
Would like better explanation in subject to determine "worthy" posts

shari - 9-18-2006 at 01:02 PM

Being a Nomad addict, I take alot of time to sift through today's posts. It would help if people would put more info in the subject matter so we can avoid posts that don't pertain to the reader. for example...."question", well maybe the person could be more specific. Or "air rifle"...etc....specifics would save time and let us determine whether we need to open it or not. I may have missed good posts due to lack of info in the title and waste alot of time on stuff that doesn't interest me. Thanks NOmads.

The Sculpin - 9-18-2006 at 02:03 PM

Lencho, you have got to be kidding.......half of the posts on this board have no thought in the body, and you want thought in the subject line?!?!

As for the subject line, jeez louise, where's your sense of adventure? Wanting more info in the subject lines is like asking for a directional road sign at the fork of a dirt road in the middle of nowhere!! Are Nomads soooooooo busy that they can't open a post and briefly skim the content? Go take a class at Evelyn Woods! Holy mackeral, think about all the wasted time spent reading this's enough to drive the GDP of a small country into the ground!


longlegsinlapaz - 9-18-2006 at 02:17 PM

Well, I was going to state my concurrance with the first two posts....but after reading The Sculpin's comments, I'm putting my flack jacket on first!! :rolleyes: ....I concur! <taking cover> :lol:

comitan - 9-18-2006 at 02:43 PM

Humor is worth a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Worthy Post

Baja Bernie - 9-18-2006 at 02:50 PM

Shari, Is this what you were looking for?

Just kidding.

It would be nice if we could all learn to do this--I learned by trial and error and when I am starting a new topic I try to put something in the subject box that will catch peoples attention---after that if I am responding to some other poster I use that persons handle to get their attention(I guess what you are talking about makes this in-correct--not really sure)

Funny, none of the people who responded to Shari's post in front of me seemed to use the subject area. Checked a few others and it runs from none to at the most about 50% (just a real quick sampling.)

Except Larry and his subject was missed because it was in the middle of the page because the quote was above it (this is the edit

[Edited on 9-18-2006 by Baja Bernie]

[Edited on 9-18-2006 by Baja Bernie]

longlegsinlapaz - 9-18-2006 at 03:08 PM

Uhhhhhhhhhhh....Bernie, I ONLY create a subject line if I create the post. I prefer to follow the original poster's topic & not highjack the thread or muddy up the waters! (But, I HAVE wondered how people got that top line BOLD!:lol: Thanks! Ya learned me sumpin! Since the original thread name doesn't change, me thinks Shari was referring to the name given at birth! But then, I haven't yet made it to 100 posts, so whadda I know! Sometimes posting on here is like walking through a minefield....BLINDFOLDED! :bounce::bounce: