
mike humfreville has passed away

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4baja - 11-6-2006 at 01:29 PM

my buddy phill just got a e-mail from beach bob that mike humfreville passed way last tusday. his report states that he had a heart attack while in san quintin and not much else was said. i hope that bob may have been mistaken but though that i would report this as he had so many friends on this board and in the baja. another amigos de baja has passed away. he will be missed.:(

4baja - 11-6-2006 at 01:31 PM

i will e-mail beach bob tonight and try to get more details. allso doc may have some news, i believe he is in the bay now.

David A. - 11-6-2006 at 01:34 PM

I received the same message. He will be missed by all.

Diver - 11-6-2006 at 01:40 PM

Oh my !! What a sad and surprising loss.
After Mike's last car wreck story, I though he was invincible.

My deepest condolences to his family. He will be missed.


BornFisher - 11-6-2006 at 01:45 PM

Wow-- a terrible loss for anyone who knew him or read his beautiful narratives!
For Mike, I hope Heaven is as beautiful as Baja!!

Sad news indeed!

John M - 11-6-2006 at 01:46 PM

Our prayers and hearts go out to Mike's family.

John and Barbara

BajaNomad - 11-6-2006 at 01:48 PM

A couple of Mike's most recent postings:

On 10/30/06 regarding a passing storm:

On 11/2/06 regarding Dia De Las Muertos:

Originally posted by Mike Humfreville
Sometimes I think that after all our living is done and any judging as to our individual impact, good or bad, on our families, society, the earth and universe evaluated, what we leave behind are our children. They will see through the mysteries of life and love us for what we are, for what we were if you will. Did we leave a lasting effect? Almost always no, except with the love and caring we put into raising and loving and supporting our children.

Don Jimmy Smith has spent his time alive creating, by his warm nature and giving spirit, a wonderful family that remembers him with great pleasure. He has not passed on to another plateau. He's alive on earth in the minds and memories of his many family members and friends.

Thank you Sara.

[Edited on 11-7-2006 by BajaNomad]

aha baja - 11-6-2006 at 02:43 PM

His loss to all that knew and loved him will be great. He was truly an insperational individual who loved and cared for his family and had a special love for Mexico in general and baja in particular.Our thoughts and prayers go out to his loving family Saludos Mike ....May God speed

baja sur - 11-6-2006 at 02:49 PM

WOW !!!

What a last post.......
It is Something to Realy think about?

Best wishes to the family.

djh - 11-6-2006 at 03:11 PM

Last Tuesday ? That would have been Oct. 31, however:

> Last active: 11-3-2006 at 18:18

> Last Post: Dia del Muerto (11-2-2006 at 15:43)

Perhaps family used Mike's member log-on... or perhaps the details from Beach Bob to Phil to 4baja are mixed... but what I'm hoping is.... the story / report is all my imagination and next time I log on, more of Mike's words will be here.


Bruce R Leech - 11-6-2006 at 03:17 PM

Wow I am in shock I just cant believe that we have lost Mike.:no:

Our prayers and hearts go out to Mike's family and may he rest in peace:(

BajaNomad - 11-6-2006 at 03:22 PM

Many, including myself, are seeking out and desiring further confirmation.

I hope this to be a "reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated" situation.

Please contact me privately if necessary.

Thank you,
Doug Means

Bob H - 11-6-2006 at 03:24 PM

This is very sad news indeed. We only met Mike once but it was a time I will never forget. You immediately got the feeling that you knew him a long time and he was such a caring individual. Everyone enjoyed is inspirational writings that always came from the heart. My deepest sympathy to his family. May he rest in peace.
Bob and Audrey H

Mexitron - 11-6-2006 at 03:26 PM

So sad, but at least he was in Baja where he was happy. Via con Dios Mike.


Baja Bernie - 11-6-2006 at 03:29 PM

I'm with Doug, let's wait a bit and confirm the events before we say our farewells. He is/was a tough guy.....let's just see.

Bob and Susan - 11-6-2006 at 03:42 PM

this is the people online at around 2:30PM...3:30Pm bay of la time


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SoCalAl - 11-6-2006 at 03:58 PM

Great Guy,
Either way, whether he is still here or not I pray that the Lord has recieved Mike in His Glory. I met Mike a few years back in BOLA while having a pot-luck of sorts with David K, Travel Pearl, Doc, Frank and his wife and my pal Juan Ornelas. He was enjoying a dish I made called "Trocitos de Puerco con Tomatillo" (Fried Pork shoulders chunks with tomatillo sauce) and refried beans. I was taken by surprise as he just enjoyed eating the chile and never once complained about the heat but was just enjoying the Mexican flavor and just smiling all through the whole ordeal. I know there was a few more people in his party but I can't remember their names.
Nice folks to hang around with. My deepest sympathies and please recieve blessing in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus, Christ.

God be with you all,
Alex L

Frigatebird - 11-6-2006 at 04:17 PM

Never met the man in the flesh, but certainly feel I had from his eloquent writings. A loss to all who knew and "knew" him. My condolences to his family.

Summanus - 11-6-2006 at 04:26 PM

Mike...I hope this turns into a Samuel Clemens story...but if not, Godspeed, old writer.

David K - 11-6-2006 at 04:37 PM

Mike Humfreville

Super Nomad

Posts: 1151
Registered: 8-25-2003
Member Is Offline

posted on 11-2-2006 at 03:43 PM


His last post was THURSDAY afternoon, Nov. 2...

According to the top of this thread: Beach Bob reported to 4baja that Mike passed away TUESDAY (Oct. 31) in San Quintin....

I will hold out some hope until we have another confirmation... Mike emailed me on Oct. 22 that he had too many things going on to attend Viva Baja Cactus (Nov. 4), but invited us to stay with them after the Baja 1000.

Upon getting a phone call from a concerned Nomad at noon today, I made calls to some people who would most likely know... and to those I reached, they didn't hear any bad news.

Let's pray for a healthy Mike to share more stories and good times first... If true, I offer what ever I can to help his wonderful wife and sons through this!

capt. mike - 11-6-2006 at 04:53 PM

wow, that's crummy news..........- note to DK - we got a ph call on our DTV system which logs all calls and numbers if they come thru - some don't - from a "Humfreville Mar" on sunday mid afternoon but weren't home to answer it, and the caller did not leave a message. could it have been Mary needing something? only met them once at a VB party via DK in oceanside - i was not close to them otherwise and never talked to them on the ph before, my number is on the website maybe that's how they called.

David K - ????????????any ideas? call me, i am headed to mulege but with a plane load of sams on friday.

David K - 11-6-2006 at 05:01 PM

I am hoping to hear something good... I don't know anymore than what I posted a while ago.

What I am surprised is that this didn't come out until today (Nov. 6th) if it happened on TUESDAY the 31st, as bad news always travels fast.

The fact that he posted for sure on the 2nd is the only twinkle of hope we have that this isn't true. The Internet (Baja Nomads) are quick to share...

Isn't what Mike posted on the 2nd (if that was his last post here) astounding in nature?

[Edited on 11-7-2006 by David K]

Paulina - 11-6-2006 at 05:23 PM

I received email from Mary Ann on Nov. 4th. We are hoping this is all a misunderstanding.

P y D

marv sherrill - 11-6-2006 at 05:44 PM

Beach Bob does live near Mike in Bay of LA, and has an ear for everything going on down there - - If true, Mike will really be missed - my condolenses go out to his children and Maryann - If you have not read iIn the Shadow of a Volcano, now is the time to really get to know how MiKe lived and loved.

BajaNomad - 11-6-2006 at 06:50 PM

Originally posted by David K
His last post was THURSDAY afternoon, Nov. 2...
Very very sorry. My bad. The 2nd, not the 3rd.

Now corrected in my earlier post.


Bob H - 11-6-2006 at 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Paulina
I received email from Mary Ann on Nov. 4th. We are hoping this is all a misunderstanding.
P y D

Paulina... please give us an update on this. More details?
Bob H

Bob H,

Paulina - 11-6-2006 at 07:09 PM

There's not much more to tell. Mary Ann sent me a group mailing, something to make us all smile on Nov. 4th. I replied to her, but didn't hear back. We email back and forth on a weekly basis.
After reading 4baja's post tonight, I phoned the H. stateside house and left a message for Miguelito and Kevin. Like I said, we're hoping this is all a misunderstanding and that we will see him alive and well in Bahia after the race.
I have a feeling that quite a few of us won't be sleeping well until this is resolved.


jerry - 11-6-2006 at 07:30 PM

this in deed is a sad day our sympathy to his family his writings will keep him alive in the hearts and minds of many forever
Thank you Mike for puting into words what we feel Judi and Jerry

Bedman - 11-6-2006 at 07:35 PM

So many emotions running through my mind at this point. Wish Mike was on his computer to confirm or deny with me, but he's not. The following is an excerpt of Beach Bob's email dated Nov 6 @10:52AM reads as follows.
"Mike Humfreville died in San Quintin two nights ago. He had a heart attack."


Mike has always been my friend. We've shared our experiences in life. Cooked dinners for each other. Loaned and borrowed things as needed. He knew my shortcomings and I his. We chided each other as the opportunities arose. I truly Hope this information is erroneous. Then I can open a "Box of Wine" and savor the night.

As always,

Steve, Emma and Daisy

"Ah Christ, that it were possible for one short hour to see the souls we loved, that they might tell us what and where they be." Tennyson.

JESSE - 11-6-2006 at 07:53 PM

Lets hope its all a misunderstanding.

Diver - 11-6-2006 at 07:54 PM

Starting to make bad sense;

Mike's last post on Nov. 2
Mary Ann's email on Nov. 4 (Paula; was this in the morning ?)
Mary Ann's call to Capt Mike - maybe looking for transport ?
(Mike; was this in the afternoon ?)
The Nov. 6 email above would have him passing later on the 4th !
Maybe after driving to San Quinton that day ?
Family in San Quinton would explain the lack of phone response in CA.

I'm no detective but this doesn't seem to add up to good news.
But then, someone was logged in on Mike's Nomad account earlier today ??

[Edited on 11-7-2006 by Diver]


Baja Bernie - 11-6-2006 at 08:06 PM

Mike's death has been confirmed and Mary Anne wishes that it be left at that until she can post herself tomorrow. She is with Dave and Juanita at Cielo Lindo at this time.

Paulina - 11-6-2006 at 08:14 PM

Our family is very sorry to hear this being confirmed. Very sad indeed. Mike will be missed, "terribly" says our daughter Cody.
Mary Ann, you and the boys are in our hearts and prayers. If there's anything we can do for you, let us know.

Paulina y Dern y Cody

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Bruce R Leech - 11-6-2006 at 08:14 PM

Baja Bernie can you at least tell us how you confirmed?

RockhouseTom - 11-6-2006 at 08:21 PM

I knew Mike, but a short time.

What struck me each time I talked to him, or read something he wrote was his love of life and love of all people.

God Bless Mike and his family.

Yes, Bruce

Baja Bernie - 11-6-2006 at 08:21 PM

I contacted David and Juanita at Cielito Nindo and Dave confirmed it with the message that Mary Ann wanted nothing else said until she could post tomorrow.

She is in wonderful hands with them.

Bruce R Leech - 11-6-2006 at 08:23 PM

thank you Bernie. we will honer that request.

vgabndo - 11-6-2006 at 08:41 PM

How is it that I can be so pained by the loss of someone I never met? My deepest condolences to those who have suffered a really devastating loss. Our little cyber community won't be the same.

ursidae69 - 11-6-2006 at 08:42 PM

Dang, this is horrible. I wish more people had the gift of writing that he had. Prayers are with the family... :(

Paulina - 11-6-2006 at 08:47 PM

Taken from Cody's blog tonight:

"Mom and I and Dern were sitting by the computer on our baja websites, checking in with our friends. We saw a post that one of our dear baja friends, Mike Humfreville has died from a heart attack. It's really sad news cause Mike had a really nice wife and a really nice family. His boys are adults, but I'm sure that they are sad. They are really nice and I've met them many times. He died in Baja which we all hoped he wanted to. He had a good life and good friends and family who loved him very much. Mike Humfreville will always be a part of baja in our hearts and history and everybody will remember him no matter what cause we all really loved him. It will be really sad cause in a few days we're gonna go down to baja where Mike and his family have a really nice house. It will be weird not hearing his laughs and comments. We'll really miss him and I'm sure everybody else will. We're saying prayers for him and hoping the best that he's really up in Heaven and very happy and no longer in pain. Even though he's passed on we'll love him as much as we did when he was still with us, if not more.
Cody "

Baja Bernie - 11-6-2006 at 08:59 PM

A better salute no man could have.

Ken Bondy - 11-6-2006 at 09:11 PM

Saludos, Miguel, que le vaya bien. Tu amigo, ++Ken++

bufeo - 11-6-2006 at 09:43 PM

We are very sorry to learn of this news. Our thoughts are with Mary Ann.

elgatoloco - 11-6-2006 at 09:58 PM


We are speechless.

Our hearts go out to the whole family.


Santiago - 11-6-2006 at 10:27 PM

Granite Springs
2004 Estate
Fair Play

We spent a few days this spring attempting to determine which would be our Zin of choice for the coming year. After a besotted weekend my wife and I stumbled into this winery in the western foothills of the northern sierras and this was it. A few cases were bought and 'put away'.

This fall I made a trip to Bahia de los Angeles for a week with my oldest son and his friend and in planning, MH e-mailed me and made sure that I knew I was welcome to visit his and MA’s new home. While packing, I tossed a bottle into my bags to give as a house-warming.

Day 3 at Gecko I hear talking coming from Jay’s house: Doc, Jay, BB, MS and MH yell at me to come over. I grab the bottle and walk over to give to Mike and Mary Ann for the housewarming. Mike says he has quit drinking much anymore but when we come over later he’ll open it.

We get busy fishing and stuff and 3 or 4 days go by – I’m sitting at Jays when MA and MH drive up in Vaca Blanca making sure we will visit that evening as his kids are going home the next day. We spend a wonderful evening eating clam chowder while discussing the best places for clams, jaw fish holes, why the wind blows where it does, how to fix Mexican tiles installed over springy wood floors, while I drink most of said Zin.

Next day my son says he left his hat at the Humfreville’s and just then MH and MA drive up, Mike wearing the hat and flipping me a bird –you know, the kind that guys do when they’re having fun. I can still see him and MA leaning on the patio wall, wrapping up the visit as we are leaving the next day. We shake hands and Mike says, “I had a sip of that wine after you left and it was pretty substantial”.

After I saw Bernie’s confirming post, I went right to the Zin, and have spent the last few hours thinking about the best places for clams, jaw fish holes, why the wind blows where it does, and why some people die before they should. I can get clams anytime I want, jaw fish too (although why Mike bothered with those greasy things I haven’t a clue), and I don’t need a weatherman – but that last one is tough.

PS: By-the-way Mike – I think “Steel on Cobblestones” was your best one.

4baja - 11-7-2006 at 07:16 AM

first meet him at Ms bbbbs years ago,been friends since. a great guy with a great feel for life he will be missed. . adios mike!!

Bob and Susan - 11-7-2006 at 07:20 AM

Mary Ann and family,

You have our deepest sympathy.

Bob and Susan Frambes

El Jefe - 11-7-2006 at 07:30 AM

Mike was simply a fine man. We will miss him dearly. Tom and Paula

DENNIS - 11-7-2006 at 07:40 AM

A month or so back, someone here posted a link to a collection of Mike,s essays. I read and enjoyed them, then, lost the link. Does anybody know where that may be? I would like to read them again. I never met Mike but, through his writing I'm able to feel that I knew him in a way.

Thanks .... Dennis

Osprey - 11-7-2006 at 07:45 AM

In some far off land where a man is measured by his humanity, Mike Humfreville reigns supreme. It is fit his end came as a soft landing; some small payback I suppose for making us all look at ourselves a little closer. I chided him a time or too for being too sensitive, too goofy over things he saw in pebbles or clouds or people but (through the internet) I could feel the smile on his face as he looked at my words with a little pity, wishing I could see what he saw.

Those of us whose lives Mike touched can now honor this gentle teacher by being just a little more human. I’ll go first.

Diver - 11-7-2006 at 07:54 AM

Mike's writings on Fred's board;

jmcleod - 11-7-2006 at 08:00 AM

I am a longtime friend of Mike Humfreville and his family. Mary Ann called on Saturday to report the bad news that Mike had passed away. She said that he had been feeling really bad and that they finally located a visiting doctor in Bahia de Los Angeles and that the doctor told them that they had to get Mike to a hospital right away. They took him by ambulance to San Quintin. For some reason Mary Ann could not accompany him in the ambulance and since it was nighttime it was too dangerous for her to drive alone so she waited and drove up on Sunday morning. When she arrived at the hospital they told her that Mike had suffered a heart attack about 40 minutes after they brought him in and that they were unable to revive him. His children, Mike and Kevin, left immediatly for San Quintin and I believe they are there now. Also, another long time friend of the family, Barsam Diradoorian went to San Quintin to be with Mary Ann on Monday morning. I expect to hear from Barsam later today and will pass along any other information that I get.

Keep Mary Ann and boys in your thoughts and prayers.

John McLeod

Santiago - 11-7-2006 at 08:00 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
A month or so back, someone here posted a link to a collection of Mike,s essays. I read and enjoyed them, then, lost the link. Does anybody know where that may be? I would like to read them again. I never met Mike but, through his writing I'm able to feel that I knew him in a way.

Thanks ....


Link to Fred's Board: Fred has compiled all of Mike's stories: I recommend you scroll down to "Steel on Cobbles" - my favorite.

Eli - 11-7-2006 at 08:05 AM

Osprey, I swear that is the best thing you ever wrote. It sure looks like Mike did enter your heart, as he did mine, he inspired me to say the best of me many a time.

MaryAnn, I was trying to hold out for your comments before making my own, but alas for the moment as come, I can wait no longer to wish happy trails to Mike who sent me on many a journey of inner thoughts. Don Miguel, I will not forget you, thank you for the insperations!

Mija, without a doubt your present pain and shock outway your joy of lifes journey with this fine man. I am so sorry for your broken heart, may it heal in not too long a time, and the joy of your smiles togeather bring you back to happier days with someone I am sure you loved as much a life itself. I am so, so sorry for your moment of most profound pain.

Marie-Rose - 11-7-2006 at 08:14 AM

A huge loss for Baja Nomads. My prayers and thoughts are with the family.

FARASHA - 11-7-2006 at 08:50 AM

WE never met, but through his writings I knew him.
Will miss the moments when he touched one's soul.
And my sympathy goes out to his wife and his family, who must be desperate over the sudden loss.

Baja Bernie - 11-7-2006 at 08:58 AM

Mike and his family found a freedom in Baja that only a few will ever know. He shared this with each of us through his writings and that huge smile of his. A c-cky and yet sensitive sole.

Quote by Osprey---"Those of us whose lives Mike touched can now honor this gentle teacher by being just a little more human. I’ll go first."..........................I can only say, I will try!

"Baja with MIke"

Baja Bernie - 11-7-2006 at 09:08 AM

I have placed these gems in my fvorite file to be relished, again, and again, as the days go by.

Better feelings and thoughts are hard to find.

jettygirl - 11-7-2006 at 09:26 AM

As a newbie, I read a few of his latest posts and always smiled ....
My thoughts go out to all who knew him in the flesh as well as
folks, like myself, who smiled in the wake of his words.

movinguy - 11-7-2006 at 09:44 AM

I exchanged several U2U's with Mike before my recent trip to BDLA and he invited me to stop by and introduce myself while in town. Well, I didn't - I apologized (U2U again) that the time got away from me and he graciously extended the invitation until, well, anytime.

Lesson learned by me. :(

DanO - 11-7-2006 at 12:02 PM

It was Mike's postings on Fred's board and the Amigos board that first prompted me to share some of my Baja experiences. It's hard, for me at least, to reduce such complex things to words and to make those words reflect the nuances of real experience. I felt validated, in a sense, when Mike responded to my early and (in retrospect) clumsy post with praise and encouragement. The man had a beautiful way with words, matched with an acute perception of the world and the people around him. At the core, Mike's writings laid bare his almost heartbreaking longing for a life lived in the right proportions. I will miss his voice. As many of us have said, many times, thank you Mike, for sharing.

toneart - 11-7-2006 at 12:15 PM

Tears; before and after...

I had never met Mike in person but that was definitely on my my near future agenda. His writings so impressed me that I wanted to spend time in his presence. His piece Singing (search his Nomad writings, see September 19, 2006), brought me to tears and I said so in that string. I am grateful for having been able to convey that to him. What character that story conveyed, and what a strong, wonderful woman Mary Ann is. The Love really shone through!

Mary Ann, my heart and tears go out to you. I wish you and your family strength to get through this and ultimately, peace.

Mike, I still hope to meet up with you when I take that journey. Perhaps then we will be able to reflect on this wonderful adventure that is Baja.

Hook - 11-7-2006 at 12:33 PM

Deeply saddened by the loss of this wonderful writer and wonderful man.

We must do something permanent in his honor, when the appropriate time comes.

What a loss......

Wow! What a shocker ...

Skipjack Joe - 11-7-2006 at 12:41 PM

To log in this morning and read this.

He left too early in life. He was so productive. I'm having a hard time reconciling with the fact.

A highly respected man he may have been the best on this board. You never saw a post of Mike's without reading it and pondering his message.

I wish I had met the man but in many ways I felt I knew him about as well as I knew anyone.

Wish he was still here. I had so many questions.

Jack Swords - 11-7-2006 at 01:09 PM

Sad to lose such a gentleman. Mike's writings brought us all closer to Baja and its people. Baja is a bit diminished now without him.

From Mary Ann, Concerning Mike

Porky Pig - 11-7-2006 at 01:11 PM

I´m so sad to let you know that my husband, Michael, passed away on November 5th in San Quintin. My sons and I are preparing to return Mike for burial in Bajia de Los Angeles, the place he loived the most. There will be a wake, a party to celebrate his life, some time in the near future. I will let you know where and when it will take place.

Thank you all for your condolences,
Mary Ann.

David K - 11-7-2006 at 01:27 PM

Mary Ann, I want you and your boys to know that Elizabeth and I are so very sorry for your familly's loss.... We are ready to assist you if we can. Let me know if we are needed and Baja Angel and I are on our way.

I have some words and memories to share, and was waiting for your post first, per your request.

We are so sad...

You and Mike included my children, Elizabeth and I into your family so many times the few years we knew each other... You came to every one of my events and helped make them wonderful.....

... I need to continue this later...

Please contact me if we can help...

HUGS from David & Elizabeth

[Edited on 11-7-2006 by David K]

bajalera - 11-7-2006 at 01:49 PM

So sorry for your loss, Mary Ann and kids. Mike's contributions to this board will indeed be missed.

bajajudy - 11-7-2006 at 01:57 PM

Mary Ann
Please accept my heartfelt condolences. It was a pleasure to meet you at the Pyramid book signing year before last.
All of us Nomads are here for you.

Diver - 11-7-2006 at 02:05 PM

Mary Ann,

When my younger sister passed too early, my mother found some solace in creating a scholarship in my sister's name. It is administered by the high school which she attended and awarded to an aspiring writer (as was my sister), for a writing seminar each year. It might be a great way to continue Mike's promotion of the written word.

Then again, as Mike has said, "our legacy is our children". With two wonderful sons as yours, Mike has already left a wonderful legacy.

Thank you, as well, for sharing your family and travels with us these past years. Mikes writings will be forever.

Deepest sorrow for your loss.

tripledigitken - 11-7-2006 at 02:11 PM

Mary Ann,

Paula and I met you and Mike at this years book signing. We were so glad that Mike made it up, as he was not expected to be there being such a short time since the accident. We had a brief chat with him, and shared some memories of our Baja experiences. When we purchased his book we asked if he would autograph it for us. In obvious pain he not only signed it but managed to write a heartfelt personal message as well. It impressed us both at the time. I'm sure this was typical behavior of the man. We are so sorry for your loss. I don't know what else to say.

Ken and Paula

Summanus - 11-7-2006 at 02:15 PM

A few friends and I have named certain stars in the clear night skys of Baja after friends who have passed. We sit on the patio and toast them often...(all too often, my wife says!) A nice bright one is now named Mike Humpreyville...right next to Manuel. Salud, friend of Baja.

SoCalAl - 11-7-2006 at 02:23 PM

Hello Mary Ann,
I met both of you in BOLA in July of 2003. Juan and I were there for just a few days and you and your husband were next to David K and Travel Pearl. We met and spoke the night of the pot luck. I was the Mexican fellow that cooked the green chile and the chiles rellenos. I remember Mike and I will never forget him because he had a way about him that is unmistakable, a God given trait, a talent, a gift from the Lord that makes us warm and fuzzy inside. I recently read some of his articles and could see love exude from his inner most being. God is a God of Love and that is our purpose in life to learn to love. Baja offers that type of connection and I can see that for Mike like many of the Nomads, Baja was and is a place where we truly can here ourselves think and then we come to a realization that life is about loving. Loving those around you, love is about sharing, sharing with those you come in contact with. Love is long suffering and love is patient, ohh Mary Ann forgive me if I go on and on but the bottom line is you as well as Mike are a loving woman and Mike leaves behind nothing but a gift to us and that is his family. So I do offer my condolences but I more wish to come in contact with the Humfreville family for yet another great time in Baja one of these years.
In one of the articles I read that Mike wrote he said that all men should live life while leaving a legacy and making an impact in life. Then life would be worth living. You know I agree with him but it is the men that leave a legacy such as his that truly stays with you. For many men accomplish much but few know how to love and this man, Mike Humfreville knew how to love. He loved Baja, he loved the people in Baja, he loved the Nomads in Baja but most of all he loved his family. May the Lord have Mike in His Kingdom where we will meet again.

Mary Ann and Family, I pray the Lord bring peace and strength during your trying times, in the Name that is above all names I pray, Jesus the Christ, Amen.

God be with you and your family,
Alex L

Bajagato - 11-7-2006 at 02:24 PM

Mary Ann and family,
Chris and I met you and Mike back at a BBBB in San Quintin and then our pathes crossed at one of the booksignings and again at a party in San Clemente. I have been reading (since 4baja's first post) everyday the heartfelt condolences that all the nomads are sending you. I have shed tears for your loss and the world's loss. Your husband was so loved, and I am so sorry that you lost him so unexpectedly. He will be missed by all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Bajagato and Bajaddict ( Denise and Chris)

2 down - 1 to go

thebajarunner - 11-7-2006 at 02:29 PM

Last Summer I U2U'd with JR about stopping by to see him. We had occasional jousts on this board, but he was helpful in getting me connected to an orphanage and we really needed to sit down face to face and get better acquainted.

Last Spring my travel compatriot, Baja Vida, and I had planned to visit Mike H on our annual trip to LABay. Which got cancelled at the last minute, so we agreed that next March one of our priorities was to spend some time with Mike. Alas!!!

Now, as he points out in the forward to his new book "Think You Know Baja", Bernie emphasizes that while he and I have never met we do have a good friendship, and one day we need to get together.

Guess this makes it obvious..... keep putting off these meetings, and you will long regret it.

So- to Mike H, Rest in Peace, my friend I never met.

And- to Baja Bernie, let's figure out how to close this gap, and soon!!!

bajawife - 11-7-2006 at 02:52 PM

My condolences to you and your family. You are in my thoughts.

Bob H - 11-7-2006 at 03:07 PM

Audrey and I had the priviedge to meet you and Mike during the President's day weekend 2004 Matomi run. Apart from his genius as a writer about his life events, which played as a movie in your mind, he was also attentive and incredibly considerate to all around him, an attribute not always found in high achievers. We are both shocked to learn of Mike's passing. Our thoughts are with you and your famliy during this difficult time.
Bob and Audrey H.

bajaandy - 11-7-2006 at 03:38 PM

While I never had the opportunity to meet you or your husband, my deepest sympathies and condolences go out to you in this time of greiving. Mike's writings were (and still are) an inspiration to me. His passing is a terrible loss to all of us here on the Nomad board.

Peace be with you.


sylens - 11-7-2006 at 04:14 PM

i want to echo bajaandy's words.

i am very sorry we did not meet. mike's writings suggested he was a remarkably sensitive and gentle man with a shining inner strength. i am so sorry for your loss and for your boys' loss too.

Natalie Ann - 11-7-2006 at 04:22 PM

Mary Ann and Sons, I am most sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and yours.

fdt - 11-7-2006 at 04:27 PM

We met briefly at the first Vivabaja party at the San Clemente pier in 2000 and I enjoyed reading his posts. Our thoughts and prairs are with your family.

Viva Mike.....Viva
fernadetijuana and family

El Camote - 11-7-2006 at 05:10 PM

Mary Ann,
Our family is grieving this devastating loss and thinking of you and the boys. Please, please let us know if we can be of any help from this end.

Michael, Wendy and Charlie

[Edited on 11-8-2006 by El Camote]

bajalou - 11-7-2006 at 05:22 PM

I met Mike a couple of times and Mary Ann once at the San Felipe book signing. A real person and one that we all will miss. His take on life as told in his stories is something wonderful. Condolences to Mary Ann and the young men in his family.

marv sherrill - 11-7-2006 at 06:54 PM

Mary Anne - we are so sorry about Mike - We will be at our house in Bahia within the next 2 weeks and stay way through Thanksgiving or as long as we can be of help. Please feel free to call on us for anything. - Marv and Gail

My Condolences

Gypsy Jan - 11-7-2006 at 07:47 PM

To you and your family on the loss of a beloved husband, father, brother, uncle and much more.

I only knew you and Mike in the internet kind of way. He was brave enough to write honestly about his life - the successes, the failures, but above all, about Baja and his deep and abiding love for the land and the people.

He was brave enough to "go naked" in front of strangers, to publish his most intimate feelings about his life and insights and aspirations on this "new media", the Internet, exposing himself to the sometimes dismissive, sometimes callous and corrosive judgement of strangers.

When I read here about his passing, the first thought that popped into my head was, "He's the luckiest man I almost met."

Forgive me if I have any details wrong, but I believe he was in a part of his life where he had achieved his lifelong goals; he had successfully moved full time to a place in Baja that he has loved since he was a teenager, he had raised sucessfully a family that was busy spreading their wings and finding their own destiny, and, right up to the end, he was writing and sharing the thoughts and ideas and memories that crammed his brain and begged to be expressed.

Vaya con dios, Mike, go gentle into that goodnight.

CaboMagic - 11-7-2006 at 08:09 PM

Please accept sincerest condolences from all of us Mary Ann, extended to your sons and loved ones. Fondly and respectfully, Tommy & Lori Garcia

JESSE - 11-7-2006 at 08:14 PM

El buen Mike will be very missed. One of the things i was missing the most in the past few years was not reading as many stories from Mike as i used to. When i first got on the old amigos board, i use to writte a lot about Baja and Mike would praise my little old boring stories. Eventually the board started to change a lot. and i guess it pushed away many great guys like Mike. But even then, he would not leave us dry for long, and he would suddenly post something that reminded us of how this and the late amigo board started. As just a place where guys could talk about Baja everything in a civil matter, with no politics, no riff raff arguing about this and that.

Mike will be missed

Bonair - 11-7-2006 at 08:19 PM

I seldom post on this board and am a great lurker. Two people kept pulling me back. David K. for his historical knowledge of Baja and Mike Humfreville for his compassionate love of Baja. I will miss his insightful writings. Mary Ann and your sons may you be held gently in the palms of HIS hands. Glenna

Because Mike would not want us to sit around all gloomy faced.....

Paulina - 11-7-2006 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Summanus
A few friends and I have named certain stars in the clear night skys of Baja after friends who have passed. We sit on the patio and toast them often...(all too often, my wife says!) A nice bright one is now named Mike Humpreyville...right next to Manuel. Salud, friend of Baja.

My daughter Cody, who earlier wrote on her blog her thoughts and feelings about Mike's passing, bought a new fish today. Just as Summanus named a star after him, I bet you all can guess what Cody named her new fish. Mike would be proud, I would think.

On our way to the fish store she told me of her friends at school today and how she shared with them that her friend Mike had died. She then asked me the question, "Did Mike have any grandchildren?" She and I both knew the answer to that question. I think it was just to qualify her next question. She then asked me if it was ok that she told her friends at school that Mike was "like her baja grampa, sorta like Bedman and Herman".

I think Mike would have liked that. Afterall, she's only 11 and she knew him for over half of her years. I think that qualifies.

I think I'll keep a better eye on our fish tank.


Mike Humfreville

jmcleod - 11-7-2006 at 09:03 PM

I'm an old friend of Mike's (over 24 years) & unfortunately the reports of his passing are true. We will miss him immensly! He died on Sunday morning early in San Quentin. Please keep all of his family and friends in your thoughts & prayers. WE LOVE YOU MIKE!

Sallysouth - 11-7-2006 at 10:22 PM

Maryanne, My prayers are with you and your sons. Vaya con Dios Mike... :saint:

[Edited on 11-8-2006 by Sallysouth]

[Edited on 11-8-2006 by Sallysouth]

Mike Humfreville, forever he will live in all of us

David K - 11-7-2006 at 11:11 PM

Kind, caring, fun, gruff, abrasive, interesting, entertaining, loving, giving... Mike Humfreville was that, and much more!

The day I met Mike and Mary Ann in early 2000 on the San Clemente Pier at a casual get-together of Internet Baja enthusiasts... Graham Mackintosh is the red headed fellow.

In the following post, I have some photos of some of the fun times when I was with Mike...

san clemente 2000 003.jpg - 48kB

Janice - 11-7-2006 at 11:27 PM

We have enjoyed Mike's writing on this board for the past few was said earlier, his posts were one of the ones worth coming back for again and again.

I recently purchased 3 books from Amazon to read on our upcoming trip to Baja beginning Monday...Log from the Sea of Cortez, Into a Desert Place, and In the Shadow of the Volcano. Ironically, I received them in the mail today, the same day I heard the sad news. We will miss him and his eloquent way with words.

Our condolences go out to his family.

2000-2006 My times with Mike...

David K - 11-7-2006 at 11:37 PM

OCT. 2000 Viva Baja-1

FEB. 2001 Matomi Tour/ Sulfur Mine

MAY 2001 Viva Baja-2

JUL. 2001 Lost Mission Hunt/ Las Flores

NOV. 2001 BBBB-2 Guadalupe Canyon

FEB. 2002 Viva Baja-3

SEPT. 2002 BBBB-4 Cielito Lindo

FEB. 2003 Viva Baja-4

MAY 2003 Pyramid Book Signing-1

JUL. 2003 Camp Gecko (Yellowtail fishing with El Camote)

JAN. 2004 San Borja Tour/ Montevideo

FEB. 2004 Matomi Tour

APR. 2005 Pyramid Book Signing-3

OCT. 2005 In front of their new Baja Home

MAY 2006 Pyramid Book Signing-4

Mike will live forever in us... VAYA CON DIOS MI AMIGO!

[Edited on 11-8-2006 by David K]

humfreville.JPG - 50kB

Mike is Gone?

Bajadtodebone - 11-8-2006 at 08:20 AM

I am so sad to hear that we no longer have Mike with us but I am confident he is in a better place. He is the second of two true Baja characters this year we have lsot this year. My condolances to Mary Ann and the family. I was in the middle of a series of U2U's with Mike and they abruptly stopped....I wondered why. Our brief but enjoyable experiences with Mike at Campo Gecko are forever on our minds and he in our hearts. via condios me amigo::(:no:

Bob H - 11-8-2006 at 06:51 PM

David, that was great...... one of your photos was of Mike that I took in Feburary 2004 on the Matomi run....... Mike always came across so friendly and warm. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos.
Bob H

Bajalero - 11-8-2006 at 08:20 PM

One last Sunset
Between the Burnt Rocks and the Softest Sand
What most see , He has felt and put into words

Vaya con Dios Miguel

GeoRock - 11-8-2006 at 08:33 PM

MaryAnn, Kevin, and Mikey,
My heart is aching at my good buddy Mike's passing. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. You say the word and I'll be on my way to bahia. Love you all, you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Pete and Suzanne

bajarich - 11-8-2006 at 08:57 PM

I didn't know Mike, but I enjoyed reading his many posts. He had the same love of Baja that many of us have. May he rest in peace in the place that he loved so much. My prayers are with his family.

Bajabus - 11-8-2006 at 10:44 PM

Oh sad indeed. I don't even know what to say. Just very very sad......

I have been reading mikes writings for many years, since the old board and like mentioned above recall his encouraging words at my pitiful attempts to put down in words my Baja adventures. I surely will miss him and so will Baja.

Peace be with him and his family, how lucky we all are to have known him.

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