
Brakes or a Tune-Up in San Felipe

Al_Vino - 9-6-2006 at 10:00 PM

I'm wondering about having routine maintenance done on the car while we're in San Felipe. When I've had to have something fixed in the past the mechanics always did a great job and didn't charge an arm and a leg, but I never had the car serviced down there.

Anyone have any advice about getting the brakes replaced or getting a tune-up in San Felipe? Do the garages do good work? Can you save a bundle, or does it cost the same as it would in the states?

Any info would be greatly appreciated!

~ Al ~

AmoPescar - 9-6-2006 at 11:25 PM


Sorry, this is some what vague....

But, a friend had a lot of work done on his Baja Bug and always raved about this mechanic.

I can't remember the name of the business or the owner's name. The shop is on Avenida Mar Caribe, on a corner, left side, about 3/4 to1 mile from the circle, going northeast towards the Punta, the baseball field and playa. Lots of old cars in a fenced yard on the corner. One of the water and ice shops may be across the street on the corner.


BajaRob - 9-9-2006 at 07:59 AM

Juan Gallo is the best mechanic in SF IMHO. His workmanship is exellent and he is honest. His prices are about 1/2 of what we pay stateside. Due to the above he, Antonio, and Arturo are usually backed up 2-3 days.
His shop is on Manzanillo, west of El Capitan

[Edited on 9-9-2006 by BajaRob]

The Mystic Mechanic?

Al_Vino - 9-9-2006 at 02:28 PM

Thanks for the tips. Sounds like my positive experiences in years past weren't just dumb luck after all. Maybe the only problem at this point is getting an appointment!

AmoPescar's description sounds very familiar. It's been several years so I don't remember what part of town he was in -- but his shop was a wooden building on a sand lot -- looked kinda like a barn -- and I remember lots of hub caps hanging in rows.

If this is the same guy, he's the one we started calling "the Mystic Mechanic". He first appeared out of nowhere right after I broke a clutch cable. He took a look at it, went and got a few tools, then came back and fixed it with bailing wire and yellow nylon rope. It held very well all the way back to Fresno, so I just left it like that. I figured I would replace the cable as soon as his repair started to slip or stretch -- but it never did -- not even after I put another 40,000 miles on that car!

Another time I had developed a bad wobbling in the rear tires on the way down to San Felipe. I ran into his shop by accident but he wasn't busy at the time so he said he'd check the tires. He drove the car very slowly, leaning out of the driver's door and listening intently. Then he removed the plastic wheel inserts from both back tires and said they were slightly different and that was the source of the problem. In fact, I had just replaced one of those inserts before that trip. Still, it seemed a small difference and I didn't think taking them off would solve the problem. But, sure enough, she was as steady as a rock on the 500 mile trip back home!

So I wonder if this is the same guy AmoPescar mentioned? We call him the Mystic Mechanic because whenever I've had car problems he mysteriously appears, sets things right, then flatly refuses to accept any form of payment. The coolest mechanic I've ever met -- -- like some kind of automotive faith healer!


meme - 9-9-2006 at 03:17 PM

I think maybe the guy you are thinking of is Ephram, known by some as Barney in SF. He is very good mechanic. He does lotsa work for us and for several people we know. The biggest problem is that he is good enough he is busy all the time. He does good work, don't over charge you, and ALSo speaks English! Nice guy and it's been our experience very honest.

bajalou - 9-9-2006 at 05:22 PM

There are 2 shops owned by brothers that specialize in brakes (frenos) and allignment. Rallo is their name. I personaly know several mechanics in San Felipe including Juan Gallos, Ephreim, Alvarez, Martin and Dag and have used them all with great results. But for brakes, I go to the brake specialists one of the Rallo shops. One on Airport Road, 1 block south of the circle, the other a block west of Gallo (2 blocks west of Tourist bureau.

And like Meme, think Amo Pescar is describing Ephreim.


MrBillM - 9-9-2006 at 05:31 PM

I've never had anything other than tires repaired in San Felipe, but my neighbors in Percebu swear by Ephram.

wornout - 9-9-2006 at 05:59 PM

I had a valve job done on a Dodge V10 at Dags and a fuel injector replaced, but for breaks, I agree, go to one of the two brothers that do it.