cathart - 8-17-2006 at 11:47 PM
I now live just south of Rosarito full time. We have a friend down here who just suffered a heart attack, and it made me think.... What would I do if
that happened to me or my husband in the middle of the night. I hate driving at night, I have night blindness, so it would be very difficult for me to
drive him to a hospital in San Diego. I know there is a company called SkyMed who will airvac you out, but only if you're 200 miles from your home,
which for us, I guess would be considered San Diego, since that's our mailing address. Can anyone recommend any other services I can check out.
Debra - 8-18-2006 at 03:06 AM
Use the Search function here, there was some really good information here a while back to answer you questions.
bajabound2005 - 8-18-2006 at 09:47 AM
Here's one of the threads:
and this is the link to folks that can help:
This one is best for us that are closer to the border..
Keri - 8-18-2006 at 10:34 AM
they will send an ambulance for you and get you out quickly.,k
[Edited on 8-18-2006 by Keri]
villadelfin - 8-18-2006 at 11:16 AM
Congratulations on your decision to live in Baja full time.
BajaGeoff - 8-18-2006 at 11:27 AM
AeroMedical is also a good place to check out for similar services.
baja829 - 8-18-2006 at 02:33 PM
You can also check with a local Dr. (ask around for a good one who speaks English AND HAS AN AMBULANCE). He can treat you initially and make
arrangements with your US provider to take over at the border. Many Doctors in Northern Baja have good relations and arrangements with US providers.
Our even files emergency claims for us -- as long as it's an emergency services in Mexico are covered. We've lived here full time 6 years and this
works just great for us.
kellychapman - 9-19-2006 at 03:52 PM
Cathart.....I work for MASA.....medical air service association......and also live in Loreto full time...well almost full time. If you want to know
more just let me know because I understand (from experience) how horrible it is to be in a situation where emergency care is needed, as I have my 82
year old mother with me. Driving at night here even with good vision is still a horrible experience....
Cypress - 9-19-2006 at 04:03 PM
Odd timing on this post! Had to have a physical today for insurance purposes. All went well untill they tried to draw blood. Was poked and punctured
in all the right places, bend in elbow. even on the back of the hand. Nothing! Also, the EKG didn't pan out! Gonna try again tomorrow. At least I
could pee in the cup!
kellychapman - 9-19-2006 at 04:41 PM need to drink that square bottle that is full of electrolites like I have to drink every day during the "hot"
season....electrolift.....and praise god you could pee.....things will get better....I also just had an IV full of the stuff right in the comforts of
my Palapa for 12 hours.....isn't it wonderful to have such wonderful care!!!! Now as far as MASA......if you have a pre-existing illness....we need 90
days for you to be covered.....I hope you get well.....or if it is that serious let me know....get your membership and if your really in "emergency"
care need we can come and get you.......we do not require a physical or anything...but you do have to need medical EMERGENCY CARE :noNOW in order for
us to come get you......
kellychapman - 9-19-2006 at 08:46 PM
I meant no harm Larry.......I was offering some help is all.
I have a great knowledge about medical care and was trying to make him feel less stressted. Your rude response was unkind and was not your
Cypress - 9-20-2006 at 04:42 AM
Glad they didn't test my brain functions. Did somebody say "peeing match"?
Where are the cups?
Timbercrete - 9-20-2006 at 05:56 AM
wow. some people need to light'n up. It was only a joke. I got a chuckle out it. 

FARASHA - 9-20-2006 at 06:31 AM
Just an idea - I think the response was a misunderstanding on behalf of
kellychapman - she/he took Larry's post (originally directed to Cypress) as an response to HIS/HER posting, could that be?
And it seems that Kellychapman is distressed at the moment, regarding her/his post. And misread the whole thing.
FARASHA - 9-20-2006 at 07:24 AM
Cypress - my imagination is running in high gear now -
, you really
could do with a CUP only?? 

just to lighten up this thread .
FARASHA - 9-20-2006 at 07:39 AM
Hey Larry:
oh my oh my,where is this going to lead now 
BTW - Hummer thread waits 4 reply.
Bajalero - 9-20-2006 at 09:01 AM
Kelly , don't let anyone on this board deter you from being a part of it. A large portion of the inhabitants here I believe are fairly ancient or
perhaps geriatric at best- just look at the "mug shot" thread .
I would think
that most here would have appreciation for the type of info you possess and the services that your company offers. Plus , you don't necessarily have
to be old to need emergency transport out of baja.
Seems like almost every newbie has to pass some sort of muster or run the gauntlet with someone that feels they have the tenure here to put them
through a test, a test of will and ego and knowitallness usually, and certainly not of wit. A once great Nomad coined the term coup groupers
- refering to their clique- and it really does have its application but it is to be ignored for the most part .
kellychapman - 9-20-2006 at 09:01 AM
Please.....I take it all back if I have offened or been offended. I love starting all over...I genuinly apologize for the errors of my ways.
However...let me say that I am not making a fool of myself for trying to offer a service to some-one who replied to my response....
I would bet a great sum of money that the "guy has who has no blood" would bleed if he were properly stuck. I was being light hearted when I stated
that some fluid intake would be of some service for him for todays stab at it. I am sincere when I say I hope all goes well and your going to be
I am quick with my temper (just ask my last 5 husbands) and slow with my brain.....I apologize.....May you all have a great day.
kellychapman - 9-20-2006 at 09:51 AM
omg.......sometimes I get ahead and make quite the fool of myself. I certainly am glad god watches over "drunks & fools" as that way I am
covered on any given day. Please except my apologies for offending anyone....when I reallly should not been offened at all....
Have a great day and I will stay out of business that is not
Cypress - 9-20-2006 at 10:34 AM
Waiting on the nurse right now. My bladder is busting! 
She better hurry. Now, if only we can find some blood.
Cypress - 9-20-2006 at 11:39 AM
Glad ya'll made up and are now buddies!
Still waiting on the nurse.
toneart - 9-20-2006 at 11:44 AM
Farasha has correctly analyzed how this string took a wrong turn. My take: it is due to a misreading, acute sensitivity and cryptic humor.
It distresses me to see conversations negatively escalate. Most nomads, whether Seniors or newbies, have the best of intentions and are there for you
when needed. There are some, however, whose intentions seem to be malevolent. They are toxic and to be avoided. The best way to handle them is to
ignore them. They hate that, and will continue to try and draw you in. That is not the case in this particular string.
It seems that you have all done an admirable job of diffusing the situation.
And attempt at humor.....and it may be true:
Because I have read through this entire string and then composed this reply, my bladder is bursting. In my haste to get to the bathroom, I stood up
too fast and now I need at least a cup of blood returned to my head.
Kelly.....I can't represent all Nomads because I am just a step above a newbie on the Nomad foodchain. But, speaking for my lowly self.......Welcome!
Larry.....Keep the humor coming...Now that I have evolved from the embrionic newbie pod.....I get it!
Cypress - 9-20-2006 at 02:51 PM
You've pretty much nailed it!
. I'm happy.
Managed to get a vial+ of blood and the EKG indicated that my heart was
actually beating.
Regarding insurance. You're betting against yourself. Your
putting your money on the worst possible scenerio and the company is betting that it won't happen.

bajalou - 9-20-2006 at 02:59 PM
My experience and judgment is that I could be driven to the border by car or ambulance in much less time than getting a air-evac out of San Felipe.
My friends who have been aired out took 4-6 hrs to get a plane in and ready to leave. 2 1/2 hrs by land.
Cypress - 9-20-2006 at 03:41 PM
Cryptic? Android brains?
Are ya'll trying to scare future nomads?
If I hadn't already pee'd in the cup, after this, my peeer would probably shut
FARASHA - 9-20-2006 at 11:38 PM
Glad to see things have been sorted!!!!!
Sorry Cypress that you waited for the nurse - was OFF Duty, my working hours are 8 hours ahead of Baja time.
Yeah, I know kellychapman how it feels like - jumping to conclusions when distressed can happen, also misreadings.
Thats why I didn't shut up. It was so obvious to me.
A nurses habit - can't have it, if people get mad over nothing.
And situation is getting uncomfortable.
I'm always trying to be of help, if people get stuck then.
Thats what I do all day long here too.
Interesting kellychapman that you work in the same kind of business as I do!!!!! I'm interested to learn more about your job there !!
It'd be nice.......
Hook - 9-21-2006 at 08:44 AM
.....if this thread got back on track. It's an important subject.
Nice try, Lou. Your point is very interesting. Does it take air medvacs so long due to customs constraints in both directions?
How would an ambulance get around the long lines at the border?
I can answer the one about the ambulances
Keri - 9-21-2006 at 09:52 AM
. I just had to follow my mother in an ambulance in to the hospital in Chula Vista. They come in from the side gate on the incoming side that usually
is letting people back in to the lines going back to the states. Then they open a lane for them. Then you wait in secondary for a Chula Vista
ambulance to make a switch and take you on into the states. They have it all worked out and it all happens quite smoothly. k
kellychapman - 9-21-2006 at 07:45 PM
Thank you so much for your kind words.....I have to admit I felt a bit embarrassed for jumping the gun and getting ahead of myself. I will work my
way up from a "Newbie" and not allow my ego to keep me from taking part in issues on this board. I have to admit this is a first for me as I usually
do not take part in posting least on this usually get myself in trouble for opening my big are so correct
that one does not have to be elderly to need medical care in a hurry as I can count several accidents that have occured here in Loreto for realitively
young people that have needed emergency medical care. thanks for making me feel less a fool for causing a disruptunce that was a
misunderstanding on my part. Have a great day.....
I feel so much better
FARASHA - 9-22-2006 at 01:10 AM
KELLY - DOES MASA work together with DAN?? Asking specifically for divers who have DAN Insurance!
kellychapman - 9-22-2006 at 06:12 AM
Farsha, call me stupied for being not being able to answer your question and know what I am talking about....I do not know who DAN is as I am new to
this business.....however, I can tell you that we cover ambulance service to and from the hospital to the airport.....all expenses....that also
includes release from the hospital and ambulance back to the airport to get home again.....of course if you use a Baja address we will get you back
here....I would love to know who or what DAN is as of course we would work with anyone who is an ambulance to get you to the airport....Maybe I need
some more coffee and wake up and do some research on your question....
Have a great day!!!!
FARASHA - 9-22-2006 at 08:24 AM
DAN stands for Dive Alert Network, a NON profit organisation who's members are insured, and are helping out when getting ill ( Not just diverelated
accidents) while diving abroad. Get them Medical assistance, Airevac if needed, etc.....
They do lots of research in the field of DIVING - and Medical issues.
You can get infos on
kellychapman - 9-22-2006 at 08:57 AM
muchas gracias...I will check it out....I need all the help I can get to interact these companies if necessary in order to get immediate care and any
company that works together.....but most importantly make sure the accident or ill person does not have to pay anything out of pocket or rob a bank to
pay the bill.....your so kind....