
Raquel and Larry

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jeanie - 8-22-2006 at 09:01 PM

Word out of LA Bay is that Raquel and Larry Fife of Raquel and Larry's Motel - were on their way to the states. There was an attempted robbery and Raquel was shot and killed. No word yet on Larry. Happened near Catavinia.

David K - 8-22-2006 at 09:28 PM

God, I hope not!:no::no::no:

Packoderm - 8-22-2006 at 09:44 PM

Tragic beyond description. I didn't stay at their place but I stopped by. They seemed nice. If this is indeed the case, that's proof that something is definitely screwed up down in Baja. I'm with David - let's hope this is a false alarm.

Diver - 8-22-2006 at 10:36 PM

Raquel made dinner for my kids last February. Even with the 5 year old running into her kitchen. She has the calm smile of a grandmother.

Larry seemed to have an answer to everything.
Let's hope it's not true.

Please no

pangamadness - 8-22-2006 at 11:34 PM

That would be F*(#@ up. I will check with a friend.

Debra - 8-23-2006 at 01:57 AM

OH GOD NO!!!! Please, somebody that knows their phone number call and make sure that they are okay!

David A. - 8-23-2006 at 06:35 AM

I sent an email to Bob. Hopefully he will get back to me today. I am leaving early in the morning for a bullet run. I will keep my eyes open:fire:

Porky Pig - 8-23-2006 at 07:10 AM

Our local San Quintin paper reports 9AM yesterday a green Ford Explorer was northbound near Catavina. A white vehicle overtook it and fired 9mm rounds into it. An American couple was in the Explorer. The paper identified them as Franklin Fife and his wife, Raquel Duarte Fife. Raquel was hit by the gunfire and later died.
No arrests as of the report time.

HotSchott - 8-23-2006 at 07:46 AM

What are the odds that it was a White Toyota Pickup. Somebody needs to blast these scumbags.

Who are running the white toys?

neilmac - 8-23-2006 at 08:01 AM

Originally posted by HotSchott
What are the odds that it was a White Toyota Pickup. Somebody needs to blast these scumbags.

I stayed there a couple of years ago. A really nice couple.


vgabndo - 8-23-2006 at 08:02 AM

I have never been to BOLA, and I don't know the people who are certainly friends of many of you. Even for me this is a black day and has me seriously thinking about my relationship with Mexico. It is tragic beyond the norm. Someone please suggest a way that I and others can express our rage over the lack of legitimate law enforcement in a way that might make some difference.

If people in the tourist industry thought things were bad after 9-11, I think they are about to experience it all over again. It is time for the Mexican people to stand up on their own hind legs and demand justice for themselves and for foreigners who love their country.

I HATE having to cry this early in the morning.

elgatoloco - 8-23-2006 at 08:13 AM


Black day indeed.

bahiamia - 8-23-2006 at 08:37 AM

Just went and talked to one local policemen here in Bahia. Sad to verify that it is true; Raquel was killed. He did not know what Larry's condition was.

HotSchott - 8-23-2006 at 08:39 AM

The white Toyota comment was in reference to the fact that the vehicle in this thread:

and the report above were both white. Also 9mm seems to be the weapon used in both cases.

Bajame - 8-23-2006 at 08:43 AM

This is so scary! My prayers go out to the family, how tragic! We need to get the Baja english papper's to put warnings on the the front pages so the mexican goverment can see that thier tourist trade is threaten. It would be good to also say that the police seem not to take this too seriously. This might change after yesterdays report. Sounds like the bad guys were driving the the white SUV that was ripped off. That might be an over reaction but crap! If theres anything we can do as a group to curb this let us know.

bajajudy - 8-23-2006 at 08:51 AM


Condolences to the family. A very sad day indeed.

Royosbaja - 8-23-2006 at 08:57 AM

Disturbing / heart breaking news...

Although my posts have been very few, I do keep up to date with the posts of others.

We own a home in BOLA and Larry and Raquel were a big influence in our decision to own there. Their open arms and heartfelt hugs were always a warm welcome. The many meals, c-cktails, and lively discussions shared with them will forever be with us and the loss of Raquel is numbing.

My wife and I were planning on a trip to BOLA leaving Friday morning. With this tragic development we will not be leaving. One reason is because we do not feel excited about going, another reason is due to the sudden increase in attempting to travel safely south of the border. I do not know what can be done to reverse this trend or will time just mend itself. I do know that time will not erase the friends we have made in Baja.

Our thoughts and love go out to ALL that met Larry and Raquel because to have met them, you were trully touched.

If there is any information about services, please post so that we can pay proper respects.

movinguy - 8-23-2006 at 09:54 AM

Unbelievable - my whale shark trip in October is officially off.

Does anyone know if this is a random event, i.e. did they think they were carrying money or ??


Royosbaja - 8-23-2006 at 10:08 AM

I am in total agreement with Soulpatch.

These things happen. The difference in my limited perspective is that most other places afford a certain level of protection, whether assumed or real. These can be a simple as the local law enforcement agencies, other travelers, cell phones, 911, or your own personal method of protection, (i.e. .357), etc.
HWY 1 can be very crowded and frustrating at times especially when following a large transformer or local ranchero. And then again it can be a very lonely road. Cannot imagine how lonely Larry and Raquel, (God bless them both), felt yesterday morning, or that other traveller on another post who was shot heading north on the toll road.
After my pain, disgust, sorrow and grief subside, we will be returning to a place we love. Probably will be looking for others travelling the same direction as I cannot think of anything else to do other than travel in numbers.

Viva con Dios mi amigos

Cincodemayo - 8-23-2006 at 10:35 AM

Very sad and upsetting even not knowing the couple as they look like the most friendly people you'd ever want to meet. Will the local authorities EVER get their resources going and try to eradicate the scum?

Catalina - 8-23-2006 at 12:48 PM

We are so sickened by the loss of Raquel. My prayer's are with you Larry and your family. We are honored to have known such a kind and loving lady. I remember having breakfast at Raquel and Larry's and how they welcomed us as if we were part of their family. Raquel forever in our memories. We will miss your smile and kindness.
My husband and I have been planning a trip to BOLA for a year. We will be leaving for BaJa Sept.7th for a month. If I had my way we would not be going until this is resolved but my husband say's we will continue on with our plan's.

Cypress - 8-23-2006 at 02:23 PM

My sympathy is with the family. The thugs that did this won't know what hit 'em.

DianaT - 8-23-2006 at 03:00 PM

Sad and angry.

Sad for the senseless loss of life. My heart and thoughts go out to the family and friends.

Angry, because I never thought the dangers of driving Highway 1 in Baja would include senseless violence.

I so hoped it was a bad rumor.



Nicole - 8-23-2006 at 03:07 PM

That is sooo awful - I am overcome with sorrow and I never even met this beautiful couple who sound to have moved so many with their kind and gentle spirits...

I have been trying to convince my boyfriend to take a roadtrip with our one-year old daughter this winter but this utterly tragic loss and the shear violence of recent events have taken away my will to journey.

Please extend my heartfelt condolences to the family and to all of you who knew and loved her...

Fang - 8-23-2006 at 03:17 PM

What a shame! Good people like Raquel & Larry deserved much more.

We stayed with them for many years. The last time down my youngest son & 7 yr. old grandson came with me. Raquel hovered over the 7 yr. old like his very own grandmother. He never stopped talking about how kind she was to him & how she cooked such good food.

My son & I would set up till the wee hours playing Boggle with her. We never won a game. Her command & knowledge of English was unbelievable.

They both worked extreemly hard & their thoughts & stories were about the daughters who were at, or going to UCLA.

They labored hard yet always had time for all the local charities. Many a local in BOLA owe their chance for a education to Raquel & Larry

Raquel will be missed by the many, many people she touched throughout her life.

Our condolances to Larry & the girls in this time of grief

Diver - 8-23-2006 at 04:18 PM

I hope no one minds;
I copies this story from Fred's board. I doubt that the daughter's email addy is still correct. I AM NOT suggesting that a mass of email be directed to her. I just thought this was a nice story.

In September '99, Ray Orkwis reported on a very positve experience staying at "Larry and Raquel's" in LA Bay:

You can hardly beat the location: north of town, adjacent to Daggett's, near the turtle project, and right on the beach.

We had a large, sparsely furnished but comfortable room - or it would have been comfortable, except that it was very hot in LA Bay the nights we stayed and Larry only ran his generator from 7 - 11 PM. It only cost us $55/night for the four of us.

What made the visit so pleasant was the friendliness of our hosts: Larry is chatty and makes killer margaritas, and Raquel is very maternal. Her meals - which consisted of whatever Larry or his friends caught that day, along with a bucket of fresh clams - were very inventive and tasty (cheap, too, about $4-5 a person).

We were traveling with our daughter who is a vegan, and that means not only no meat or fish, but no dairy products or eggs either. Raquel hadn't been prepared for that radical a diet, but she whipped up very tasty meals with whatever seemed good to her. For my wife and I, who love fish, it was heaven, and for Selena, it was a great change from just beans and rice on tortillas, her typical meal on the peninsula.

Being on the beach, Larry and Raquel's gave us access to the sea. They lent us snorkels and rented us sea kayaks, and we spent as long as we could just lounging (which, given the intense heat and sun, wasn't too long). Ah, it was beautiful there. I should say that they also have a house for rent, which I think is about $100/night, and some young people from California were staying there. They were intending to dive off Guardian Angel but mostly I just saw them snorkeling.

Quite a few hotels and restaurants in LA Bay, especially for such a small place, but we spent all of our time around Larry and Raquel's. My wife even took her jog from there, north to the landing strip and up another dirt road. Larry really knows the area, having lived there for about seven years. He directed us to some out-of-the-way cave paintings near Mision San Borge.

Oh, I almost forgot Reno. He's Larry's son and a fixture at the place. Very friendly and always asking to be mentioned, which is what I'm doing for him here. Reno helped in lots of ways, including waiting table for us, chatting and joking, and spotting whales in the main channel.

All of us want to go back to that beautiful location, and we'd definitely want to stay at Larry and Raquel's. If people want to get in touch with them, they can only do it by email through their daughter, Pam, at

Bob H - 8-23-2006 at 04:38 PM

This is soooo sad. We met Raquel a few years ago and she connected us to the internet and was just one sweet lady eager to accomodate us. I hope these thugs get caught soon! Raquel, may you rest in peace.
Bob H

jeanie - 8-23-2006 at 06:02 PM

Just heard from Larry's daughter. He is OK. Right now, the motel is open - Kiki ( Federico) is running it until Larry gets back. Should know more tomorrow.

Dave - 8-23-2006 at 08:50 PM

A post on Fred's board quoted the Ensenada news as saying there were over 30 bullet holes in the car. Don't sound like a robbery attempt to me. Mistaken identity?

Hook - 8-24-2006 at 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Dave
A post on Fred's board quoted the Ensenada news as saying there were over 30 bullet holes in the car. Don't sound like a robbery attempt to me. Mistaken identity?

I raised the same question on the incident involving Tom, the guy who was shot thru the leg. If his possessions were the target, why did they persist on shooting at him while he drove at high rates of speed? They risked destroying the goods they were ostensibly after.

Serious druggies or ????

fandango - 8-24-2006 at 12:15 PM

doesn't sound like robbery in either incident.
raquel and larrys beautiful life ruined for what then?

I wonder...

Nicole - 8-24-2006 at 12:39 PM

The whole situation does seem odd but then I currently reside in "the middle of nowhere" - we are very lucky that guns are not used in crime here...yet. But really what would the perpetrators be trying to accomplish when you read the details of what went on in the two recent toll road attacks? I noticed that some have mentioned the capture or apprehension of some particular criminal (can't remember the name used) - was he some kind of organized crime boss???

The methods used against fellow Nomads over the past week or so certainly seem aimed at harming the people and their possessions rather than robbing them... I have never driven down but if money were what they were after wouldn't they target people entering not exiting (I am always broke when I return home). I surely do hope that the criminals in question are brought to justice for what they have done to two unsuspecting families thus far - and I hope it is before anyone else is put in harm's way.

Yes, Nicole---------big king pin in the Northern Baja drug trade captured----

Barry A. - 8-24-2006 at 12:55 PM

AmoPescar - 8-24-2006 at 01:19 PM


Here's a link for a story about the DRUG KING bust.

Amo (Michael)

Motives ?

MrBillM - 8-24-2006 at 01:21 PM

On one hand, it does seem odd that "Robbers" attack in the manner that these incidents have shown. Those who think these are people simply out to do harm may be on to something.

Although I've never been shot at while travelling in Baja, I have had numerous occasions in which Truckers especially, have purposely attempted to run me off the road for no reason at all. Given the fact that in most places this has occurred I would have likely crashed and died if they were successful, it indicates serious animosity rather than sick playfullness. I'm extremely wary now when passing Mexican Trucks or when they start coming up from the rear. The proliferation of drugs and guns among the bad ones down South may have contributed to the escalation of violence.

Good God, MrBill------------I have NEVER had that happen.

Barry A. - 8-24-2006 at 01:26 PM

I have always found the truckers to be very safe and helpful. Your report is very alarming to me---------something very strange is going on in Baja, I am thinking.


MrBillM - 8-24-2006 at 01:42 PM

The last time it occurred was a couple of months back when I was crossing Laguna Salada on Hwy 5. I came up to a truck with a 40' open trailer and he gave me the left turn light to indicate it was clear to pass. As I passed, he started steadily coming my way. Running out of room, I punched it and got by. Looking in my rearview mirror, the driver is laughing his butt off. Great Fun. I don't know whether it's a game they're playing where they try to crowd you as far as possible or whether they're hoping you'll go off the side, but it's certainly intentional and not just inattention and it's not at all fun for me.

PJC - 8-24-2006 at 02:24 PM

The Cartels and their evil spawn are running the show in Baja now.

And to think a lot of your worried about land development.

kingpin - 8-24-2006 at 02:32 PM

Mr. Bill M, you are coming off like a nut.

However, your accounts may not be that far off.

Perhaps the drug people are out to kill us?

Why kill an elderly lady and not stop to collect her valuables?

This is Sick.:barf:

MrBillM is not a nut, believe me-----

Barry A. - 8-24-2006 at 04:43 PM

-----he is relating things that he is intimately familiar with as they HAPPENED TO HIM.

One possible (but seeminly far fetched) reason that they are killing folks is that the drug gang may be getting back at gringos for scooping up their leader at sea, which happened just a short while ago.

Who knows why they do what they do-------their scum, that's why.

Dave - 8-24-2006 at 08:38 PM

Someone said 9mm ammo. I'd really like to know what kind of round. Is anybody talking?

Debra - 8-24-2006 at 08:56 PM

This is really, really sad!

Brendan and I would always stop by Raquel and Larry's on our trips out to wash turtles, for a cold drink, a snack or a visit.....wonderful people that always make us feel at home.

Our hearts go out to Larry and his family, she will be missed deeply......Debra and Brendan

comitan - 8-25-2006 at 06:01 AM

I think you are all off base on what happened, I think we will find out that they left BOLA with a sum of money to buy supplies and make a deposit in the US and when they were confronted they chose to outrun them, thats whey so many shots they probably followed them quite a distance. Larry probably never stopped till he got to Camino Federales in San Quintin, where he got help.

BajaNomad - 8-25-2006 at 07:32 AM

Originally posted by comitan
I think you are all off base on what happened, I think we will find out that they left BOLA with a sum of money to buy supplies and make a deposit in the US and when they were confronted they chose to outrun them, thats whey so many shots they probably followed them quite a distance. Larry probably never stopped till he got to Camino Federales in San Quintin, where he got help.

Here's an article from El Vigia (posted on the caravaning thread by Lencho) that I believe has information that they did stop and seek help - and that Raquel was taken to Catavi?a:

Feel free to correct anything I may have misunderstood.


[Edited on 8-25-2006 by BajaNomad]

kingpin - 8-25-2006 at 08:58 AM

I think comitan has it right on the money. 30 rounds is two clips out of a glock 9mm. The perps unloaded when Larry didn't stop, and shot to kill, not to disable the vehicle. A brutal crime commited by VERY evil people.

Bob and Susan - 8-25-2006 at 09:05 AM
loose translation.....

Officials of the Preventive Federal Police (PFP) in San Quint?n, started an operationto capture people responsible for murder , on the highway MEX1, in the delegation of Catavi?a.

According to the PFP, at exactly 9:00AM, the report was filed by telephone from Catavi?a.

The caller declared, that a green Ford Explorer, 5FPC070 California, had received bullet holes, the police officials were verifying the facts.

According to sources, several units responded, where they found the truck with 30 bullet holes. They seemed to be 9 mm. It was abandoned on the side of the highway transpeninsular.

Before police arrived , the victims requested the aid people that passed, to take Raquel Duarte Fife, who had several injuries.

They drove to Catavi?a, where the American woman died, after the death, Franklin Fife husband of the deceased, he requested the presence of the Preventive Federal Police, to whom gave the version of the facts.

According to the witnesses, said that the victims were driving north, and a vehicle of white color gave chase, initiating a barrage of fire that seem to be 9 millimeters, causing the death to the woman.

The officials commanded by Arturo Motolinia Reign, asked other operations in the delegations of the Rosary, Catavi?a, Tight Tip, and Bay of LA to stop any suspects, this gave negative results.

Agents of the attorney general's office of Justice of the State responded (PGJE) from San Quint?n, as well as the CSI Unit, in search of evidence from the murder.

Federal police officers said, that a search of 500 meters was carried out around the place where the couple was attacked. They failed to find the expent cartridges.

At present, it is considered that the murderers possibility, could have been trying for robbery or abduction, against the American couple

David K - 8-25-2006 at 10:06 AM

I thought Larry, not Raquel was the American of the two.

I wonder if they will try harder if it is reported that Raquel is Mexicana?

kingpin - 8-25-2006 at 10:23 AM

Originally posted by David K
I thought Larry, not Raquel was the American of the two.

I wonder if they will try harder if it is reported that Raquel is Mexicana?

That is a very good point.

Raquel and Larry

Cranskin - 8-25-2006 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by jeanie
Word out of LA Bay is that Raquel and Larry Fife of Raquel and Larry's Motel - were on their way to the states. There was an attempted robbery and Raquel was shot and killed. No word yet on Larry. Happened near Catavinia.

Cranskin - 8-25-2006 at 11:36 AM

We travel back and forth to Cabo and to hear this is so sad. Hope they find the truth and this does not make Americans feel unsafe to travel. You must always be careful, but we have always have found the mexicans, happy helpful . 99% are great, honest people. How sad....Lynn y Lynn

jeanie - 8-25-2006 at 11:40 AM

Word out if LA bay. Larry recognized the shooter as a former employee at their motel. Police are on the lookout for him. Was not a random shooting.

kingpin - 8-25-2006 at 11:56 AM

SCREAMS of a Meth head situation. Seems like Comitan nailed it.

And probably also means they were planning on killing them both. Kudos to Larry for surviving. His story of fleing for his life may be more haroing than Toms.

[Edited on 8-25-2006 by kingpin]

DianaT - 8-25-2006 at 11:57 AM

Just hope they nail the creep.

Cypress - 8-25-2006 at 12:21 PM

Larry ID'ed the shooter? Dead man walking. Good riddance.

shari - 8-25-2006 at 12:28 PM

The latest developments that Larry recognized a former employee are very interesting and definately proves what my husband Juan ALWAYS says...DO NOT TELL ANYBODY WHEN YOU ARE GOING ON A TRIP OUT OF TOWN! Many expats travel north with alot of cash, enough for a meth head to kill for. As this horrible violence happened fairly close to Larry and Raquel's home, we thought it may not have been random. The baja is a very small world and word gets around very quickly so anyone wanting to do harm gets tipped off easily. Very alarming indeed and my heartfelt sorrow goes out to the family in BLA and all their relations.

Cincodemayo - 8-25-2006 at 12:37 PM

When they find the gutter scum they should tow it behind a panga for shark bait....that's after making small cuts that bleed slowly.

kingpin - 8-25-2006 at 12:39 PM

Originally posted by shari
The latest developments that Larry recognized a former employee are very interesting and definately proves what my husband Juan ALWAYS says...DO NOT TELL ANYBODY WHEN YOU ARE GOING ON A TRIP OUT OF TOWN! Many expats travel north with alot of cash, enough for a meth head to kill for. As this horrible violence happened fairly close to Larry and Raquel's home, we thought it may not have been random. The baja is a very small world and word gets around very quickly so anyone wanting to do harm gets tipped off easily. Very alarming indeed and my heartfelt sorrow goes out to the family in BLA and all their relations.

Shari, being a fellow innkeeper, I am sure this hits very close to home for you. Your husband is a wise man.

Bajagato - 8-25-2006 at 01:38 PM

I have been following this story since the news broke on this board. I was so saddened to hear of this act of violence against some very nice people. All I could think is that they were Americanos that retired to a beautiful place, had a little business and helped the economy of BOLA amd this is just too sad! We had breakfast there on our honeymoon and Raquel was very nice to us, and breakfast was great. I did not know these folks but I had the pleasure of meeting her and wanted to send my thoughts and prayers to Larry and the rest of their family. If this was indeed a former employee, I pray they catch him soon and he is punished for this terrible crime.

kingpin - 8-25-2006 at 01:53 PM

Gato, I can tell you wrote that with a tear in your eye, as I have now.

Sorry about the speculation Don Jorge. YOu are right. Lets let the facts come out.

Raquel & Larry

Almejas - 8-25-2006 at 09:15 PM

I agree with Don Jorge and beg everyone to limit chatter to condolences in respect for the family and their privacy. Please keep your speculation off this site. We love the family like our own and this loss will forever be a deep hole in my heart.

Racquel and larry

Bajadtodebone - 8-26-2006 at 09:12 AM

:( My God, my heart is burdened by the weight of a thousand tears. On our first trip to BOLA stayed as guests at Racquel and Larry's place. We enjoyed their company and friendliness. WHY would anyone want to hurt these people? It is as sensless as some of the stupid, morronic crap that goes on in the states. I always looked to the baja as a reasonably sane place to get away from the lunacy that permeates our gringo society to the north (even moving to Tennessee hasen't helped that much). Now my biggest fears are realized. We checked in on the board today because we were planning a Christmas/New Years trip to the Camp. I think not anymore....sob... I am so sorry for Larry's loss and I trust Racquel is with the angles.:(:(:no:

Raquel Fife

Rogelio39 - 8-26-2006 at 09:55 AM

Please do not spread the idea that this was a random shooting until all the facts that the police have in hand are revealed to the public. There is much evidence to believe that this was NOT a random act, the police have a suspect and are actively searching for him now. If you have spent much time in Bahia, you might guess, and would probably be correct.

We do not want to cause undue alarm to those who have planned trips to the Baja, and once the police are ready to release more information, it will be clear this was NOT a random act of violence.

In the meantime, Larry's daughter Sara wants all who have reservations at the hotel to know that it is open for business, and will be run by Federico and Concha for a while.

Asking the Impossible

MrBillM - 8-26-2006 at 01:28 PM

It is a long time-honored traditition whenever an event such as this occurs to speculate on "every" morsel of rumor from someone who was told by someone who heard from someone who read somewhere that someone had said something to someone else who had heard from a neighbor who lived next door to someone who knew a shopkeeper who sold to someone who once visited someone who heard it from someone else who talked to someone else that had heard it from a relative sometime in the past

Just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts (or a facsimile thereof).

Sure ! Don't hold your breath.

Honoring Raquel

PRW - 8-26-2006 at 05:56 PM

I have been deeply disturbed all day, ever since I first read news of Raquel's murder in this morning's San Diego Union-Tribune. I appreciate the outpouring of feelings and information on this message board, because when something like this happens, there is a need to talk about it.

My family and I stayed in one of Raquel and Larry's beach houses last Thanksgiving, and it was one of the most wonderful vacations we ever had - not only because of the stunning beauty and peacefulness of Bahia de Los Angeles but because of the uniquely caring hospitality of our hosts. Raquel was a truly extraordinary woman, a remarkable blend of warmth, intelligence, creativity, and adventurousness. And what a cook! She did wonders with our fishing catch, created one of the great Thanksgiving dinners of my life, and made the best chile rellenos I've ever tasted. She was truly a Great Spirit - as is Larry - and I agree with the poster who said she is now with the angels - from Bay of the Angels to wherever the real angels reside.

For the poster who commented on her nationality - I believe Raquel had dual citizenship, born in Mexico and naturalized as an American. That was part of her magic, the ability to straddle both cultures with amazing grace. She will be missed, and I feel that we have not only lost a special person but a special innocence and beauty in Bahia and Baja. I hope with all my heart that it can be racaptured. And with all of you, my heart goes out to Larry and their family.

That works for me!

Debra - 8-26-2006 at 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Larry ID'ed the shooter? Dead man walking. Good riddance.

or better yet.......

Debra - 8-26-2006 at 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Cincodemayo
When they find the gutter scum they should tow it behind a panga for shark bait....that's after making small cuts that bleed slowly.

And for what?! MONEY!!!! At first I was so sad I just couldn't even think, now I'M JUST SO DAMN ANGRY I'm thinking and it's all BAD!....

and for what?, just what? Take away a Wife, a Mom, a Grandma, friend to everyone she met, and for what?....for what?

AcuDoc - 8-26-2006 at 11:45 PM

I'm so very sorry......

Al_Vino - 8-27-2006 at 05:03 AM

Originally posted by Debra

And for what?! MONEY!!!! At first I was so sad I just couldn't even think, now I'M JUST SO DAMN ANGRY I'm thinking and it's all BAD!....

and for what?, just what? Take away a Wife, a Mom, a Grandma, friend to everyone she met, and for what?....for what?

As an cleric I have often been put on the spot by people who expect me to actually answer that difficult, rhetorical question. While it's clear that there is no reason for such a depraved act of violence, Raquel's death isn't without meaning.

When good, kind and helpful people die at the hands of evil, worthless pigs, the beauty of the victim stands in sharp contrast to the wickedness of the perpetrator. There is an obvious lesson here about what we aspire to as human beings, and a reminder of what we deplore. Indeed, most of our saints are remembered because they died in this way -- otherwise their ordinary lives of service and kindness might have been fogotten as memories faded over time.

Last year, my wife and I took my daughter and one of her friends to Baja in celebration of her 20th birthday. We arrived at Larry & Raquel's late one night -- dirty, tired and hungry. They were already getting ready for bed, but despite being told that we had some munchies to hold us over untill breakfast, Raquel insisted it was no trouble to make us a hot meal.

We had a wonderful visit and enjoyed Raquel's excellent cooking at every meal. After my wife and I went to bed early the second night, the girls found a couple of guys to drink with. The boys were coaxing them to go off into the dark somewhere to help finish off a bottle of tequila, but they decided to stay upstairs and drink beer because Raquel kept setting platters of snacks in front of them. This put them under Larry's watchful gaze until they stumbled to bed in the wee hours. Waking up with a hangover and sharper judgement the next day, my daughter related what happened, then said, "We didn't even know those guys and we were pretty drunk. I'm glad Larry and Raquel were keeping an eye on us." Yeah, so am I!

When I told my daughter what happened she was dumbfounded for a moment, then she burst into tears. She turned off the gangster rap that was blasting from her CD player and just sat quietly in the yard for a couple of hours. When I got ready to leave, she was in the kitchen making tacos for her daughter "the way Raquel made them".

I try to guide my daughter away from the ugliness of urban pop culture and more towards being an intelligent, generous and nurturing woman. It will help to remind her of Raquel -- a woman she admired and a role model I'm happy to see her emulate. She is sickened and outraged by the horrible way Raquel was killed, as well she should be. Nothing deprives the "gang-banger" image of its romance more than a real-life tragedy like this which leaves us grieving the loss of innocent life, especially of one so gentle.

So I will remember Raquel as a sort of modern, secular saint -- both for the way she lived and for the way she died. Let her memory serve as a reminder of the kind of person we want to be and as a reason to work even harder against violence.

Tomas Tierra - 8-27-2006 at 09:59 AM


Almejas - 8-27-2006 at 03:05 PM

Thank you Al_Vino for the beautiful words. We are close friends of Raquel, Larry, and the family, and are hurting beyond words. Each day we think will be a little easier to get used this reality, but it's not. I'd had never experienced a true broken heart until now.

Thanks Al Vino

John M - 8-27-2006 at 03:44 PM

Inspiring thoughts - what more can I say.

John M

A sincere apology for incorrect information posted

Rogelio39 - 8-27-2006 at 06:25 PM

Yesterday I posted a message on this forum that was incorrect, and I aplogize profusely to all who read and were influenced by it. I had learned it from a source that was close to law enforcement officials, and indicated that the information came from the initial police report. IT DID NOT.

I, as have many, recieved from Raquel's daughter, have now received a clear, informative, and heartfelt account of what transpired that fateful morning. In it she states conclusively that Larry did NOT see or recognize the shooter, as I had been told.

My motivation for putting forth the information that had been given to me was to save a lot of decent, hard-working Baja residents from economic loss due to the perception of a loss of control of safety on Highway One, and it's resulting negative effect on travel. If such a perception does indeed result in a generalized fear of travel in Baja, a lot of very good people, from the Hotel or restaurant owner, down to the sarape salesman on the beach, are going to be hurt.

It was in an effort to prevent this that I put forth the information I had been given, even though unproven, and I have certainly learned a hard lesson. In the final analysis, despite the circumstances, I was dead wrong to put forth such speculation, as I now know it to be, and at this point all I can do is offer profound apologies, and exit the situation a sadder but wiser man. My apologies to all.

longlegsinlapaz - 8-27-2006 at 07:25 PM


Your original post was posted with the best of intentions, as opposed to maliciously. Raquel's death wasn't an isolated incident; but sadly one of several horrific crimes in the past week & it's not like there wasn't a whole lot of speculation by a lot of people on all the various incidents.

Thank you for posting corrected information, I do feel however that this retraction should be posted to the original thread to stop that erroneous thread in it's tracks.

bajaguy - 8-27-2006 at 07:30 PM

WOW...what a great post!!!!!........I thank you for your sincerity and honesty. Although we may differ on opinions, I think you are a "stand-up" guy.

I still feel that the only way that the "authorities" or government in Baja will respond to these type of incidents is if the business owners of Baja start complaining that government inaction is costing those business owners money. The government will probably not take any action or do anything unless it hits them (the government) in the wallet

chicadelsol - 8-29-2006 at 03:47 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to family and friends of Raquel & Larry.

I went to Bahia for the first time for a week in late December of 04. Stayed at Raquel & Larry's. What kind people! I echo all that has been posted here - great cook, friendly and caring woman. We stayed in a room downstairs Raquel told us she rarely rents the top rooms to avoid having people walking on the heads of those staying downstairs. One of the nights we stayed, a couple with a small child pulled in very very late (all the lights were out). We heard convesation but quickly fell back to sleep. We awoke to little feet running over our head in the morning. We went up for breakfast and Raquel hoped we didn't mind the disturbance but the couple were so tired and hungry with a small child, could find no place to stay and so late at night she just couldn't turn them away and she wanted us to know had already helped find them a place to stay. It was no disruption to us but that was Raquel always thinking of everyone she encountered.

I just got back from Bahia on August 11 stayed at a different place because we had a large group but still had to head over to Raquel & Larrys for breakfast and say hello, only to find out they where in not in the area.

Raquel will be missed even by those who knew her little, shehas left a lasting memories.

Debra - 8-29-2006 at 06:38 PM

Tres, thank you.

Almejas - 8-29-2006 at 08:35 PM

:mad:The following text is taken from the Vagabundos site, which I cannot believe they are just now posting information ONE WEEK AFTER Raquel Fife's horrific death. Thank you all for talking about these critical issues, Tom's shooting, and now the shooting death of the husband in the Mexican couple. I'm e-mailing local TV and radio stations tonight. Can't believe the media isn't jumping all over this!

Vagabundos text below:

Tourism Officials Speak to HQVDM About Recent Tourist Attacks in Baja

Baja State Tourism officials told HQVDM today, August 29, 2006, that all of the incidents concerning tourist attacks we have been hearing about are true, and that several people have already been arrested. Police at all levels are doing undercover work to identify others and are maintaining a permanent presence on the highways in Baja California Norte. They recommend that people not travel at night nor alone.

HQVDM will update this Forum and the VDM site Hotbox as new information from Tourism Officials is received. Members with verifiable information can forward links to Any posts on the Forums concerning the attacks which cannot be verified will be subject to review by the Forum Administrator and Moderators.
John R.V. Jones
Forum Administrator
Site Webmaster
Club Vagabundos del Mar

roundtuit - 8-29-2006 at 09:01 PM


Almejas - 8-29-2006 at 09:40 PM

That's what it said, but I don't believe anything I am hearing just yet. . . I wish/beg/pray there are arrests for Raquel's murder (I still can't even believe I am typing those two words) :(:(:(:(:( and the other crimes. Wish there was some sort of way to draw the assailants out!!

I have to say to everyone that reading many of the kind postings about Raquel, Nomads sticking together, joining as a newbie, and the overall fellowship has been good medicine for us during these saddest days.

Hook - 8-29-2006 at 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Almejas
:mad:The following text is taken from the Vagabundos site, which I cannot believe they are just now posting information ONE WEEK AFTER Raquel Fife's horrific death.

I'm not surprised.

It's always been very disappointing how little use the Vags board gets. You'd think it would be a great way of corresponding with others in the club, especially those who are organizing club outings. But the posts are just so few and far between.

Glad there's finally something over there. The organization has a great deal of influence in much so that I wish they'd use it a little more proactively in times like these. There's nothing preventing a non-profit from demanding action to protect American citizens.

scjessup - 8-31-2006 at 12:19 AM

I just learned of Raquel's murder this evening and am devastated. My family and I have stayed with Larry and Raquel several times in the last four years and feel like we've lost a great friend. An amazing woman and unbelivable family

I came to the board tonight hoping to find a posting about how we could contribute and pay respects to the family.

We would like to contriubte to the scholorship fund that Raquel and Larry mentioned for extended education beyond what is offered locally. If anyone could provide a contact, we would greatly appreciate it.

Peace, please

Wanna play 'What if'?

Dave - 8-31-2006 at 05:53 PM

Originally posted by David K
I thought Larry, not Raquel was the American of the two.

I wonder if they will try harder if it is reported that Raquel is Mexicana?

The killer turns out to be a gringo?

Unfortunately, there are plenty of gringo scumbags down here.

Has this crossed anyone's mind?

[Edited on 9-1-2006 by Dave]

David K - 8-31-2006 at 06:22 PM

Dave... I was commenting on the news report that said Raquel was an American... She was Mexicana... I was concerned that authorities wouldn't try as hard if they thought Raquel was a gringa.

The last I heard the alledged killer was an ex employee (ie. Mexican).

It doesn't matter what the killer was... he could be from Mars. Raquel... a real neat lady, was murdered.

Taco de Baja - 9-1-2006 at 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Dave
Wanna play 'What if'?

The killer turns out to be a gringo?

Unfortunately, there are plenty of gringo scumbags down here.

Has this crossed anyone's mind?

Well, then they should rot in a Mexican prison, just like if the killer is a Mexican.

I don't think anyone here would disagree.

lizard lips - 9-2-2006 at 06:11 AM

David K.

Please tell me why you think the authorities would not investigate the death of an American citizen "as hard" as a Mexican national?

Originally posted by David K
Dave... I was commenting on the news report that said Raquel was an American... She was Mexicana... I was concerned that authorities wouldn't try as hard if they thought Raquel was a gringa.

The last I heard the alledged killer was an ex employee (ie. Mexican).

It doesn't matter what the killer was... he could be from Mars. Raquel... a real neat lady, was murdered.

Bajabus - 9-2-2006 at 06:49 AM

Brutal sensless and tragic. I have never felt comfortable in the catavinia area and avoid it like the plauge. If they catch this a-hole, the death penalty is too kind.

dean miller - 9-2-2006 at 07:56 AM

As reported from contacts in BOLA...

An American citizen who goes by the name of "Reno" was apprehended yesterday as a prime suspect. It is not known at this time if Reno is his given name or a nic-name.

The second suspect is reportedly a disgruntled ex employee who is a Mexican citizen has not been apprehended

rts551 - 9-2-2006 at 07:58 AM

todays San diego info.

Almejas - 9-2-2006 at 08:13 AM

There have been other recent "reports from BOLA" that were untrue/rumors. Please do you know for a fact Reno was apprehended? Also, in case anyone recalls a recent post by someone last week, Reno was mentioned as Larry's son and that is definitely not true. Reno was run out of BOLA years ago for a number of thefts about town. The town organized a posse with police, horses, ATVs, etc to find him, but he was never seen again. I hope he looked like this when he heard them coming: :wow::o:wow::o

David K - 9-2-2006 at 08:24 AM

Originally posted by lizard lips
David K.

Please tell me why you think the authorities would not investigate the death of an American citizen "as hard" as a Mexican national?

Originally posted by David K
Dave... I was commenting on the news report that said Raquel was an American... She was Mexicana... I was concerned that authorities wouldn't try as hard if they thought Raquel was a gringa.

The last I heard the alledged killer was an ex employee (ie. Mexican).

It doesn't matter what the killer was... he could be from Mars. Raquel... a real neat lady, was murdered.

Gee, I guess common sense is the police would try harder for your own 'employers' (ie citizens)... Just a wish on my part that they try as hard as possible!

Bruce R Leech - 9-2-2006 at 08:33 AM

it doesn't mater who you are. if there is something in it for the police they will work on it. such as money to recover. if there isn't they wont do much

[Edited on 9-2-2006 by Bruce R Leech]

lizard lips - 9-2-2006 at 04:13 PM


That is soo untrue. The police in Mexico have very limited sources, granted, but to make a statement like that is absurd. As far as Bruce is concerned,what he posted is 100% horsechit. Im sure he has alot of contact with the authorities and can speak first hand!?!? If there is'nt any money in it for them they wont do much.....Bruce PLEASE! What kind of statement is that? You absolutly have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

You really dont put much faith in the people that are there to protect you. Sure there are faults in the Mexican "system" of police work and slowly they are being corrected but that is what we have now. Bad cops are everywhere not just in Baja. This has been going on since Cortez stepped of the boat and it will take time but now there is the Ministerio Publico. If the police have treated you wrong-----go to them and watch what happens. I've seen how they work and they are fair and will help with you concerns and complaints in a professional manner.

Both of you have posted close to 13,000 times regarding your knowledge of Baja but I think you had better leave this one alone......

Bruce R Leech - 9-2-2006 at 05:00 PM

Mr Lips I work with the police almost every day and I have some that are Friends. I get my info from them, and they will tell you right out that what I say is correct. On what do you base you negative statements toward me?:P

My wife was assaulted and robed in front of the bank and by midnight all three of the bad guys were in jail. why did that happen? because there was 150,000 pesos to recover which they did + 10,000 dollars they had robed from someone else. we got only 15, 000 pesos back and they lost the rest.

when my store was robed they recovered everything and caught the boy. I got nothing back and the boy was home the same day:no:

I had a Friend murdered and the Ministerio Publico would not investigate because his family didn't have 4000 pesos to pay them :O I know a lot of story's like this.

lizard lips - 9-2-2006 at 05:39 PM

Ok Bruce. You are absolutly right and I am soo wrong for expressing my position, I apoligize. I did'nt know you had "friends" that were cops and Im sure your information has to be correct and everything in my post was total information, that Im sure if some people believed, they may get the wrong idea.

I have investigated many crimes in Mexico including kidnappings--murders, actually in every state in Mexico, as well as every country in Centra America and South America and have spoke at at seminars, and have written several articles in many major newspapers in the U.S. regarding the Mexican Judical system, and have friends in very important positions in the Mexican Government and Im sure from your few experiences and talking with your cop friends you have to be an expert on this subject. Please Bruce continue to post as many things on this board that you know everything about. Im sure people will be well informed with your total knowledge of the Mexican judicial system.

Im not getting in a peeing contest with you Bruce. You believe what you know to be true and I wont argue with that. What I will argue is that there are different avenues that you can take now more than before in Mexico if you feel that you have been mistreated by the police.

When you post on this board people that do not live in Mexico wonder if this is really what happens, and sometimes it does, but for the most part you are not "the victim" when confronted by the local authorities.

I am sorry about your wife being robbed and not having your money returned.

[Edited on 27/12/2005 by lizard lips]

Bruce R Leech - 9-2-2006 at 06:02 PM

Originally posted by lizard lips
Ok Bruce. You are absolutly right and I am soo wrong for expressing my position, I apoligize. I did'nt know you had "friends" that were cops and Im sure your information has to be correct and everything in my post was total information, that Im sure if some people believed, they may get the wrong idea. I have not investigated many crimes in Mexico and do not know the system and Im sure from your few experiences and talking with your cop friends you have to be an expert on this subject. Please Bruce continue to post as many things on this board that you know everything about. Im sure people will be well informed with your total knowledge of the Mexican judicial system.

I am sorry about your wife being robbed and not having your money returned.

you had some good info and most of your statements were correct. what I am objecting to is your attack On my info and your attitude that every is the same every where and with every one. If you would have left the personal attacks out of your post you wouldn't have me coming back at you now. maybe you should think before you write.:light:

Jim - 9-2-2006 at 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Bruce R Leech.... maybe you should think before you write.:light:

Gosh Bruce, what a novel idea! But, then, if all posters did that there may not be any information at all. :lol:

Cops and Robbers

MrBillM - 9-2-2006 at 06:24 PM

Often they are the same, especially in Mexico.

Bruce is speaking from his own firsthand experience which may, or may not, be typical of Mexican Law enforcement as a whole, but is more likely to be true than not.

It is a historical Fact that a corrupt legal system and corrupt law enforcement officers will behave in their own best interests without respect for justice over those whom they hold power. We've had plenty of experience with that in the U.S. over many decades, the most flagrant being the "Prohibition" period. It may be the case that the officer who accepts petty traffic bribes and other minor corruptions will act differently when confronted with a major crime, but it's highly unlikely.

In Mexico, we have a multitude of cases over the years where the corruption extended all the way to the top among the Federal Law Enforcement officers and the Army Generals, many of whom were actively facilitating the major drug operations so it should be no surprise if lesser officers acted in a similar manner.

lizard lips - 9-2-2006 at 07:25 PM

Im very sorry if you felt I attacked you Bruce. That was not my intent however I am very upset everytime I read somewhere when an individual writes something and make a general statement that "If this happened to me then it must happen everywhere in Mexico".

As you can see I do support the police and everyone should. Your post certaintly painted a bleak picture that most people have of "Mexican Police" and what you posted is your own personal incident and knowledge you have attained from your friends. Why then do you live where you do especially when this horrible robbery happened to your wife? Is this what you can expect when it happens again and again. You are just going to accept that if someone breaks into your home or office that you will never get any satisfaction from the authorities that are there to protect you and your property. If that is the case then move but please dont post such negativity.

Hundreds of people read this web site every day and Im sure some of them believe you and your general statements and that is what I was most concerned. Why dont you post something that the police did that was honorable. I am positive that you know a few stories. Share some with us.

I wont take a bullet for you Bruce but just maybe that Mulege cop with four kids will.

As far as David Ks statement is concerned that the police will protect the Mexicans more than the Americans is just down right untrue. He and I have to talk.

Bruce, sorry about the "horsechit" thing. I was on a roll and peeed. I know you are a good man and mean well. I really want someday to come down to Mulege and meet you and your family if can grant me that invitation.

Have a great weekend holiday.

Out of the frying pan...

Dave - 9-2-2006 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by lizard lips
I really want someday to come down to Mulege and meet you and your family if can grant me that invitation.

It seems that Bruce took your advice and is moving to Ensenada. Where cops are cops and the sheep are nervous.

Oso - 9-2-2006 at 08:33 PM

I live in hopes of the day when enough positive examples of Mexican Police behaviour vanquish forever the "conventional wisdom" of the Mexican people, above all, regarding endemic corruption and the fatalism of those without the means to influence said behavior.

This attitude of distrust and skepticism was not invented by gringos, regardless of experience. It is a given, reinforced daily by contact with neighbors and friends. Law enforcement in Mexico has a long way to go to turn around this negative image, an image not altogether undeserved.

So, whaddawedo? Behavioral scientists have demonstrated that positive reinforcement works better than negative. Let's find, honor and publicize the good guys. And then see if it makes any difference.

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