
Fishing License Funds Paying Off in Expanded Enforcement

Don Alley - 8-31-2006 at 04:42 PM

from The Billfish Foundation:

During the last two weeks of August, in the wake of a Mexican Navy seizure of an illegal longliner in the Sea of Cortez, funds generated from recreational fishing licenses in Baja California Sur (BCS) have been mobilized to enhance new enforcement initiatives in TBF's "Conservation Triangle" (Los Cabos - La Paz - Mag Bay). A community-based enforcement program launched by the Center for Marine Protection in cooperation with TBF has just received two pangas and funds for fuel for use in assisting the Navy in shallow water enforcement exercises against illegal fishing in and around the Bay of La Paz and Mag Bay.

TBF is continuing its conservation efforts in Mexico with a strong focus on increasing the enforcement assets and activities within the 50 mile sportfishing conservation zones along Mexico's coasts. BCS Governor Narciso Ag?ndez Monta?o is giving strong support to TBF's conservation efforts. "I am delighted with the new enthusiasm for clearing BCS' waters of illegal fishers and destructive commercial fishing gears," said TBF's Dr. Russell Nelson. "The coalition of support from the new administration, the private sector tourism industry, and conservation organizations like La Fundacion para la Conservacion de los Picudos, SEAWATCH, NOS, PRONATURA and TBF is creating a conservation profile for the state that will serve as a shining example for all of Mexico."

Baja California Sur Governor Narciso Ag?ndez
Monta?o dedicates new auxiliary enforcement boat
for the Bay of La Paz

[Edited on 8-31-2006 by Don Alley]


Phil C - 8-31-2006 at 05:18 PM

Hope they "go get'em"........

jerry - 8-31-2006 at 10:33 PM

sounds great
i do hope the pangas come with moters it a long row to home
i was at punta colorado in the early 90s and a bunch of the resort owners and the police bordered a boat that had a shark permit found over 800 marlin aboard it was a mexican crew and the funny thing was that this same boat was confiscated from the japanese 3 years earlier for doing the same thing go figure
anyway is seems to be a stepp in the right direction thanks for the report