

catwoman888 - 10-16-2006 at 10:21 AM

Was just wondering if in BC Norte there are night buses?
It is quite common on Mexico mainland. And I was wondering if from Guerrero Negro as the road are probably better, I could take a night bus to go to San Quintin and Tijuana.... That would save time for relaxing during the day...

Does anyone know???

Thanks in advance!!

vgabndo - 10-16-2006 at 10:58 AM

Going the other way in March last year the bus left TJ at 4:40 and didn't leave Ensenada until after dark. Daylight in Santa Rosalia. Three movies but very cold on the ABC bus. Take snacks. The schedule likely works about the same way north bound. Enjoy.

sunshine - 10-16-2006 at 12:26 PM

I had to take the Bus from El Rosario To TJ after losing the tranny in my truck at the Gas station. The bus left El Rosario at 12:00 in the afternoon going north. Everyone in town told us the same thing 12:00pm everyday. From that experience I would say that no bus runs at night from there, possibly from San Quentin?

Diver - 10-16-2006 at 01:05 PM

Here's the ABC website.
Unfortunately, the schedule won't load but the phone numbers may help.

ABC bus ........ at night ...?????

cristobal - 10-16-2006 at 01:54 PM

a few years ago, I used to make a quick trip to SAN IGNACIO and just spend the day visiting several ranchos ...

I would drive to ENSENADA ... :bounce::bounce::bounce:, drop my truck off with one of my friends, hop on the last bus heading south at 8:00PM and sleep all the way to GUERRERO NEGRO ... :yes::yes::yes: and after breakfast ... a short jont to SAN IGNACIO ...

On the way back ... I would get a lift to the bus stop by midnight ... pay my fee and get a nice bit of shut-eye in before sunrise and ENSENADA.:wow::wow::wow:

I'm not sure when the last bus leaves LA PAZ ... but it drives all night ... except for a dinner stop and sometimes fuel in VIZCAINO ...:O:O:O


shari - 10-16-2006 at 03:15 PM

there are a few night buses from GN to TJ that start leaving around 7, 9 and 10 and get to TJ about 10 or 11 hours later. There is usually a movie in English and you should take a pillow and blanket. The bus stops for food in Rosarito.

Thanks to you all!

catwoman888 - 10-18-2006 at 10:27 AM

Good to see I am not the only mad one wanting to night bus in Baja! :spingrin::spingrin::spingrin:

That'll give me one more day to rest somewhere reading before heading back to the European winter! :lol: