
Who Decides?

thebajarunner - 5-11-2006 at 01:55 PM

Doug, I am mystified as to the criteria that determines when and where some subjects get shuttled off to. (now that is a grammatical disaster of a sentence, sorry)
Anyway, yesterday I posted on "General" a fairly interesting item on the racist "La Migra" answering message from Texas, BAM, it was gone, finally found it in "Off-Topic", a site I seldom deign to peruse.
O.K., guess that works.
Then I browse through some of the stuff still remaining in "General" and can only scratch my head as to how that gets to stay, and mine has to go?!?!
Want examples? Just take a quick browse, you will know of which I speak.

BajaNomad - 5-11-2006 at 04:46 PM

Upon quick perusal, I'm actually not sure which examples in General Discussion are head scratchers for this. It was a "quick" perusal though.

Two quick notes:
A) Topics/threads should be Baja-related, as it's the General "Baja" Discussion. The thread in question was about a gaffe by Cingular in the U.S. having a non-PC ringtone available.
B) Threads get primary attention when they are reported by other users, as was the case here. It could be that there are other head-scratcher threads, but they haven't been pointed out through reports from users - at least not yet.

As this site gets busier and busier, it becomes more important that I make sure forum threads remain on-topic. I'm very appreciative of having you here participating, as well as your understanding of the situation I face.



thebajarunner - 5-11-2006 at 07:05 PM

Thanks Doug, not sure it totally clarifies, but no criticism intended.
(Try "Well, they're as pretty....." as to why my head scratches)
and by the by, I think my post was more interesting than that one.
just my humble, humble opinion...

Sharksbaja - 5-11-2006 at 08:34 PM

Hey wait a minit! Hooks hook hooked a hookery of hookers(not that type;lol:). Very informative and interesting!:lol:

Runner, don't feel bad, don't worry, the dark side will check it out.:o

thebajarunner - 5-11-2006 at 10:29 PM

Thanks Sharks,
actually the only thing that makes me feel bad is knowing that there is another Baja 500 coming up and I am not in it....
but, I shall beware of the dark side,
no doubt it lurks about
often in obscure and mystical threads that seem to survive the evil scrutineers...