Originally posted by Russ
Punta Chivato area is being swarmed my federal empoyees with forms that are very intimidating. The officials are very nice and patient. They have said
that all of Baja Sur is not in compliance with federal laws and it is just now processing this area. They, and the form letters, say that we needed to
apply for federal permits to clear (change) the land and also apply for federal contruction permits. and since we did not we are in violation of
federal laws and subject to fines, and worse The inspectors clamed that if we did not sign their inspection forms they would have to inform the police
that we refused to sign. Signing the forms aknowledges that we are the responsible party. I pointed out that the land was cleared prior to my
purchasing it and that when I buildt I went through an architect, contractor, Bank ( for the bank trust), permits and social security. No one said
anything about the federial permits. this is FYI but sure would like to hear some, serious, feed back. http://forums.bajanomad.com/images/smilies/wow.gif