
A GOOD heliarc technician in Santa Rosalia???

vgabndo - 9-27-2006 at 02:27 PM

Sounds like I can save fifty bucks off the cost of a TIP for my boat (already in BCS) by taking it to Santa Rosalia rather than to Loreto. Does anyone have experince with a good aluminum melter between Mulege and S. R. ??

Cypress - 9-27-2006 at 02:42 PM

What happened to your boat?:?:

vgabndo - 9-27-2006 at 03:13 PM

I got careless out at Isla San Ildifonso. Trolling in the sun in the lee. When the wind came up, I missed ten vital minutes, and wound up quartering downwind in the white caps for nine miles to San Nicolas beach. On too many occasions I pounded the crap out of her against the back of the wave ahead. I figured I had zero chances to broach and get away with it. I have some cracks in my welded hull. Like the man said, most people don't want to experience just how much ocean a good sixteen foot boat can survive. I'm pretty sure I know everything I want to know about that particular situation.:P

Cypress - 9-27-2006 at 03:38 PM

Sounds like you're lucky that both you and your boat made it back to the dock. I'll pass on the experience of 9 miles of ruff water in a small boat.:) Good luck with the repairs.:)

Bob and Susan - 9-27-2006 at 05:38 PM

yea there's a good welder on the road you would normally take to get out of town...

he welded a small part on a trailer for me a couple of years ago...

about 1/4 mile up from the TIP office

Bob and Susan - 9-27-2006 at 05:42 PM

about here...

santarosaliamap.jpg - 47kB

Salsa - 9-27-2006 at 07:05 PM

Get some stick arc aluminum welding rods and take them and some scrap aluminum to your local welder. Yo u can see if you want to risk your boat. A lot of mexican welders have some of them.


vgabndo - 9-27-2006 at 07:22 PM

Man I love this website! Thanks for all the good info. I understand there is a real good guy near the levee in Loreto. I saw a Ford bell housing he fixed and it was downright artistic. I think his name was Chico. In the long run it might be most economical to get the TIP and welding in Loreto.

The plan is to get the cracks stuck back together, coat the inside with Rhino Liner, and fill everything under the soon to be reinforced floor boards with two part foam. I might squeeze another couple of years out of her, and she WILL be insinkable! We're usually only able to be on the water about 10 times a year.

I might have to go to Santa Rosalia just because the map is so darn good!:P:P

comitan - 9-27-2006 at 08:06 PM

It seems like you have a good plan for your boat because they are tempered and welding takes the temper out and usually crack again. But since you are making it unsinkable I would go out with you.:bounce::bounce:

Diver - 9-27-2006 at 08:17 PM

My father-in-law would use Shoe-Goo ! :lol:

But then, I wouldn't go out with him ! :no:

vgabndo - 9-27-2006 at 08:21 PM

Hey, J B Weld and silicone sealant, for a while, kept it so you couldn't HEAR the leaks.:lol: