

M-AGAIN - 8-22-2006 at 03:37 PM

Hello dear friends. It's been awhile, as a matter of fact, the last time I checked in was when J.R passed away.
I'll actually miss that cranky so and so, but I'm sure his heart and soul is where it belongs, in Baja. He is missed.
SOOOOO....What's going on? It's going to take me awhile to read all the past posts and history, but in the meantime, what's the flavor of the day? hot topics? I got an email from David K mentioning a cactus party. I'M GAME, so is BHL (Still my 'Burnin Hunka Love). Are there any other trips or meetings planned?
I'm looking forward to any news and hello's.
Big Hugs, M-AGAIN

P.S My computer crashed and I lost all of my contacts lists, could my friends please send me an email so I can put you back in my address book? My email is


Baja Bernie - 8-22-2006 at 03:41 PM

Are you back on the mend or are the med's talking? Regardless, glad to see you posting again.

Could it be!!!

Sonora Wind - 8-22-2006 at 03:45 PM

The M Again. We are stronger/ better now. Welcome home. Tell us, where have you wandered off to. And how did you find your way home.:cool: Just nice to hear a calm sane voice.;)

[Edited on 8-22-2006 by Sonora Wind]

[Edited on 8-22-2006 by Sonora Wind]

David K - 8-22-2006 at 03:57 PM

Welcome Back Michelle!

Yes, I sent out an email recently mostly to those who do not post here very much or at all... BajaCactus (Antonio) has been posting news and questions regarding the Nov. 4 festival which he and I jointly are calling VIVA BAJA CACTUS.

Like your BBBB (Boojum Buddies Baja Bash) parties, it will be in Baja and open to all. Like my VIVA BAJA parties, it will be to promote Baja travel, meet like minded folks, and have fun.

Here is a photo of when we last saw you at the April, 2005 Pyramid Resort Book party... with Baja Nomad 'jeans' on your left...

[Edited on 8-23-2006 by David K]

capt. mike - 8-22-2006 at 04:12 PM

Hi "M"

glad to hear you're well!

Mike Humfreville - 8-22-2006 at 05:55 PM

It's US that need the update - Just WHAT have you been up to? Good to hear from you; now write some good stories!

MaMaMia- we have Missed you!!

thebajarunner - 8-22-2006 at 06:40 PM

Welcome back, lots has happened.
Let's talk orphanages when you have a chance.

Oso - 8-22-2006 at 07:46 PM

Hey Michelle, welcome back (back? well majority of "Amigos" seem to have settled here) Around here? Same s...., different day.
Civility reigns everywhere but the Off-Topic board and even there it seems the most vitriolic and nasty personal attacks have slightly abated. A bit. Sort of. Maybe. Temporarily?

The usual suspects, sages and fools, are mostly still around.

C'mon, spill.;D

everything is better now......

Santiago - 8-22-2006 at 07:49 PM

Only a few days ago I ran across some guy with a foldboat and just went off talking about how there was a really crazy gal in Baja who wrapped her rods in pink thread, fer christ's sake, who just about died when the foldboat acctually folded on her in the surf. And BHL? I'll never forget the breakfast at CL, the day after the pig roast at BBBB#1, when BHL slid into our booth with that look that can only be the result of 3 too many CL marggies. One look at my huevos whatever and he made a quick run to banjo....hee, hee. M just laugh and muttered "rookies" under her breath but I heard it. Good times.......

Bedman - 8-22-2006 at 09:03 PM

As always, a Pleasure to read and see you. If DK and Antonio didn't have the Viva Baja Cactus party happening in Nov I'd suggest we all descend on Cielito Lindo, BBBB Style!

Santiago missed the best part of the Fold-A-Boat story. Topless!! Too Funny!!

Good to see you out and about.


David K - 8-22-2006 at 09:21 PM

SallySouth, Bedman and M-Again!

Photo taken by the late Dik Lang at Viva Baja #4

[Edited on 8-23-2006 by David K]

Michelle (M) and BHL

David K - 8-22-2006 at 09:24 PM

In Feb. 2003 at Viva Baja 4

Glad your back.

Keri - 8-22-2006 at 09:29 PM

Tell us what you've been up to. We all love the fold a boat story. You should post it again for the new comers. Puts a smile on my face still. Great story. Hope to see you at the viva cactus party,k:yes:

[Edited on 8-23-2006 by Keri]


Baja Bernie - 8-22-2006 at 09:50 PM

You have several stories that the young ones would really appreciate.

How about the topas and the rain around Santa Tomas. Yeah! I still have the ones you sent me a few years ago. Some day!

AmoPescar - 8-22-2006 at 11:04 PM


Well, I just recently signed on to Nomad myself. I was out of commission for quite awhile. I was serving time and was just released in March. It was good to be greeted by old AMIGOS. I look forward to seeing you and
BHL some time soon.

Tu Amigo, AMO :smug:

Wait a minute...You didn't think I meant in the Casa Grande did you???
I'm not that kind of guy!!! ...LOL :saint:

Debra - 8-23-2006 at 02:06 AM

MMMMMMMMM! Great to hear from you! Wow! Amo and M in the same week!

Neal Johns - 8-23-2006 at 06:43 PM

Welcome Home!
You are one of the favorite people on the Nomad Board!
And of course, Number (classified) on my WiW list!
Email coming.

Paulina - 8-23-2006 at 06:57 PM

Hi M, and ditto what everyone else said. It is good to see your initial around again. My best to BHL as well.


M-AGAIN - 8-23-2006 at 08:12 PM

HELLO EVERYBODY, boy this is a really terrific homecoming. Thanks for all the kind words.
MA MA MIA yourself Runner, LOL. Would you please email me with more info on the orphanages?
OSO, great news and just the kind I hoped to hear. Maybe we can once more see the happy amigo?s attitude that went way back to the old board. . Boy I missed that, we all had some great times together, sadly, the bickering was one of the reasons I dropped out.
Santiago, I just had to pick myself off the floor I was laughing so hard. I peed a little too.
It?s been 3 years since I re-posted that story, I?m happy that you remembered it, Oh yes, the BBBB1. I remembered BHL that next morning too. He was WARNED about those margies. I also recall it was pretty rough sleeping with him that night too! LOL, good times.
Bedman, I?m surprised you forgot that while I was being tossed in the surf I was NAKED not just topless AND locked OUT of Grunt! I?ll never live that down. D.K. You HAD to drag out the fat pictures! Thanks a lot, but since then I?ve dropped 55lbs. (BHL picked them up).
Bernie, you still have those stories? The originals? I have them on a floppy disk and my new computer does not have an A drive. Crap! I guess Kinko?s can put them on a disk for me. Keri, I guess that little adventure should be re-posted since it?s been mentioned a few times. To the newcomers that don?t know me, I had some pretty funny experiences while traveling alone in my wonder van ?Grunt?. Maybe someone has a copy of that story and can post it again. I remember when I wrote it, back on the old Amigo?s board about 8 years ago, someone posted ?what?s the stupidest/worst thing that you?ve done in Baja?. Hey, since there are so many new people, that question might be fun to throw out there again. We had some great stories from that thread.
Hey Amo, welcome back yourself! I hope to see you at ?Cactus?.
DEBRA! I sure hope you get your butt down here for ?Cactus?, I know it is REALLY a long haul for you, but if you start planning now?..
Mike and Mary Anne, I bet your loving life there in BOLA. GeoRock and I were there a couple years ago in the Hummer during a respite from my problems. I guess you got your place after that. As for writing again, hell Mike, These last 3 years have been pretty rough and writing wouldn?t have been a good idea. I was a little bit cranky. NEAL!! Don?t even THINK that I have given up my A1 wife in waiting status. I remember being in the sack with you at the hot springs, LOL. But that?s ANOTHER story.

Ok, where have I been? Well, I had to quit working 3 years ago, this stupid bone disease has been picking me apart pieces at a time. I?ve had my neck rebuilt with bone grafts from my hip, all held together with plates and screws. THEN I had 2 total hip replacements, then a THIRD hip operation to fix some stupid stuff the Dr. did while rummaging around my pelvic area. Let me mention the 11 hip dislocations I went through in between hip replacements because my dipsh*t Dr put the wrong size joint in. He eventually got it right.The neighborhood kids thought it TOTALLY cool that the fire truck and ambulance was on our street almost every week. I however, was not amused. The very last dislocation, the paramedics had to haul me off my toilet at 2AM. My humiliation and frustration was complete. It was after that that my Ortho finally figured out that he was going to have to re-do my hip and put in the right size. After that was all over, my right shoulder collapsed and was totally replaced with a sexy little titanium model. Not to be left out, my LEFT shoulder collapsed AND developed a bone infection that kept me in hospital for 8 days, and 6 weeks of at home I.V antibiotics. Not sure if there is enough bone left to hold a replacement joint, Dr. said wait and see. Needless to say, I have been getting or getting over some sort of operation. Have not had the opportunity to get to Baja lately, but seems I have GOT to get there Nov. 4th. Sounds like a great time!
I was just thinking. When they finally get around to cremating me, won?t they be surprised! Ashes and a junk yard. I have more metal in me now than a Buick! Here is the GOOD NEWS, everything seems to be holding together and all the surgeries are over. Now?.It?s play time, I have a LOT of catching up to do.
Hugs to all

Bionic woman indeed!

thebajarunner - 8-23-2006 at 08:37 PM

Seems like all the good parts are still intact (mainly your sense of humour)


Baja Bernie - 8-23-2006 at 08:39 PM

Don't even think of flying!

David K - 8-23-2006 at 08:46 PM

Wonderful return of M (Michelle)!

We first knew her as 'Feather' (boy is that a name out of the Sixties, or what?) with her posts on Amigos asking if anyone else had creepy things happen to them at EL TOMATAL.

It was such a great story, the few photos Michelle had (that were not destroyed when her van 'Grunt' burned down with Michelle almost burning up with it) were sent to me to make a web page.

Please visit M's El Tomatal story and photos...

Michelle, her van 'Grunt' and her folding boat on top...

[Edited on 8-24-2006 by David K]


M-AGAIN - 8-24-2006 at 05:22 AM

Now THERE is a man with a memory! Yes Grover, there started out one lobster fisherman above me on the cliffs spotting lobster traps for his brother. Obviously, he must have come back to check the show at low tide. He brought friends. I think 6 of them. Good grief, everybody sure has a good memory. Heck, I was naked all the time in Baja, just not with WITNESSES! (I think?) Now, being locked out of my van was a bit distressing. My keys were UNDER WATER! Of ALL places, I regret most that it was Fred Hoctors back yard and I waited for months for him to out me in Western Outdoor News. Luckily, I escaped that. That man loved to give me a hard time. God I miss him....

Bernie, I have flown a few times and I always get searched with that metal wand, and it goes off like a pin ball machine.
It's so absurd that usually the guard and I end up laughing about it. One gal in Chicago wanted to pursue it and I just showed her my shoulders patched up like a scarecrow. I was ready to drop drawers and show her my a*s but she waved me through. Ahhh Good times...:spingrin:

Oso - 8-24-2006 at 08:24 AM

M, I carry a "Hip Replacement I.D. Card", the size of a credit card. It's made by Stryker, the mfg of my titanium joint. It has a picture on the front (looks like an automotive ball joint) and info on the back filled in by my surgeon. I just present the card before going through the metal detectors and they usually pull me off to the side to do the wand thing. I'll be getting my other one done soon. Waited too damn long (2 years), now the guy who did the first one (excellent job) has quit doing hips. Knees are easier, faster and he's rich enough already. So, now I have to go with 2nd choice, the doc who assisted the first one.

Let's get together and see if these things are magnetic.:lol:

Neal Johns - 8-24-2006 at 09:20 AM

Uh Oh! Marian wants to know the details of my sack time with you!
So I told her "It was great!" and nothing else. My lips are sealed. Trust Me.:lol::lol::lol:

How can you lose 55 lbs. when you have such a large sense of humor left?

M-AGAIN - 8-24-2006 at 07:02 PM

I have one of those cards to Oso, the guards didn't even glance at it. I guess in these times everyone is suspect and you all know what a terrorist I am! LOL.
Neal, I'm gratefull for your 'discretion'. I am still A1 WIW right?? right???
OK D.K, let's see you pull that cat fight with Jeans over Neal out of your hat. I KNOW you got that pic somewhere!
By the way, Jeans (Mindy) is spending the night with me tonight. She's in my neck of the woods and I can't wait to see her again.

David K - 8-25-2006 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by M-AGAIN
OK D.K, let's see you pull that cat fight with Jeans over Neal out of your hat. I KNOW you got that pic somewhere!
By the way, Jeans (Mindy) is spending the night with me tonight. She's in my neck of the woods and I can't wait to see her again.

Sure Michelle, it was taken by Neal Johns at my Viva Baja #4 party. All of Viva Baja 4 pics are at

Here is that one photo of you and jeans fighting for a lower Neal Johns 'Wife in Waiting' (WiW) number!


M-AGAIN - 8-25-2006 at 10:34 AM

I can always count on you D.K.

kingpin - 8-25-2006 at 12:45 PM

Are you the gal that likes to fish naked?:P I read your story years ago, very funny.

Am I the only one....

thebajarunner - 8-25-2006 at 12:56 PM

wondering if there are photos of that "surf moment" which might be posted???

I'm going to..

M-AGAIN - 8-26-2006 at 06:44 AM

put all those stories on a CD, and I'll post my Punta Banda story when it's done. Darn new computer doesn't have a floppy drive and I have to convert TONS of documents. Really a pain in the A*s to have to keep changing storage of things as technology keeps changing.

Bob and Susan - 8-26-2006 at 07:34 AM


a floppy for your computer is $4.82 at newegg

dlivered to your door for $4.99 shipping

that's less than $10 total

it will save you lots of effort

Happy Birthday to M !!!!

jeans - 8-26-2006 at 08:27 AM

I won't spill the frijoles on how many candles are on your birthday burrito, I'm just glad that you're having one!

Thanks for the crash pad the other thoughtful of you for providing me with a personally monogrammed robe.

But you scared the $#!T outta me when you fell on the stairs and yelled OW!

Paulina - 8-26-2006 at 11:41 AM

Dear M and Jeans,

Some of us know our WIW # and don't have to ask, nor fight over it:yes:......Ja ja ja! As for being #1, I think I have that number covered, so pick another!:P

Your amiga,

Neal Johns - 8-26-2006 at 11:46 AM

My lips are sealed BUT there is something to be said for a woman whose signature is

Well behaved women rarely make history.

Paulina - 8-26-2006 at 12:04 PM

Thank you Neal.


M - 8-26-2006 at 03:45 PM


M - 8-26-2006 at 03:50 PM

I hit enter before and it posted before I wrote my message.
Thanks for the Birthday greetings Jeans. I sure enjoyed seeing you too.
Hello Paulina! how the heck are you? and WHERE the heck are you these days?
I'm going to let that WIF comment of yours slide since you are clearly delusional. I liked your chicken fish too. Would you call that a 'chicken of the sea'?
Are you going to be at the cactus thingy? oh heck, I'm asking evetrybody, guess I'll just post a new thread and ask who's going.

capn.sharky - 8-26-2006 at 05:34 PM

Ahhhhh---welcome home to the million dollar babe. You now have more spare parts than a space shuttle. Missed ya mucho.


M - 8-26-2006 at 10:18 PM

Hello Love. I don't know about a million, but probably pretty darn close. LOL. I'm feeling pretty good these days, how about you? That ticker still seems to be working. Are you in Loreto now? BHL and I were just talking about you and his first Yellowtail. That was a wonderfull day and BHL still loves telling that story.
How are those crazy brothers in Loreto? do you still see them or have they killed themselves yet?

I'm Confused!!

thebajarunner - 8-26-2006 at 10:23 PM

Is it "M" or is it "M-Again"?
And how did you get all those stars back so quickly?

Doug, isn't there a rule against split personalities on this board?

Debra - 8-26-2006 at 10:33 PM

Bajarunner.....Michelle gets special was she that brought many of us old "Amigo's" now "Nomad's" face to face for the first time. And worked it out with Doug for a home for us old Amigo's when the board retired.

HOWEVER! Get off it girlfriend! You were demoted from your WIW# YEARS AGO! Remember? I moved up....right Neal? RIGHT NEAL????!

[Edited on 8-27-2006 by Debra]

Split personality

M - 8-26-2006 at 10:38 PM

Actually, it has always been just M. But then, I was having a heck of a time once with my passward ages ago and just re-registered.
Today, I got my old password sent to me, so, I'm just M (again).
Debra, age before beauty dear. :lol:

M, Paulina...Debra.

jeans - 8-26-2006 at 10:57 PM

Ahem.....I saw Neal first!

The first Amigos gathering was at Mountain Mikes, next door to Discover Baja Travel Club after I suggested we all meet before Graham MacIntosh's presentation. I don't remember the exact date but it was in early 2000.

David K., Neal Johns, WendyKayak, and a bunch more were there. It was the first meeting for any of us.

Goodness...where has the time gone?

Holy Guacamole Bajagirl

Sharksbaja - 8-27-2006 at 01:52 AM

I may be crossing the line here but...

How does one acquire so many stars and instantaneous notoriety and an exclusive "Moderator" position in the blink of an eye??:lol:

Personally, Amigo parties years ago seem an odd qualififing attribute. Hmmmm.....
Who is M? I can see your pics there. I don't recall you being mentioned previously here? I certainly don't know how you feel about anything in Baja .Hmmmmmm?
Man. talk about being outta the loop....whoa!!
No offense lady, just seems I've been here awhile but missed something indeed.

Inquiring minds would like to know please. Can you tell us why and how you are qualified to edit and peruse our U2Us and posts.
Please realize the old Amigos Board members are "foreign" to many (new?)Nomads. Are you a former Mod yerself??

It would be good I think if new Mods could be introduced to us uninformed Nomads. I personally feel I have an investment of sorts here. Kinda like minding the store. Here you have to mind and manage your words.

Some find their words precious and private when considering U2U's and posted messages.. :

Anyway, I'm getting the message.;D
Other than that....hi!

brought to you by concerned Nomads

[Edited on 8-27-2006 by Sharksbaja]


M - 8-27-2006 at 05:30 AM

I think my monitor status is honorary now. And even when I was one, I never LURKED in peoples private messages. Don't worry. If you would like to chat with me so I can get a 'feel of you' and visa versa, your welcome at
P.S Sharks, Yes, I was a Nomad too LONG before you. As for my Baja qualifications, I traveled on everyu dirt road down in Baja by myself for weeks and months at a time. Have not been able to do so lately, but will again some day!
I really hope we have a chance to meet.

[Edited on 27-8-2006 by M]


M - 8-27-2006 at 05:40 AM


capn.sharky - 8-27-2006 at 08:13 AM

Michelle---Yes the bothers are still crazy. Looks like your stars set off a lot of discussion here. Isn't jealousy one of the seven deadly sins? Oh well, let them eat cake. You earned them. You didn't tell them you were the one that really guided Graham Macintosh through the tough spots in Baja. In fact, weren't you with Father Salvatierra when he built the first mission in Loreto? Hey, we need to get BHL on a really big dorado or sailfish when you can find time. Glad you are back.

David K - 8-27-2006 at 12:19 PM

Photo from the 2000 San Clemente Pier get-together... It was this meeting of some of us from the Baja Internet that directly led to having Viva Baja and BBBB parties...

Here is 'elgatoloco' and 'Baja Barb'


David K - 8-27-2006 at 12:19 PM

Ferna de Tijuana

David K - 8-27-2006 at 12:20 PM

Humfreville's and Graham Mackintosh

David K - 8-27-2006 at 12:22 PM

Lorenzo de Baja arrives...