

clevenhagenjs - 7-16-2006 at 07:46 PM

Might be helpful to know this agency and write their phone number on the back of your drivers license! When your pulled over by Tijuana Finest Police..once they view the back of your license and see "Sindictura Del Gobierno Municipal 664-683-4695" you will see a rather FUNNY and strange look on their face! They know your not going to give them any morbida's.
I am not saying if your doing something REALLY wrong, but on some trumped up charge it has gotten me off EVERYTIME. I even offer to take them in my car to the department so we can discuss with the staff their how they tried to bribe me.

[Edited on 7-17-2006 by clevenhagenjs]

Dave - 7-16-2006 at 08:25 PM

Originally posted by clevenhagenjs
once they view the back of your license and see "Sindictura Del Gobierno Municipal 664-683-4695" you will see a rather FUNNY and strange look on their face!

Yeah, right before they arrest you for the six kilos stashed in your trunk. ;D

Anyone who thinks this is the proper way to deal with the police is skating on thin ice.

Be warned.

Roberto - 7-16-2006 at 08:47 PM

Originally posted by clevenhagenjs
I am not saying if your doing something REALLY wrong, but on some trumped up charge it has gotten me off EVERYTIME.
[Edited on 7-17-2006 by clevenhagenjs]

Hell, just dealing with these guys in the correct manner has kept ME from trouble every time.:rolleyes:

Clue #1: Following the rules and regulations of a foreign country helps. Don't expect to waltz in, no espeako el lingo, do whatever you want, and think some tag is goint to help. Understand where you are going.

Clue #2: If you do something wrong - admit it, openly, and make it clear you are willing to take the consequences. IN THE LEGAL WAY. Don't expect to get off just because ...

[Edited on 7-17-2006 by Roberto]

It seems like an excellent way------

Barry A. - 7-16-2006 at 09:54 PM

-----to deal with the Police when they obviously are hassleing you and expect mordida. I have had the inscription on the back of my license for years, tho I have never had to use it.

In 50+ years I have NEVER paid a bribe, and I do not expect to start now. It is wrong--simple as that.

Excellent suggestion ClevenhagenJs!!!

Capt. George - 7-17-2006 at 02:21 AM

I keep a large and legible printed copy of the address and phone numbers of Sindictura, displayed, very obviously, on my dashboard.

I have received one speeding ticket in Catavina, well deserved, and professionally handled.

I have been stopped a few other times for "nonsense", they eyed the dashboard and shorentened the discussion..adios amigo!

Capt G

bajamigo - 7-17-2006 at 08:05 PM

Sounds like a great idea to me. Obviously, there's no such thing as a free pass if you've screwed up, but if the cop stop is bogus, at least he'll know you might be able to do something about it. But no matter what the circumstances, open the respect spigot full.

Any of you folks actually...

Dave - 7-17-2006 at 08:49 PM

made use of Sindicatura?

All I'm saying is that one day you'll run into a cop who'll resent your trying to trump his authority. You could quickly find yourself in a deep, dark hole.

The best response is to repetedly yet politely ask for a ticket (boleta de infraccion).


Barry A. - 7-17-2006 at 09:11 PM

----as Capt. George says above, he has used it with apparently good results.

Dave - 7-17-2006 at 09:39 PM

No, I meant actually followed through and filed a complaint.


As a gringo, you would be filing a criminal complaint in Mexico, in a Mexican court against a Mexican who wears a gun.

Think about that for a moment. ;D

[Edited on 7-18-2006 by Dave]

clevenhagenjs - 7-24-2006 at 01:57 PM

I know this agency because of a former landlord who is a director in the department and gave me the information. It does work and I have had to use this method many times. Another possible useful "Aid" in your defense. A lot of the people not using any defense are the poor saps I see stranded along side the road getting tripped up by the cops..good luck fools...Say "Adios" to your dinero!!!

[Edited on 7-24-2006 by clevenhagenjs]

[Edited on 7-24-2006 by clevenhagenjs]

[Edited on 7-24-2006 by clevenhagenjs]