Originally posted by Stephanie Jackter
Sending an economic chill pill to that city is truly the only recourse we have in these matters. And if a govt. rep. from Baja really does come on TV
and blame the Americans for these acts of terror, maybe it will do more toward that end than all the comments I could make on the matter.
Here Stephanie is saying this guy would harm tourism by coming out and saying this.
To a great degree, Americans are to blame for this. In terms of supply and demand, it is us who have made Tijuana into one of the most debaucherous
cities in the world. We buy into that drunken, prostitute filled world, with our hard earned dollars. So why should we be surprised that
disrespecting women should extend right to the top of those in charge of protecting us when most of us go there specifically to behave badly.
Here she is saying he is right. Way to go.