
travel companions

4wheelcamper2 - 9-13-2006 at 05:04 PM

As new members to this site, thought we would throw this out.
We go to baja 6-8 weeks almost yearly, have always traveled by our self"s, as the world changes we also realize we must change.
My wife & myself have thought if we could find likewise travel couple or 2 that combining our Baja experience could be a great learning experience plus a comfortable way to explore, we kayak, hike, dive, fish & mostly enjoy the experience. camp mostly remote roads, beachs, travel by 4 x 4 P.U.,. 4wheel camper If yyou agree this could work for you would like to do a trial local trip or meet or whatever. We are located in Palm Spring area & are schedule friendly. Let us know your ideas.

Thanks, semi retired but not tired.

[Edited on 9-14-2006 by 4wheelcamper2]


Oso - 9-13-2006 at 05:29 PM

For a moment that almost triggered a spelling police reaction.

On second thought, it's actually more accurate for what you have in mind. Have fun!

Fatboy - 9-13-2006 at 06:53 PM

Hopefully someone takes you up on the offer and it works out for everyone.

Having done almost all of our traveling, including Baja, as a single family with a single rig, it is quite a change to have another family/group in another rig along.

On the other hand, people that almost always go as group face challenges when they go alone. On some trips, such as running the Rubicon or on a long camping trip in the Sierra Nevada's at a particular location, it is easy to go with others because there is a start, a finish and few side trips.

With Baja we may stay in one spot for one day or five days depending on what we feel like. With those type of trips the other group may not have the same notion to move on just because you want 'to move on'.

It seems that whichever way you start doing trips, always alone or always together, and continue doing for sometime that way, means the change over to another way might be a bit more difficult.

For our trip this year to Baja we are going with another group for the first time and the whole family is a little apprehensive (sp?) about it. It was planned way before all the recent crimes being reported. If we had not planned it this way, we would have gone alone anyways.

I, for one, would be interested in hearing about your experiences...

Hook - 9-19-2006 at 03:31 PM

In 1-2 years, my wife and I would be interested. But work is preventing it right now.

EMAM - 2-3-2008 at 02:20 AM

Hey 4wheel camper, my wife and I just found this forum after doing research for an upcoming trip to Baja. We are going to be going with another couple we met from the RVNet forum

We're going to be heading down for the months of March and into April and we have to back in the states in for Early May

What dates are you looking at going? I'm sure we could meet up at some point as the other couple suggested the more people we had, the safer we would be.

For my wife and I, we are virgins to the Baja scene, but have been fulltiming for the past year, so we're not new to being on the road.

We have a travel website if you want to check it out, so you'll know we're not trying to pull one over on anyone;)

Feel free to contact us and let us know if you're interested in joining