
A Day Without An American

bajabound2005 - 5-13-2006 at 06:39 AM

A day without an American?
By Leonard Pitts
Published 2:15 am PDT Friday, May 12, 2006 (Sacramento Bee)

The following are translations of future letters to the editor of El Universal, a newspaper in Mexico City, Mexico. The date of publication: May 12, 2016.
Dear Editor: Yesterday's massive immigration rights rally in the capital should be a wake-up call for all Mexicans. I could not believe my eyes: 1 million American illegals marching in the streets to protest that bill in Congress to secure our northern border. We are being overrun by these people and it's our own fault: We should never have legalized drug possession back in 2006.

Ignacio Ramirez, Veracruz

Dear Editor: Yesterday while taking my daughter to school, we had to step over three Americans, nodding on the sidewalk. I asked them in plain Spanish to move, but they just gave me glassy-eyed stares and sat there drooling on themselves. If you want to solve our immigration problem, forget about amnesty, forget about hardening the border. Just remove the incentive. After all, they're only coming here for opportunity they can't find in their own country: the opportunity to do legal drugs.

Carmen Ruelas, Tijuana

Dear Editor: Is it too much to ask that they learn to speak the language?

Maria Rodriguez, Zacatecas

Dear Editor: I have nothing against Americans. Some of my best friends are American. So this is not about racism or nationalism. It's about the necessity for a sovereign nation to control its borders. Last night on the news, I saw hidden camera footage of hundreds of Americans swimming across the Rio Grande, carrying bongs and rolling papers in watertight bags. One Border Patrol agent told the reporter it's not worth it to catch them. They just keep coming back.

Jose Quesada, Acapulco

Dear Editor: Some people want to build a fence along the border. I say, build an "electric" fence. That would solve everything.

Jorge Cruz, Leon

Dear Editor: The current anti-immigration mood in our country is shortsighted and wrong. It troubles me that we as Mexicans have such a negative attitude toward people who come here simply because they want to start new lives. New lives doing drugs, but still ... .

People keep saying undocumented Americans are taking jobs from hardworking Mexicans. The truth is, the Americans take menial, demeaning work most Mexicans are unwilling to do. Do you want to make your own vanilla soy latte?

Ana Gomez, Guadalajara

Dear Editor: In 2006, I lived in a cardboard box in a mountainside. I supported myself by collecting rags and bottles. Ten years later, I own a palatial home, a getaway place on a beach in Acapulco and I'm closing this week on a spacious condo on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. I feel we should make it as easy as possible for the Americans to stay in our country. I believe in diversity. Diversity has been very, very good to me.

Esteban Morales, President U-Pick Marijuana Farms, Chihuahua

Dear Editor: I am an immigrant from the United States; I moved here legally in 2006, right after the law was passed. While I can understand the anger some native Mexicans feel at seeing so many Americans coming here, I hope that doesn't lead lawmakers to do anything that would destroy the one thing I've always cherished most about this country. By which I mean your live and let live spirit, your willingness to let a girl alone to enjoy her hobbies. That means a lot to me. Oh, and by the way, crack is wack.

Whitney Houston, Ensenada

About the writer:
Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of a Pulitzer Prize for commentary, is a columnist for the Miami Herald, 1 Herald Plaza, Miami, FL 33132; e-mail,; toll-free phone, (888) 251-4407. His column routinely appears in The Bee Friday and occasionally on other days. Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services.


SiReNiTa - 5-14-2006 at 11:04 AM

well as one thing..i say it's OK to let americans come here...but also have a look at how they treat mexicans that cross the border, most of them hard workers looking for better lives for their family...i mean how can americans complain about us being mad at them for inmigrating illegaly if the do everything possible so as not to let our fellow mexicans work in their country...i have nothing against americans, we have alot of very good friends but i have to admit it kind of makes me mad allt his inmigration thing...

TMW - 5-14-2006 at 11:10 AM

How do you feel about how the Mexicans treat the illegal latinos crossing Mexicos southern border.

bajabound2005 - 5-14-2006 at 11:13 AM

Not to mention, we can't work in your country...or get into your welfare system, heath care system, own land....and on and on and on.

comitan - 5-14-2006 at 01:09 PM

Bajabound 2005

You can own land in Mexico as long as its not in the coastal zone or near the border, You can also get into their Health Care System its called IMss and its very cheap.

Bruce R Leech - 5-14-2006 at 01:10 PM

and you can work

Bruce R Leech - 5-14-2006 at 01:13 PM

and every one that goes to the hospital here gets Government subsidized medical treatment at a way lower price than you could even dream of in the U.S.

WTH is an illegal American

Sharksbaja - 5-14-2006 at 01:22 PM

How ludicrous those letters are.:no:

What if......... bla bla bla

The Americans....bla bla bla

Bla bla bla

I for one think the power play exhibited on May 1st did more harm than good. I sure learned sumpin'! Mucho fallout!

Bruce R Leech - 5-14-2006 at 01:27 PM

I cleaned your toilet :lol::lol::lol:

Bruce R Leech - 5-14-2006 at 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
How ludicrous those letters are.:no:

What if......... bla bla bla

The Americans....bla bla bla

Bla bla bla

I for one think the power play exhibited on May 1st did more harm than good. I sure learned sumpin'! Mucho fallout!

that depends on who you are keeping score for.

for the Illegal criminals that are making all good Mexicans ashamed scored about -99 points for maneging to make everyone mad and now wanting to through them out of the U.S.

For people like you and me it was very good because they shot them selves in the foot so the gov. doesn't need to

bajabound2005 - 5-14-2006 at 06:35 PM

Originally posted by comitan
Bajabound 2005

You can own land in Mexico as long as its not in the coastal zone or near the border, You can also get into their Health Care System its called IMss and its very cheap.

If you enter the country legally.

bajabound2005 - 5-14-2006 at 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
and you can work

If you enter the country legally.

bajalou - 5-14-2006 at 06:46 PM

Originally posted by bajabound2005
Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
and you can work

If you enter the country legally.

You're joking arn't you bajabound2005?

There are thousands of Amer. and Canadians working in Baja without work permits. No I won't name them or turn them in.

bancoduo - 5-14-2006 at 07:57 PM

Originally posted by bajalou
Originally posted by bajabound2005
Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
and you can work

If you enter the country legally.

You're joking arn't you bajabound2005?

There are thousands of Amer. and Canadians working in Baja without work permits. No I won't name them or turn them in.
They are mostly in real estate. Scum balls no matter what side of the border they are on. NOW can I sell you a time-share?:lol::lol::lol::cool::cool::cool:

Illegal Laborers in Baja

MrBillM - 5-15-2006 at 07:09 PM

Name them, arrest them, Jail them, Deport them. Fine by me.

bajabound2005 - 5-15-2006 at 10:12 PM

Originally posted by bancoduo
Originally posted by bajalou
Originally posted by bajabound2005
Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
and you can work

If you enter the country legally.

You're joking arn't you bajabound2005?

There are thousands of Amer. and Canadians working in Baja without work permits. No I won't name them or turn them in.
They are mostly in real estate. Scum balls no matter what side of the border they are on. NOW can I sell you a time-share?:lol::lol::lol::cool::cool::cool:

Joking? you think the number of "illegals" in Mexico get even close to the number of "illegals" in the US. We think not! And we'd bet the consequences for being an illegal US citizen in Mexico are far different than being an illegal Mexican in the US. Look, we've got no problem with folks coming to the US, but it should be done legally!

Bruce R Leech - 5-16-2006 at 08:18 AM

Originally posted by bancoduo
Originally posted by bajalou
Originally posted by bajabound2005
Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
and you can work

If you enter the country legally.

You're joking arn't you bajabound2005?

There are thousands of Amer. and Canadians working in Baja without work permits. No I won't name them or turn them in.
They are mostly in real estate. Scum balls no matter what side of the border they are on. NOW can I sell you a time-share?:lol::lol::lol::cool::cool::cool:

bancoduo. can you say what you are trying to get at here?

this really makes no sense to me at all.

Packoderm - 5-16-2006 at 08:42 AM

Of the Americans and their families who sneak into Mexico - besides the sheer numbers: Where do they go and who pays for the bill when they get sick or hurt? How many babies are they having in Mexican Hospitals? Do they get food stamps for free food at taxpayer expense? What ratio are breaking Mexican criminal laws and being housed in expensive prisons? How many are getting free education at taxpayer expense? Section 8 housing? And on and on.

Probably the biggest problem I have with illegal immigrants is that I have to compete for a construction job with somebody who never reports his real wages to the government, so his family is eligible for government assistance, which is not available to me, which allows them to live more economically and thus allows him to work for lesser wages than I am able to.

bancoduo - 5-16-2006 at 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Packoderm
Of the Americans and their families who sneak into Mexico - besides the sheer numbers: Where do they go and who pays for the bill when they get sick or hurt? How many babies are they having in Mexican Hospitals? Do they get food stamps for free food at taxpayer expense? What ratio are breaking Mexican criminal laws and being housed in expensive prisons? How many are getting free education at taxpayer expense? Section 8 housing? And on and on.

Probably the biggest problem I have with illegal immigrants is that I have to compete for a construction job with somebody who never reports his real wages to the government, so his family is eligible for government assistance, which is not available to me, which allows them to live more economically and thus allows him to work for lesser wages than I am able to.
THAT SAID IT ALL!:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:


Baja Bernie - 5-16-2006 at 11:26 AM

I promised not to post my opinions on this subject--but you just hit a home run.