

Bob H - 6-3-2006 at 06:36 PM

Four questions
1. What is the worst time of year for the no-seeums to attack?
2. What is the worst place/areas of Baja where they appear the most?
3. What is the best product to use to combat them?
4. When do they go away?
Bob H
PS: I hate those little bugs!

Bruce R Leech - 6-3-2006 at 06:39 PM

good insect repellent and a mesquite fire burning is my remedy

elgatoloco - 6-3-2006 at 11:06 PM

1. The wife got bit on our honeymoon in October.;)

2. The worst time were we saw them was on our honeymoon at Requeson.

3. Since that we time we have used this product successfully in Baja , Costa Rica, Honduras, Hawaii, Florida, Alaska, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and a few other places.:P

4. They did not go away , so we did. :biggrin:

We have used Avon skin so soft for years.

Keri - 6-4-2006 at 06:54 AM

Best stuff ever. Get a small spray bottle and put half and half water and skin so soft , spray it on while in the shower. We used to keep a small covered jar of cotton balls soaked in skin so soft on the table when you needed a refresher you just took a ball out and rubbed it on again. Also great when guests come over and have no protection on themselves. Smells good, no icky feeling like Off and softens sun drenched dry skin.:yes::yes: PS Avon now has a bug repellent that is great also,k:spingrin:

comitan - 6-4-2006 at 07:19 AM

Its been our experience over the years that the only thing that works is 100% deet, some of the other suggestions are fine for mosquitos but not for no-seeums.

Frank - 6-4-2006 at 08:03 AM

Anybody have a close up picture of a No-seeum?

Bob and Susan - 6-4-2006 at 08:08 AM


Biting midges are called no-see-ums because they?re so tiny that it is hard to see ?um.
No-see-ums are less than ? of an inch long.

no see ums

mulege marv - 6-4-2006 at 08:15 AM

i have never seen one :lol::lol::lol:

Eli - 6-4-2006 at 10:19 AM

1. They are most likely to attack In the summer, mostly when it is humid, after a rain, no wind, dusk to dawn.

2. For me it was summer of 64 and summer 89, both times at Coyote Bay, South of Mulege.

3. A stand up fan direct on me, little buggers can?t fly in the wind, I guess.

4. When it cools off and the wind comes back, maybe mid Nov. on till the heat comes back/

P.S. Me too, Bob, I hate those little buggers.

[Edited on 6-5-2006 by Eli]

Bob and Susan - 6-4-2006 at 12:15 PM

did you know that mosquitos won't fly above 3 stories either...

Paula - 6-4-2006 at 12:21 PM

did you know that mosquitos won't fly above 3 stories either...

Bob and Susan, I think we'll just make our house taller... then we won't have to buy a fan!:biggrin:

Bob and Susan - 6-4-2006 at 12:27 PM


Frank - 6-4-2006 at 01:06 PM

While I was hunting for whale eggs, I was able to pin down a no-seeum. i got this close up of his teeth.

bajalera - 6-4-2006 at 01:29 PM

Shortly after the new highway was opened we got stalled for car repairs near El Coyote on Conception Bay, and while there I provided sustenance for several million jijenes.

We finally made it to La Paz and stayed at La Posada, where one day I mentioned how uncomfortable the bites [or are they stings?] were. Some young guy said, "Well I'm glad to hear that! I've been looking at you and thinking, How sad for a woman that age to have acne."

Phil S - 6-4-2006 at 03:33 PM

I just ordered some Crocodile roll on. I'll report on it after I return to Loreto this winter. They "eat us alive" there. Off is awful smelly. But works. But bad for my wifes skin. Fan does work for the no-seeum's.
Wendy got bite 58 times in one evening with no 'deet' couple years ago, before we heard about the fan.
Honery little critters!!!!! Can't see them for sure, until they open their mouths, and then you could run a steam engine in them. We spend time on our top deck (3rd story) looking at the Sea of Cortez, and those pesky critters come right up to see us there.

A-OK - 6-5-2006 at 09:44 AM

The Avon skin so soft works for us. I hate adding the toxins of all the other repelants to my skin.

A-OK - 6-5-2006 at 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Frank
Anybody have a close up picture of a No-seeum?

I ran out of film but was able to make a quick sketch.

[Edited on 6-5-2006 by A-OK]

comitan - 6-5-2006 at 10:02 AM

If you do get eaten alive there is a cream called Andantol at most Mexican Pharmacias, it releives the itch.

jerry - 6-5-2006 at 08:53 PM

in my yard in loreto i just spray with diasanon or bug be-gone the first morning after in and take off for the day i havent had any problems but my wife would get eaten up before i sprayed now shes a happy camper
i just spray everything flowers trees weeds and all the dirt
works for me

bajabound2005 - 6-7-2006 at 10:26 AM

after reading this thread we dumped our bottle of DEET into our bottle of Skin so Soft - so far so good! And the SOS cuts down on the smell of the DEET. Now if we could just degrease the SOS. But I half think the oil slick on the skin is what keeps the bugs from biting!