
question about buying a vehicle in california to drive in baja

shari - 8-1-2006 at 07:56 PM

Can you wise ones tell me if I buy a truck in California, can I register it there to get tags? I'm Canadian living in baja but my canadian drivers license is expired, but I have a mexican license...can I use a friends address? I understand I can't import it as my citizenship hasn't come through yet. Any ideas about the best way to insure it? gracias amigos

comitan - 8-1-2006 at 08:21 PM


You don't have to be a Mexican citizen to import a vehicle.

Bruce R Leech - 8-1-2006 at 08:27 PM

why don't you buy one in Mexico and save your self a lot of trouble.

shari - 8-1-2006 at 08:45 PM

thanks for that comitan...that is a very good example of nomads knowing more than local mexicans on issues like these. Where would the best place be to import a truck..I've been looking alot here in baja but haven't found the perfect truck and on this forum I found an awesome suburban...exactly the one I wanted...soooo....I'd love any suggestions on how t make this work for me.

Al G - 8-1-2006 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by comitan

You don't have to be a Mexican citizen to import a vehicle.

Comitan, I think her problem is no "valid license"
Can a person take a straight "Bill of Sale" to the border and import the vehicle ?
Any other Ideals?
If she gave the money to a friend, they imported it and then sold it to her for 1 paso???????????????????;D

JZ - 8-1-2006 at 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Al G
Can a person take a straight "Bill of Sale" to the border and import the vehicle ?

I did exactly that a couple months ago. Never registered with the CA DMV or anything. Saved sales taxes.

On the mainland anyway, the vehicle must be '91-'96 and made or assembled in North America. A couple months back they had a special deal going to make the importation of cars simple, but that has ended now and you must use an import broker. That's the deal on the mainland anyway.

comitan - 8-2-2006 at 06:49 AM


Buy your vehicle, bring it to the border, after you go through take your vehicle to the area on the right hand side where the walk-ins exit that area has many Pharmacy's., and probably 20 different businesses that import cars. If I remember correctly all you need is a sales slip, Mexican drivers license and possibly your passport, also shop around for the best price. You will have to leave your vehicle with them for 5-7 working days, because it has to go into a impound area on the US side for US customs to check if its not stolen. So its best to have someplace to stay while this is taking place. I just went through this about 3 months ago so I don't think anything has changed.

Bruce R Leech - 8-2-2006 at 07:03 AM

comitan wich border crosing are you talking about

comitan - 8-2-2006 at 10:01 AM



JZ - 8-2-2006 at 10:10 AM

I was able to do mine in Guaymas in Sonora. Took about 2-3hrs. That was because they had a special program to legalize illegal US based cars in Mexico. Apparently, they do that periodically around election time. But now you must import it through a broker.

[Edited on 8-2-2006 by JZ]

comitan - 8-2-2006 at 10:17 AM


The actually had the same type of program going when I imported my van, but it was only for Pickups certain years.

JZ - 8-2-2006 at 10:21 AM

I've always understood it to be North America made or assembled vehicles 10 to 15 years old ('91 to '96 now).

What make and year did you import. My fee was about $300.

comitan - 8-2-2006 at 10:35 AM

99 chevy astro, $820.00

bajalou - 8-2-2006 at 11:45 AM

Think it has been 5-10 then they extended it to 5-15.