
Fullsuits in August

woody with a view - 8-9-2006 at 05:19 PM

Bia and I left the house a little late last Thursday morning and hit the border about 6am. After the red tape was cut we were on our way to our first stop at the fish market in Ensenada. Shrimp, halibut, and 5 pismos for bait (okay, I ate 2 of them cuz the fishing sucked).

Lunch was at ?La Mijita? in El Rosario where we checked in with our friend Elsa who runs the place. She had 4 new jars of Caracoles to sell for her mom out at Spot X. I told her we?d take two on our way north and to say ?hi? to Senora Mercedes. I forgot to mention the fruteria guy at the gas station selling fresh fruit 2-5 days a week, depending on traffic! $4 u.s. for a bag of fresh mango, pina, coco, papaya, melon, jicama, etc?made to order!!! We hit him up going down and coming up.

woody with a view - 8-9-2006 at 05:20 PM

Bia was amazed at the scenery in the Valley of the Cirios. Red barrels, cirios, cardons, etc?when we finally made our right turn I was full of excitement about the surf, while she was dreading the dust! She?s a big city girl, originally from Lima, Peru but having grown up in Chicago, IL she had Never, Ever camped out-especially somewhere like Baja-where what you bring is what you got! The halibut with wild rice and seaweed salad was SMOKIN!!! Life is good, it?s the little things that make it that way, no?

woody with a view - 8-9-2006 at 05:21 PM

X.5 hours later we could smell the ocean breeze and I could sense relief from my passenger. Soon camp was set up and we settled in to our routine. Eat, sleep, surf, explore. Lack of showers was offset by 10 gallons of water to take ?bird baths? every day.

woody with a view - 8-9-2006 at 05:22 PM

We met a couple of cool people. ME from nomads, and Gary and Dolores from Dana Point. Surf was epic, until 10 am when the wind raged every day. 3-4 feet overhead on the bombs but best of all only 1-5 surfers at a time.

woody with a view - 8-9-2006 at 05:28 PM

The drive home was uneventful. We stopped at the ?La Paloma? in Santo Tomas for dinner. The chicken mole? is as good as it gets! The border SUCKED. We were sent to Otay and waited +/- 2 hours. Anyway, I got to recharge after 4 months in hell, I mean Yuma.

Even though the water had turned over with the wind (I'm talking frozen toes in the morning-mid 50's) it was still 4 days in Baja, i.e. RELAXATION!

[Edited on 8-10-2006 by woody in ob]

[Edited on 8-10-2006 by woody in ob]

bajawife - 8-9-2006 at 06:03 PM

:?: Is that Gary from Killer Dana Surf Shop in Dana Point?

Mexitron - 8-9-2006 at 06:23 PM

Oh man, you're killin' me Woody...looks good, especially for summertime! Where was the swell from?

Taco de Baja - 8-10-2006 at 07:34 AM

Sound like a good trip....except for the water...brrrr.

I will be down around the 7 Sisters on the 19 through the 28 and am praying for warmer water than what you had. You can never tell down there, one day it'll be 60, the next 65, and the next 69-70....

Thanks for sharing

surfer jim - 8-10-2006 at 12:20 PM

looks like san carlos to me......:lol:

Tomas Tierra - 8-10-2006 at 12:40 PM

Why do you say that SJ?? is it the surface of mars camping conditions or the long mushy walls:light:

surfer jim - 8-10-2006 at 03:54 PM

neither....COLD water.....WIND.....DUST.....did I mention WIND !!....:rolleyes:

woody with a view - 8-10-2006 at 04:01 PM


Is that Gary from Killer Dana Surf Shop in Dana Point?

tell him i've got some fotos of him, to email me!!!

t'was full on southern hemi groundswell from a storm near new zealand. perfect angle for this place-and others, i imagine. alot of water moving around out there.

when i got home my son told me it had been blown out everyday we were gone. so i think there was just wind along the entire coast. the boys said they were trunking it 3 days before and that it was glassy all day for 2 weeks. doesn't sound like carlitos to me!!!

[Edited on 8-10-2006 by woody in ob]

[Edited on 8-10-2006 by woody in ob]

BajaGeoff - 8-15-2006 at 10:21 AM

Looks like you guys scored some pretty good surf! Cold water can be bearable though when you have a head-high peeling right point only 5 people out!

ME - 8-15-2006 at 05:37 PM

Woody it was good to meet you and Bia. you guys had a clean camp, did not know it was Bia's first time camping in Baja, you must of talked some serious smack to get her there....what a charger!! glad you got some surf. Just slurping up the last of the corona:( in the ice chest and reading your report, sounds like you and Bia had a great time, I appreciate your discretion..... next time you see me the drinks are on me SALAUD

woody with a view - 8-15-2006 at 06:25 PM


you must of talked some serious smack to get her there

kept saying, "it's over THAT hill." good for me there were LOTS of hills.


I appreciate your discretion..... next time you see me the drinks are on me SALAUD

yeah, we'll cook and you bring the suds!!!:cool:

chickensoup - 9-5-2006 at 09:52 AM

Did Gary cry about the enviroment? Waaaaahhh! Waaaahhhh!

And yeah...I'm talking about Gary from Killer Dana.

Totally ill-informed and unrealistic about the world around him. Scary.

[Edited on 9-5-2006 by chickensoup]

marv sherrill - 9-15-2006 at 07:57 PM

Sorry about the late reply - yes that is Gary from Killer Dana - one of the most devoted Baja supporters on this board, but unfortunately does not post - his environmental ethic involves remove your trash - keep it cleaner than you found it, respect your fellow campers and the local culture, take pictures and leave only footprints. If this offends you, perhaps you should not go to Baja anymore. Don't dis people you don't know. If eveyone had Gary's environmental ethic, Baja would be just that more pleasureable to visit. The question is " Who is ill-informed about the environment. " I think it is you...

DENNIS - 9-15-2006 at 10:19 PM

I wish Gary was my neighbor instead of the a-hole who keeps throwing his beer cans all over the road.

Taco de Baja - 9-16-2006 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by marv sherrill
Gary from Killer Dana - one of the most devoted Baja supporters on this board, his environmental ethic involves remove your trash - keep it cleaner than you found it, respect your fellow campers and the local culture, If this offends you, perhaps you should not go to Baja anymore.

Don't dis people you don't know. If eveyone had Gary's environmental ethic, Baja would be just that more pleasureable to visit. The question is " Who is ill-informed about the environment. " I think it is you...

Unfortunately I find that sometimes the local culture involves leaving a trashy camp, I prefer NOT to respect that. Many a time I have pulled up to a camping location and found a fire ring stuffed with 1/2 burned cans, broken bottles and other trash, also TP blowing in the wind and stuck to the bushes.

I generally try to collect it all and bag it up b/c I too want a clean camp. Of course, it could be gringos, but based on the fact that most cans and other product remains in the fire and vicinity are Mexican products with cans that have been opened "cowboy" style with a knife not a can opener, I suspect not.

chickensoup - 9-16-2006 at 11:47 AM

Sorry about the post, if it has offended anyone. I DO know Gary. And yes...Gary is clueless when it comes to the world around him. Raking your tracks behind your 1 ton truck is really enviromentally friendly. I have been going to Baja as long as Gary has and have seen it change as much as anyone has. Just like we all have. I love Baja. I keep it clean. I remove my trash. I try my hardest to keep it something special. Something that everyone can enjoy.

If Gary and people who talk the talk of Gary really cared about Baja...they would stay the hell out!!! You can't have your cake and eat it too.

This is not a Gary bashing post. It is not an attack on him, but just his opinions (which many people have) on the enviroment.

Move to the 3rd world for a few years. Then come to Baja. The opinion will change completely. Baja is not just some playground for us monkeys from SoCal!!!

[Edited on 9-16-2006 by chickensoup]

marv sherrill - 9-16-2006 at 06:04 PM

Sorry chicken soup, your opinion just doesn't fly. I've known Gary for over 20 years and have been to Baja with him many times. He epitomizes the true baja afficionado. If he cares too much for the environment in your mind, then perhaps it is your opinion that is flawed. He loves the people, the culture, and the opportunity Baja gives all of us to escape the rigors of a 9-5 job. Live and let live, enjoy the little time we have to visit, and bring back favorable memories. If anyone is clueless about the environment around him, it seems to be you. Why such negativity towards someone who obviously has only positive things to say about this enchanted pennisula? Everyone has their "secrete spots" that they would like to keep "secrete," opinions about development, and the Mexican Government, but there is nothing wrong in hoping that changes will be positive and doing what you can to achieve that goal.

woody with a view - 9-16-2006 at 07:54 PM

if this is the gary & DOLORES that i met, they were first class people. very open towards us when we were hiking south towards their camp (gary called to us to come by and have a look at the fotos dolores took of us that morning). after 10-15 minutes of small talk as they broke camp we continued south on our way and waved a final goodbye as the headed home some time later.

granted, it's hard to tell a lot about a person by a 15 minute conversation but i have only good words for these people. they kept to themselves for the most part, but after gary told me "thanks" for the wave of his day we were fast friends. what was i gonna do? drop in on the only other guy in the water, or let him crank that backside bottom turn and TRY to make it around the corner as i hooted my approval!:cool:

plus, i had my pick of the rest of the set. easy choice;D.

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marv sherrill - 9-17-2006 at 07:32 PM

Thanks Woody you've got it right (wright)...