
San Quintin panga rental prices?

pangamadness - 8-14-2006 at 10:13 PM

Anyone know how much a panga costs to rent in San Quintin?

pascuale - 8-16-2006 at 12:33 PM

Pedros is 175 and up

Tiburons is about the same but if its slow you might get a better deal.

what I have noticed however, is that when targeting tuna, dorado, and yellows, those guys usually dont do as well and seem to be better rockfish captains. Im not saying that for every situation because it can be wide open at the 15 spot and anyone with a bait or iron will get bit. I have found that when fishing with kelly catain, we kill ALOT of fish, his boats are top of the line, and it costs twice as much. He uses grady whites and custom boats which are fish klilling machines. K & M sportfishing.

Roberto - 8-16-2006 at 07:08 PM

Fish "killing" (I wish you would find another term - like catching) is due to the abilities of the fisherman (in this case the guide, or captain) and VERY rarely the boat.

Ateo - 12-29-2012 at 08:51 AM

Anyone have any friends (Pangeros) they could send me to for a tour of the bay? No fishing, just a cruise.

durrelllrobert - 12-29-2012 at 10:27 AM

From the launch ramp to the point where the ocean and bay waters meet is about a hour ride. From that point out to the island is another 1 to 3 hour ride depending on the sea state. Last time we went there were 3-4 foot breakers and it took 3 hours to get there (on one of Pedro's pangas). Fish cleaning/ fileting is also $1/fish

David K - 12-29-2012 at 11:04 AM

Ateo, wow you bumped up a 2006 thread!

san quintin & rock fish

captkw - 12-29-2012 at 11:06 AM

Hola,,from what Ive gatherd over the years is that that area has cold water upwelling and thats the reason,Tuna,dodo,wahoo are not found much unless you want to run way out....the water is cold enough to support Ling cod and dungeness crab..think Calito linda aka the crab plate place...thats my understanding...K&T...DK,,I saw that too !!

[Edited on 12-29-2012 by captkw]