 5 MPH rumble strips are still being maintained.
Anyone have a clue??? :?::?::?::?: