I know with an FM3, one is allowed (I believe) 6 months to bring household items to their new home....
I also seem to remember reading SOMEthing about what paperwork is required and the details, process, etc.
Problem is I cannot remember WHERE I read it... I think it was on BajaNomad, but I can't seem to find it.
Getting ready to move some household items
djhvilladelfin - 5-9-2006 at 11:34 PM
I have a pdf file from AAA logistics dba Import/Export international that lists all the info but I can't post it because I don't know how. I can email
you a copy. Post your email or u2u me with it.Bob and Susan - 5-10-2006 at 05:31 AM
This is the easiest explanition i've seen....djh - 5-10-2006 at 07:29 AM
Thanks for the link (I found that previously also) and the pdf file.
The details I'm not sure of, I guess, is the submitting the Menaje de Casa to the "Mexican Consulate to which you must submit it for approval" . . .
(according to the rollybrook web site) part... I'm assuming that you don't simply develop your list (as outlined) and then show it at the border
along with your FM3 ? ?
Anyone done this recently?
Maybe the pdf file gives more detail... I'll check it out when you Email me, Villadelfin, thanks!
djhSalsa - 5-10-2006 at 08:42 AM
Do your homework, but just remember,
The rules will change as you approach the Mexican border.
It took us 4 days to get through the border.
Doncathart - 5-10-2006 at 03:56 PM
Don, why did it take you 4 days to get through the border???Bruce R Leech - 5-10-2006 at 05:09 PM
Originally posted by cathart
Don, why did it take you 4 days to get through the border???
it is Mexico so it will be different for every one that crosses. and it will change daily
djh - 5-10-2006 at 08:50 PM
So my question (above) about :
"submitting the Menaje de Casa to the "Mexican Consulate to which you must submit it for approval" . . . (according to the rollybrook web site)
part... I'm assuming that you don't simply develop your list (as outlined) and then show it at the border along with your FM3 ? ?"
Do you have any specific info about that? Do I / can I mail or fax it to a Mex. Consulate (Seattle is the closest to me at 300 miles...), or do I
TAKE it to a Consulate when driving south... Or do I simply write up my Menaje de Casa and take it to the boarder?
djhSubastador - 5-11-2006 at 02:39 PM
djh, I suggest you do a "search" on this board by going to the upper left hand corner and clicking on Search. Put in the key words "menaje de casa".
Below is just one of the threads which comes up. It details my harrowing experience at the border with my Menaje de Casa, which by the way, is a one
time exemption from duty allowing you to bring in furniture etc. with an FM-3. The literal translation is "Stuff for the house".
Hmmmmmmmmmm...... thanks a LOT ! I think I'll just burn all my belongings
stateside and live out of a shopping cart in Loreto.... At least I have a place (my property) to park it...
or.... hmmmm yeah, that's it.... my wife, Shing, is now the official "head of the family"... when she gets her FM3 (this June trip), SHE can handle
the details... She's younger, smarter, much nicer to look at, and has the patience and diplomacy that I seemed to have lost years ago....
(if you see me pushing my shopping cart, please don't run me over... I only LOOK crazy.... ok.... so maybe I ACT a little crazy too.... but I've never
been institutionalized.... well never for more than short periods....) Salsa - 5-12-2006 at 09:15 AM
Originally posted by cathart
Don, why did it take you 4 days to get through the border???
It would take a week to report the story.
In a nutshell.
Did the paperwork according to the Embassy
Took the stuff across.
Got turned back across the border for new paperwork and to have 1 truck move it across.
Power outage in TJ
Border crossing holiday
9 loadings and unloadings later we clear the second inspection.
I cause a 3 car accident in TJ
Mess up trailer hitch
Bandidos try to steal stuff from trailer while fixing hitch. I approach them with and ax in my hand. They leave.
4 days have passed
Have a nice day
Dondjh - 5-15-2006 at 03:19 PM
isn't there a song....
"Throw another log (piece of furniture) on the fire.... It won't fit in my shopping cart anyway...."