
Murder in Baja

Lauri - 9-20-2006 at 10:03 PM

My mother, Jane A Kling, was found murdered about three miles north of Puertecitos back in March of this year. I am desperately searching for information from fellow Americans in the area. She was a small blonde about 125 pounds and 68 years old. She was driving a green Dodge Caravan with the old style blue and yellow California plates that read "Renes." She might have been seen in the area between 3/18-3/24. Any information would be helpful and confidential. Thank you.

I am so sorry...

M - 9-21-2006 at 06:49 AM

If there is anybody that can help you, it is probably a Nomad. I can't imagine the feelings you must be going through, but you have my sincerest condolances.

Lauri - 9-21-2006 at 07:52 AM

Thank you for taking the time to reply--people have been incredibly kind to me and my three sisters. I am amazed by the network of people on this site--I do hope that someone can help.

QuePasaBaja - 9-21-2006 at 10:09 AM

Lauri, I also wish that there were something more that I could say than I am sorry, but words can not be used to describe what you have been trhough.

It is sad that these things happen, and I wish that I had information.

please be more descriptive about the area that it happened, and the circumstances.

Best regards to you and your family.

Cincodemayo - 9-21-2006 at 11:53 AM

Lauri...that's hideous. Very sorry for your loss.
May the scum who did this burn eternally down below.

bancoduo - 9-21-2006 at 12:34 PM

I think there was something about this here a few months ago. [could be wrong]

kellychapman - 9-21-2006 at 08:15 PM

Lauri.....I cannot imagine how horrible this must be for you and your family....It makes me feel so vulnerable being a women (without a gun) and knowing things like this could happen. May by the grace of god you find out what happened and put some closure to such a horrible situation....god bless you...may you be able find some peace of mind knowing she is in gods hands regardless how horrible the situation may be....please let us know if you ever find the low life scum bag that would harm your precious mother......personally I would write to Sylvia
Brown on the montel williams web site....maybe she can help you out....Kelly

baja829 - 9-22-2006 at 10:05 AM

Lauri, we live less than 20 miles from where your Mother was found. We have only "heard" her car was found open and her purse had money and credit cards in it. She was in a fairly desolate area, alone it seems, but most likely was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The roads in that area are incredibly bad and certainly not the place for a woman alone.

If you have not already done so, you should try and talk to the Delago for that area, Luis Hernandez. He is a a very honest, fair and forthcoming person. If you do not speak Spanish, find someone you trust, who does, and write out a list of questions and he will answer what he can and refer you to others who may be able to help.

If you come to the area, I suggest you visit the Poblado Delicias, KM 32, South of San Felipe, and about 25 miles from where your Mother was found. Dr. Jose Manuel Lopez speaks English and could possibly help you with translating and/or information.. He can be found at Clinica San Pablo. His phone number from the States is 011-52-686-111-4408. He's usually in his office after 2:00 daily. The Delagado has an office across the street from there. The only problem is his area is so large, from there to Chapala back up and over to Ensenada, so he is on the road alot.

At this point I think it is still an unsolved crime -- so very sad and unusual for this area. I hope you can find some answers. Our condolences.

Lauri - 9-22-2006 at 09:13 PM

Thank you for your reply--as we hear almost nothing from Mexico, this is very helpful to our family. My spanish is actually very good-I am a fellow lover of Mexico. It is incredibly sad that I now have to associate Mexico with the loss of my mother.
I appreciate all of your information and will follow up on all your recommendations. This is exactly the help we need-new information. May I ask you how you heard about my Mom? Twenty miles is a good distance in that area-I was just wondering if it had been in the news in Mexico or if you had seen the few postings on Nomad?

Take care and all my best.

baja829 - 9-24-2006 at 03:45 PM

Glad to be of some help, unfortunately you need far more. I talked to Dr. Lopez Friday night and let him know you may call. He's been in Mexicali for the past few days for an emergency, but should be back tomorrow.

We heard through the grapevine/radio/etc, but we know the Dr. very well and the Delagado and always follow up with them, to be sure to get the story straight. As you know stories change with each telling and so much untrue is passed along as truth or many just try to stir the pot --

The Delegado or Dr. Lopez could lead you to the Ministerial Publico in San Felipe, who has the official reported information and Coroner's Report. May not have all the answers you need, but maybe give you a bit more.

Good luck! If we can help further, U2 me.


BajaRob - 9-24-2006 at 05:32 PM

We are very sorry for your loss. Although we did not know your Mother we also feel a sense of loss. There are some very bad apples in the neighborhood.
Our Delagado is Louis Romero Fernandez. His Grandfather is Papa Fernandez. His english is excellent and he is a man of great integrity. He will be your best source of information.
He has an office in Puertecitos and @ the entrance of Campo El Vergel KM 34.5.

baja829 - 9-26-2006 at 12:04 PM

Baja Rob - just for correctness - his name is Luis and he speaks very little English, and understands a little more, that's why I suggested Dr. Lopez translate. However, Lauri's response was that she does speak Spanish, so it will be much easier for her.

You are absolutely correct about Luis' integrity. It's great to have him work with us and represent this area.

Are we talking of the same delagado ??

beercan - 9-26-2006 at 01:09 PM

Every time I have met with Luis , his English is much better than my Spanish. He doesn't need a translator !

baja829 - 9-26-2006 at 03:42 PM

There is only one in this area. I'll see him this weekend and try some English on him --- my husband and I both speak Spanish and when he's been at our home or in the Poblado, I've only heard Spanish. I guess I'll have to watch my English.

Any more news Lauri?

M - 9-27-2006 at 05:55 AM