
San Pedro Martir Observatory

BajaVida - 6-21-2006 at 04:05 PM

thebajarunner and I are headed up there around July 4 (not sure of exactly when as we have no schedule)

we have never been there

any chance of getting them to let us take a peek?

I understand there is a campground in the park--anyone been there?

Bob H - 6-21-2006 at 04:31 PM

I've read alot about a big fire up there - very recent. Maybe someone can give us an idea what condition the area is in since the fire.
Bob H

TMW - 6-21-2006 at 06:07 PM

["any chance of getting them to let us take a peek?"]

Never hurts to ask.

Sharksbaja - 6-21-2006 at 06:14 PM

Like Bob said.
Since the area is isolated and not many roads you are apt to find firemen & equipment accessing the stubborn fire via the Observatory road. Suerte and have fun.

KurtG - 6-21-2006 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by BajaVida
thebajarunner and I are headed up there around July 4 (not sure of exactly when as we have no schedule)

we have never been there

any chance of getting them to let us take a peek?

I understand there is a campground in the park--anyone been there?

There are many places to camp near the observatory, my favorite is Vallecitos. Large meadow with granite rocks and pine trees. It is at about 8000 ft elevation. Last time I was there the sign said tours available on Saturday mornings. You have to walk the last 1000 ft. of elevation to the observatory, about a mile as I recall.

bajalou - 6-21-2006 at 07:31 PM

When we went up a little over a year ago., we parked in the parking lot (where it says not to drive beyone). Someone went in and to the right to the office wher it was lunch time but they said after lunch they would escort us on up and under no cercumstanes were we to walk up. In aboutg 45 min a fellow showed up with a Ford F150 p/u and loaded 13 of us in the bed and cab and took us up to the largest telescope giving us a tour of the inside of the building and letting us go on a catwalk about 30 in wide around the outside. Windy - Cold but great.

I'd suggest doing what we did - head down to the office and ask.

astrobaja - 6-24-2006 at 04:57 AM

My Wife and I did basically what BajaLou did, we arrived on a non tour day went to the administration building and asked if we could get a tour. Ask for Alberto Lopez (pretty sure that was his name) hes the observatory manager, he gave us a great tour of the 2.2 meter scope (the biggest). The view from he catwalk must be one of the best in Baja, on a clear unhazy day you can see Cortez in the east and the pacific to the west!
Heres a link to a live webcam from the catwalk

and also the clear sky clock for SPM which gives an indication of conditions there:

Heres a pic I took from the catwalk

have fun!!

Mike W

[Edited on 6-24-2006 by astrobaja]

thanks for the info all

BajaVida - 6-24-2006 at 05:34 AM

any nomads planning to be up there around the 4th of July?

TMW - 6-24-2006 at 07:42 AM

I'm taking a friend down to Baja over the long holiday weedend and we'll be around Mike's Sky Ranch, so we may head up there. We'll be in a 93 white Toyota pu.

thebajarunner - 6-24-2006 at 09:02 AM

TW (and others) We will be in North Baja all week starting July 1.
Look for a silver F-150 with a slick matching shell.
Probably has a Viva Baja sticker on the back (under the dust)
BV and I will be in and around the coastal areas South from Maneadero, at Rancho Santa Marta and then up to the observatory and over to Mikes.
Love to hook up with Nomads,
the cooler will be full, wave us down.

David K - 6-24-2006 at 10:58 AM

Astrobaja, thank you so much for the link to the live camera... Several years ago it went off line, and I didn't know it was back up (at a new URL). I had emailed with an astronomer who works up there back then...

It is a beautiful location and you were fortunate to have a fairly clear view. The first time I was there (1972) you could see forever! I have returned there more times since then

Here is the big observatory when I was last up there in 2000...

hey bajarunner

BajaVida - 6-24-2006 at 01:21 PM

should be bring those spare limited edition Baja Vida hats to give a away to Nomads upon presentation of two cold cervezas?

bajalou - 6-24-2006 at 02:27 PM

I'll probably be home if anyone comes to San Felipe

thebajarunner - 6-24-2006 at 03:26 PM

BV, hate to waste those collector item hats on riff-raff.
We probably should work up a formal interview to determine whether or not the recipients are worthy to be included in the "Baja Vida" tribe.
(of course when they figure out that Baja Vida translates to "low life" they may reconsider"

We shall bring a few and make determinations as we go...