
Where in Ensenada is the Imigration office?

Bajame - 8-20-2006 at 06:21 PM

Can someone Give me directions to IM office as I will be pulling a small trailer and choose not to go through Rosarito area. Thanks for any help! PS, Does Tecate have a IM office? That would be eaiser. Thanks again.

David K - 8-20-2006 at 06:26 PM

It is on the right on the street that serves the dock area, first signal in Ensenada proper... a big migra sign looking like a police man's head... However, as many have reported here... Ensenada no longer issues FM-Ts for land travelers, and in fact will charge you a penalty for not getting one at the border (Tijuana or Tecate both have INM offices just inside the border).

Bajame - 8-20-2006 at 06:52 PM

Wow Thanks! Glad I checked!:O

fishbuck - 8-31-2006 at 12:52 AM

I thought Ensenada was inside the Tourist zone not requiring the FM-T?

BajaNomad - 8-31-2006 at 12:53 AM

Originally posted by fishbuck
I thought Ensenada was inside the Tourist zone not requiring the FM-T?
That doesn't mean they're not heading further south.


fishbuck - 8-31-2006 at 01:52 AM

Why would it be a penalty to get the FM-T in Ensenada? I've always thought of getting it there and can't find the office or parking so I just keep going.
No problem so far.

David K - 8-31-2006 at 08:12 AM

It shouldn't be fishbuck, but that officer is making his own rules, it seems!

There is (so far) no check for tourist cards in the state of Baja California. The only place is at the border inside Baja California Sur (Eagle Monument) where they ask to see them.

As many have said, that's no excuse for you to be an illegal...

fishbuck - 8-31-2006 at 01:25 PM

Ha ha ya, I sure don't want to get caught without the FM-T. When I cross the border at TJ I can never see the Immigration office. It's always a bit hectic and again where to park. I see a Taxi stand on the right immediately after the border gate. Is the immigration office there?

DanO - 8-31-2006 at 02:07 PM

No. The office is on the far right immediately after you cross. To get there, cross in the declaration lane and park in the covered area, indicating to the officers if they're curious that you are going to the migracion office. There is a bank office right next door to pay the fees. Takes just a few minutes (unless you come in behind a packed tourist bus). When you leave you will have to push a button for the red/green light to get past inspection.

Bajame - 8-31-2006 at 02:19 PM

Thanks! this will really help more than just me!

bajaguy - 8-31-2006 at 02:34 PM

Bajame...check your u2u