
Fishing out of Mulege

flyfishinPam - 9-11-2006 at 04:47 PM

Someone called me in Loreto and asked if the fishing was closed here. Its open and we're fishing. They told me that Mulege fishing was closed for this month and someone that was caught fishing there was just fined 30,000 pesos for doing so recently.

Anyone know if this if true?

Bruce R Leech - 9-11-2006 at 05:26 PM

it is true

Pescador - 9-11-2006 at 07:18 PM

STUPID but evidently True

Bruce R Leech - 9-11-2006 at 09:07 PM

the problem is not the water they have to clean the fish with it is the water the fish are living in it is testing very high in bad stuff. and I for one like the fact that for once we have a health dept that is looking out for our health.

jerry - 9-11-2006 at 11:15 PM

what is this bad stuff?? im figuring its a result of the flood??


toneart - 9-11-2006 at 11:32 PM

Sewage, Jerry.

FARASHA - 9-11-2006 at 11:40 PM

With broken sewagesystem you will always have to consider that whatever flows OUT to the sea, will be eaten by the fishes, crabs,absorbed by clams, etc....
The biggest problem is mainly the bacterias as Escherichia Coli, amongst others.
This bacteria lives within the Large Intestine - as a very important part to process the content of this part of the Bowels.
IF this bacteria is found elsewhere, as in the stomach, or open wounds,etc... it causes SEVERE illness/infections.
And KIDS, elderly people, people with a weak immunesystem, can die from it.
The sea takes its time to get rid of it.
And same way you can get Hepatitis A, Salmonella Infection, name all of this diseases are passed on via feces.
Doesn't matter if Seawater or Freshwater.

Bob and Susan - 9-12-2006 at 05:47 AM

and that mud around the river isn't the healtiest right now...

clean-up crews are in a bad area...

Bruce R Leech - 9-12-2006 at 05:58 AM

dysentery is going through town like crazy right now and there very worried about cholera.

FARASHA - 9-12-2006 at 06:23 AM

better to stay hungry, then to eat/drink something you are NOT SURE that it is CLEAN - see above.

Bob and Susan - 9-12-2006 at 06:37 AM

i saw what looked like a white chemical they spread in the west where the locals live..

I really didn't know what it was but figured it was some kind of disinfectent.

Bruce R Leech - 9-12-2006 at 06:54 AM

Bob it is Lime they are trying to protect against Cholera.

jerry - 9-12-2006 at 07:09 AM

this looks like very real problems that should be acted on not by cleaning up at this time but bye getting everyone out of there and letting time do its thing and clean it up only after its safe and in a safe manner?

salt water does clean for years all ships have been dumping raw sewage in the seas of the worlds
there a device that is hooked to a toilet called an electro-san(sp) that treats sewage it uses nothing but salt water and electricity and is said that the water out let is fit to drink
i have seen it in action and the water coming out is clear and acording to thier studies non toxic
it was aproved for use on boats that discharge there treated sewage into harbors

Bruce R Leech - 9-12-2006 at 08:00 AM

salt water will speed op the proses of decomposing human wast 4 fold and that is a lot but it still takes 30 days to do the job.

But Jerry how can that product be approved for use on boats that discharge there treated sewage into harbors when it is illegal to for boats to discharge there treated sewage into harbors ?

jerry - 9-12-2006 at 08:25 AM

these devices were approved for use in harbors all over the US they even work in fresh water if salt is added they have been used for at least 20 yrs

perhaps they can discharge it once its been treated because once treated it is no longer sewage??

Pescador - 9-12-2006 at 08:32 AM

This has to be the most insane thing to come out of the flood. First, I called the office and in my simple understanding of the way the law works in Mexico is that the Health Department would make a suggestion to the department of Fisheries or Pesca. (Guess I really do not know if that is the case, even though that is the case here in the United States) Because of where we live, I have become a certified water operator so I am fairly up on the treatment of drinking water and liquid waste disposal. Of course when I am in Mexico for 6 months, I talk to people about what is going on down there.
Now we have the health department worried about the presence of E coli, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and other bugs in the water like Hepatitus A. But if you look at the sewae disposal of both Mulege and Santa Rosalia, I'll bet you do not find anything more than a settling tank before things are sent out into the ocean. Normally this works probably pretty well, or at least well enough to get by. When I asked about sewage disposal of Mulege and the area on the south river like Oasis, Orchard, etc, I was told they have sewer. Well guess what, I have never seen a sewage treatment plant on that or the North side of the river. Guess where that goes? If by conservative estimates there are 1500 residents in Mulege that means around a ton of heavy sewage is being sent to the ocean every week.
Now as for municipal water for Mulege, I am in the dark about supply and all of that, but I do know that the water for Santa Rosalia comes from wells in the aquifer in the Palo Verde area. Since that supplies the water for our place in San Lucas Cove I started testing that water for chlorine residual to see if there was any chlorine in the water as stated by the water company. When I found over a 3 or 4 month period that there was no chlorine residual I discovered from a worker that the Chlorinator was broken and had been non-functional for almost two or three years.
So now I get a little grumpy because someone does not want me or the people who make a living from sportfishing to go out in the ocean because they are getting some high Bacteria counts by shore. There is certainly a lot of logic about commercial fishing like squid and the like if there is no water for processesing but for crying out loud leave the sportfishing guys alone who would like to just get back to normal and take some clients out

comitan - 9-12-2006 at 08:43 AM

First of all none of this has nothing to do with me, but when I was a kid living in Berkely I used to go out fishing on the pier and at the base of the pier was the outflow of sewage not treated this I can guarantee you, because of what was visable. We caught fish, smelt took them home and ate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jerry - 9-12-2006 at 09:01 AM

take a look at this place bruce electro Scan is the newest version of the Lectra/San, with a new name and totally redesigned controller. You can compare the E/S with the L/S on the Raritan website here:

jerry - 9-12-2006 at 09:12 AM

i was told a long time ago the the rio was only a river because of all the septic tanks put in by the gringos

Bruce R Leech - 9-12-2006 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by comitan
First of all none of this has nothing to do with me, but when I was a kid living in Berkely I used to go out fishing on the pier and at the base of the pier was the outflow of sewage not treated this I can guarantee you, because of what was visable. We caught fish, smelt took them home and ate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so that is what happened.

no just kidding you comitan. how are you guys doing down there. every one is talking about Mulege and I know you guys took it in the shorts down there also.

Keep smiling

comitan - 9-12-2006 at 10:58 AM

Bruce we are doing fine, just have a lot of projects going, and you keep up the good work, Muleje is sure going to miss you.