
Seeking some weather/travel advice

msrla - 8-9-2006 at 10:38 AM

Hi everyone,

It almost seems ridiculous to have to think about this right now, but my little one is starting Kindergarten in a few weeks, and our travel plans will no longer be as flexible as they were :( We just got her school 2007 calendar so I need to prepare.......

I need to figure out our La Paz 2007 trip. Spring break for us will be the week of April 16th. Last day of school is June 20th. SO, go to La Paz April or June.....

We usually go in April -- the first year or two, weather was great. Next two years, weather was cooler, with water being on the cool side. Finally, last year, we went the second week in May, and weather and water were awesome-- perfect.

So my question is, if we wait till the end of June, what do you think we can expect as far as weather -- still warmer days and cool nights, or blistering days and not-cool nights? I know none of us are fortune tellers (well no one I know of, that is, :lol: ) but any advice from the knowledgable amigos on this board is always very much appreciated! We'd have more time in June, but if weather is too hot I'll need to think about it........ THANK U!


capitolkat - 8-9-2006 at 11:03 AM

go to

and put La Paz in and you can get a history of weather there for any day over a period of years or for a month etc. That will give you an idea of what the weather has been like for any period over an extended number of years.

[Edited on 8-9-2006 by capitolkat]

Shimmer - 8-9-2006 at 12:56 PM

The weather in June has the possibility of being cooler because of the morning fogs...... in my , Todos Santos, area...... LaPaz however remains hotter, as the Sea of Cortez begins to warm. I feel your best bet would be end of June....... shouldn't be too hot yet and the water temperature should be great.

jerry - 8-9-2006 at 09:35 PM

my opinionis if you want to fish chose yellowtail in april dodos sail and marlin in june june can gett a little warm but then who wants to go to a place just like home ??
every places has its + and - you just need to be there to experences them its not the right time for anything unless your there when it happens
P S the sea is toatal different then the pacific coast i have never seen fog on the sea of cortez

AmoPescar - 8-10-2006 at 12:02 AM

If you check the WEATHERUNDERGROUND website that Capitalkat recommended, I think you?ll see that the average June Temps. in Lapaz
are very warm. I?ve been to Los Barriles (which is a bit further south) in
June, and it was very warm there too.

The website is easy to use and has lots of good information. You can do
a history search by year, month and date and see daily information, or a
calendar with temps., etc. for the whole month.

Here?s the link with info. for June 15 and month?.

Happy Travels, Miguelamo :D

wilderone - 8-10-2006 at 09:25 AM

Just take your child out of school whenever you want to go. Travel is an education; the time spent together priceless. You can bring school work with you, and at that age, a few days of missing class time won't make a difference.

msrla - 8-10-2006 at 11:21 AM

Well thanks everyone for replying!

I must say I like Wilderone's idea and I am in total agreement, travel is one of the best educations and we've instilled this learning in her daughter since she was a baby -- and will continue to do so. I will have to see how it goes --

Don't know about the rest of the world, but here in Los Angeles, they are now teaching what most of us know as a first grade curriculum in kindergarten now--so we'll have to play it by ear and see if we can pull her out without her missing anything crucial!

capn.sharky - 8-10-2006 at 02:24 PM

Fog on the Sea of Cortez? I have seen it so thick in Loreto that you can't see the front of your boat. Rare, indeed, but, it does happen sometimes. Usually clears up and hour or so after the sun comes up. And, no its not from a hangover.

jerry - 8-10-2006 at 08:11 PM

hea captain sharky what time of year you seeing fog??

Roberto - 8-10-2006 at 10:02 PM

Originally posted by msrla
Hi everyone,

It almost seems ridiculous to have to think about this right now, but my little one is starting Kindergarten in a few weeks, and our travel plans will no longer be as flexible as they were :(

Just wait until he/she has an opinion about where to go! :lol::lol::lol:

thebajarunner - 8-10-2006 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by jerry
hea captain sharky what time of year you seeing fog??

About 30 minutes after c-cktail time???

msrla - 8-11-2006 at 09:37 AM


Roberto, Just wait???? She already does! I have to catch myself sometimes telling people "She is only five! Stop allowing her to order you around!" Though luckily, she has been Baja bound since she was a baby, and her heart definately lies there! :yes: