TecateRay - 9-17-2006 at 06:24 AM
I'm thinking of heading to Abreojos and following the coast north, then going out to Malarimo. We'll be making this trip around Thanksgiving -
appreciate any info. THANKS
[Edited on 9-17-2006 by TecateRay]
TMW - 9-17-2006 at 08:59 AM
Ray if you take the turn off near San Jose de Castro in the almanac and follow the Caribe arroyo to the ocean, stay on the high side of the sand. In
places there is mud under it. Be carefull. Beautiful drive. We saw a really big badger within a mile of the ocean in the arroyo. It's been a couple of
years since I was there.
shari - 9-17-2006 at 09:52 AM
Welcome Ray...the road from Abreojos has good parts and lots of washboard so make sure you are prepared and have at least one, preferably 2 spare
tires. Stop in and see us in Asuncion and we can get you oriented...show you a great place to camp and make you lunch! It's best to go to Malarrimo
with another vehicle as it's very sandy or have a VHF radio would be helpful. We look forward to meeting you.
Axel - 9-17-2006 at 03:42 PM
I was there in July and it was easy travel. I dont know if it got hit with hard rain from TS John.
Paulina - 9-17-2006 at 05:55 PM
In Aug. we did the loop, Abreojos to Turtle Bay and out again though Vizciano. The road into Abreojos was paved most of the way, with the remainder of
it being worked on at the time. Air down your tires for the rest of the trip and you'll be fine.
I personally had never been there before. Loved the place, nice people, town, felt like 'old baja' to me. We camped out at Ted Williams.
Next day we drove all the way to Turtle Bay. The road was wonderful. It had been recently graded since the governor was going to be in the area. What
the conditions of the roads are as I type could be quite different due to the latest weather and traffic.
We stopped at every village along the way, starting at La Bocana, Hippolito, Punta Prieta, Asuncion (where we found Sheri and Juan), San Roque and on
to Tortugas. We camped out at Clam Bay which I would recommend.
The roads were so well graded that it was hard to remember to keep speeds down below 50 mph. We had to remind ourselves that we had no reason to
We didn't make it out to Malarimo this trip. It's on the list for next time.
Have a good trip. If we weren't land locked in Ca. we'd do it again, right now in a heart beat.
I've got photos if you're interested.
Thanks for all the good info
TecateRay - 9-18-2006 at 12:28 PM
Thanks for all the good info, looks like I may need to plan more time in that area!!
shari - 9-18-2006 at 12:46 PM
Oh yeah Ray, you won't be sorry, there is lots to do and we know some killer spots to camp and fish and hike.
Hook - 9-19-2006 at 01:53 PM
What is the weather like in early November in that area?
shari - 9-19-2006 at 02:00 PM
the weather in November is perfect here, not too much wind and nice warm water for ocean sports. Lots of sail boats too this time of year. It's one of
the best months to visit.
Cypress - 9-19-2006 at 02:26 PM
Shari, Enjoy all your posts. They're positive, upbeat, and any other good thing I can say about 'em.