
Anyone need any cargo driven down to Baja?

frizkie - 10-11-2006 at 11:12 PM

I will be leaving Victoria BC on October 23rd heading straight down the I-5 through Tijuana down the Mex 1 around the East cape side first then up the Pacific side to LaPaz to pick up my motorhome and then back down Pacific side to Cabo, San Jose Del Cabo and back to my property at El Chorro which is near Santiago. Just thought maybe some one might need a car part (I've certainly been there before) or whatever...nothing too large..transported down for them maybe from the US, or? If I can be of help in this way let me know. I've been on this board for a quite a few years and I do this trip every year..also I'm sure there are many on here that would vouch for my reliablity.
Barbara aka Frizkie