
La Bamba 50s style cafe in Rosarito

Dave - 9-25-2006 at 06:02 PM

I'll show you snotty attitude!
Originally posted by bajaeng
Walk in and the first thing greeted with is a stern "no more specials today, what you see on the menu is what we got and take it or leave it" .... jeez, all we wanted was a simple burger and shake ... Bee-eye-atch :(

I've warned them about this. I may have to sue.

The Nueva York Deli is the temple of snotty attitude. Stop by and I'll show you how it's really done.

Mike Supino - 9-25-2006 at 06:53 PM

Is he refering to your place, Dave?

BornFisher - 9-25-2006 at 07:43 PM

A year or so ago, people were raving about La Bamba. Haven`t been there for quite awhile but have always had good comford food. Hope you just were there on a bad night.
Now about the New York Deli. I suggest you go in there and ask some guy named Dave all the questions you can. "What`s in a bean salad", stuff like that! Then pertend you can`t make up your mind. Then keep cahnging your order. Then subsitude all you can!!
O.K. if you want some great Gringo food, I suggest the BLT with and orange Julius (at the NYD)!!

New York Deli

bajaguy - 9-25-2006 at 08:32 PM

I recommend the NY style pastrami................

[Edited on 9-28-2006 by bajaguy]

bajablondie - 3-3-2007 at 09:08 PM

Barf bags and snotty attitudes??!!!:fire:
I don't think so. Are you sure it wasn't you that had the attitude? Never, and I mean never, have I ever had a waiter or waitress serve me with that kind of attitude. The employees that work there would never talk like that. The waitress was hard on the! There was one there last year that was young and pretty, but thats all she was. They fired her as she didn't have a clue how to wait on customers but she was good at flirting witht he men.
I have told the owner about your post and his reply was that the grill gets cleaned twice a day with a brick, (restaurant terminology) and cleaned with a screen after every use. (Depending on what they are cooking on the grill)
Never do they cook liver and onions on the grill. It is always cooked a skillet. So that "bonus flavor" was your imagination. The turkey burger is cooked on the grill, NOT in a skillet.:P
I have been going to La Bamba since it opened, (2 years)and have found the food excellent and consistant. We have never had to send anything back. The owners are very friendly and care about the costomers. Maybe you should have grabbed a business card, and emailed them instead of making snotty untrue remarks on the internet. They are the kind of owners that would like to know if there was a problem.

DENNIS - 3-3-2007 at 09:17 PM

EZ blondie ----

That dog was buried six months ago. By pulling it out of it's grave, you make it a today issue. Not good for business

bajablondie - 3-4-2007 at 11:34 AM

I just found this site, and was shocked to see what was written about La Bamba. Date makes no difference. I felt a need to defend the restaurant that I go to 3 times a week. I'm certainly not trying to hurt their business. On the contrary, I feel people need to know that bajaeng was off base.
I hope he gives them another try.

DENNIS - 3-4-2007 at 11:55 AM

He probably will but, you might want to remember that one mans sushi is another mans bait. Everybody has different tastes. If I get any more curious about this place, I'll put on body armor and go up there and give it a try.

Bajaeng - did you get a traffic ticket or have your car stolen?

The Gull - 3-5-2007 at 06:14 AM

BajaMarby - 9-1-2009 at 06:18 AM

I read this post and want to set the record straight. "Bajablondie" was the OLD owner at La Bamba.

La Bamba was baught by new owners in June of 2007. The new owners are wonderful, warm, friendly Americans. The restaurant is sparkling clean, the menu is HUGE and everything (with the new owners) is homemade and really delicious. They keep a small staff and run a tight ship. They're really consistent and the service is excellent.

If anyone is staying away from La Bamba because of what it "used to" be, you need to try it again. It's a WHOLE new ballgame.

garynmx - 9-7-2009 at 06:04 AM

Have been there a couple of times. Service was fine but place very overpriced. Food is just soso nothing special about it. Wouldn't go back.