4baja - 10-12-2006 at 06:43 AM
the weather change in BOLA was truly amazeing these last few days. when we arrived on wensday the air temp was 97 degrees in the shade with high
humidity and no wind. the water temp was 84 degrees, lots of whales and dolphins in the channel and whale sharks in the bay. dorado at the north end
of guadalupe with yellows at the northern reef. lots of sun shine. when we left air temp dropped to 84 degrees with a heavy north wind with some west
wind combined. the water temp dropped to 80 and got very green inside and out. there seems to be alot of rooster fish inside the bay with plenty of
bait to be had. we wre picking up small ones on our bait rigs and tom caught one on a spoon. excellent trip and gearing up for the 1000 comeing
through next month.