
Doug Means' Viva Baja Cactus trip photos/report (62 pics)

BajaNomad - 11-6-2006 at 06:45 PM

Last time I had a trip report, I waited until after more important news had subsided (Hurricane John), and lost some of the details of my trip because of the delay. Although my thoughts now are with the initial report on Mike Humfreville, I wish to post my info from this past Saturday a.s.a.p.

The thanks for this event go out to Antonio ("BajaCactus") and David K. They are the people responsible for organizing, coordinating and communicating this event for us and to us. A big, understated, thank you to both of them!

How about some photos?!!!:

With the post from M stating she wouldn't be able to pick up Amo, I left a message for Sr. Pescar and we were able to coordinate driving down together from the Del Mar area (he, myself and my three boys - Jonathan, Andrew and Ryland). When we arrived at the San Ysidro meeting location, we were greeted by none other than a smiling David K:

And upon our departure in San Ysidro received a warm hello from Antonio ("BajaCactus"):

Since we hadn't arrived at CECUT yet, the bus was not yet full, but most were filled with anticipation for the day:

While we awaited people we were meeting at CECUT - and before touring the Museo de las Californias - we were greeted in person by representatives of the BC state tourism office. At first they were not aware of what type of tour group we were - and when it was explained we were "seasoned" travelers to the peninsula - this gentleman gave us some information the importance of tourism and tourist in the future economy of BC, and knowledge that (I think this was the # he used) 98% of tourists - or USA tourists - arrive in BC by vehicle. So, they were out to alleviate the so-called "problems" of the past, that getting a ticket anywhere in the upper state (aside from Tecate) should be a bi-lingual ticket (and you should *ask for your ticket*) and could be paid when you return home to the USA. He also explained the local 078 phone number for tourist assistance. He let us know that they would not be able to tell us where the best bargains in town were however:

Baja Ken & SquareCircle (Roy):

On to a tour of the Museo de las Californias (they only gave us 30 mintues to get through this display today - which is not enough time to truly take this exhibit in:

Jonathan & Andrew back through time along the peninsula (somehow "Capt. Morgan" comes to mind in seeing Andrew here):

A brief interlude outside where there was a large Day of the Dead shrine to a local artist - here explained to us:

The artist being Danielle Gallois:

(photo by Jonathan)

Amo Pescar, Baja Ken & Neal Johns:

After leaving CECUT with a very full bus, and on our way to the winery, we went down a few blocks of Av. Revolucion - where the relentless "barkers" were even trying to coax our busload of people into their establishments. We drove by the historic (to Tijuana) zebras on Revolucion as well:

At the winery, BajaAndy and his lovely wife:

Before tasting, first the tour... and down into the "cave" we go. Look at GeoRock all stoked. You could here her whispering "bring on the wine & olives...":

Once at the bottom of the stairway, there was first this passageway:

That lead to a storage cellar of sorts (I'm lagging-back and taking pictures at the time - so, didn't hear the tour guide's explanation). Excellent atmosphere.... but where was the band? (j/k):

Ken, friend Chris, Ferna (fdt), Angel, David K & Phil:

I didn't really get a photo that well-represented the long tasting bar back above (I was obviously otherwise distracted by the wine available to taste - and food to "cleanse my palate").

Here, Antonio (guest pourer) fills a glass of "juice" for Andrew (and out of view, Jonathan). When Ryland (6) wants to know where *his* "juice" is, I find out that what was poured was akin to a wine cooler, and promptly dispense with the drinks the two older boys are now chugging (well, at least Andrew was). Antonio was not aware of the alcohol content in these bottles, so there are no worries... just humor to share. The winery then (thank you) supplied my boys with some real fruit juice to drink. Andrew - a food hog - is shortly thereafter seen with a high-stack of bread slices on his snack plate. Ay yii yii.

The bus outside with our waiting escort...

...who then take us to the Cerveza Tijuana brewery:

...where we first sit down, then are told it's tour time, so back downstairs....

..and here is the "bufadora" sample - little alcohol, but the "cream" of the beer, and those that tasted it said it tasted a little like honey and cream (or something along those lines):

A sample of the "Morena" - straight from the tank - and a willing volunteer in Amo Pescar (gee, surprise) to try it:

A little "Guera" straight from the tank:

And a "Guera" (GeoRock) to try it:

Mural on the wall inside the brewery's restaurant:

Now that we're all "liquored-up" - where else does our police escort take us, but to the police station, in this case for our VIP Nomads, the command and control center for the city:

(Kinda like Star Trek, dontcha think?):

And instead of being greeted by handcuffs, we're greeted with a formal presentation of Tijuana's - best in Latin America - security system, followed by a Q&A session:

Now, we've been to a lot of places... and even with a stack of bread, the boys are still a little restless now for some food... but ONE MORE stop first! The Tijuana Historical Society, where we most enjoyed some of the photos from years past (some of these can be found on the San Diego Historical Society's web site):

(photo by Jonathan)

And NOW it's off to the restaurant - the Los Arcos (the one in the LA MESA area of Tijuana, not the one near the Zona Rio). And if you're a seafood lover, wow! We first receive a welcoming Margarita and the second level to ourselves:

Baja&Back (Barry) and companion Vonda:

Looking great this evening were Jeans and her mother:

Ken's friend Chris, and Baja Ken:

This picture is just... just soooo David K. Perfect:

Baja Angel and Amo Pescar (sans handcuffs):

Graham clowning:

OH NO! Rattlesnake Tequila (Tequila de la Vibora). While I've seen - and sampled - such before (no, I'm not saying where or when), my boys were enthralled at the spectacle:

(photo by Jonathan)

GeoRock possibly "bitten" by the rattlesnake tequila????:

(photo by Jonathan)

And a little celebration for John M's birthday. Ole!:

And at the end of the evening, some door prizes:

David, myself Doug, and Antonio:

(photo by Jonathan)

Back on the bus - what a grand day:

Now, I'm still stunned at this - and the term that keeps coming to mind is that this is/was so "crazy".... but, THANK YOU all so very much for the special Baja Nomad "award" - a beautiful and handmade (by Antonio, none-the-less) plaque that I will place on the wall at my office. Very special - and thank you again.

As we entered the parking lot back in San Ysidro later that evening - Ryland (6) began to whine, "no, no, no..." When I asked him wasn't he ready to go home and see mom, he said "No, I want the bus to keep going and stop at more places..."

And you know what? Me too. Hopefully on another day in the not-too-distant future.

Doug Means

[Edited on 11-7-2006 by BajaNomad]

David K - 11-6-2006 at 07:38 PM

GREAT JOB DOUG!!! No hurry to post my pics, I can take another night to get that rattlesnake tequila out of my system!


Bruce R Leech - 11-6-2006 at 07:48 PM

very nice report and photos Doug. I think you just filed the bus for next year.:bounce:

TacoFeliz - 11-6-2006 at 07:49 PM

Terrific travel log Doug! Thanks!


David K - 11-6-2006 at 10:18 PM

Yes indeed... I know what a great time can happen when Baja Nomads get together and a powerful human, Antonio Muņoz makes events for us to enjoy.

I had no doubt that it was going to be an event that shouldn't be missed, if at all possible!

Those that did not join us, for whatever reason, I appreciate your tolerating my heavy promotion of this event... It does a lot of good when former strangers from behind the keyboard meet face to face. It may be about the love of the peninsula... but it's the people that makes it really special.

David K - 11-6-2006 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by grover
Thanx for the report and all the cool fotos, Doug.

Especially this one:

Is that an Hugo Lopez original? I've seen a few others of his posted and they are so beautiful to me.

I've gotta save up and make an attempt on one; soon.

Yes, it was... Baja Angel (and me too) was hoping to win it... We love his art and each have his work in our homes.

Bob and Susan - 11-7-2006 at 07:10 AM


who took a drink of the rattlesnake tequila????

WOW!!! what a shot of the venoum!!!! WOW!!!

bajaandy - 11-7-2006 at 10:38 AM

Excellent photo essay Doug! I'm glad you took as many photos as you did to record another outstanding Baja experience.

Was I the only one who thought it was humorous that a bunch of "seasoned" (some over-seasoned!) Baja buffs were being treated as VIP's? Who cares! I loved it. That's the only time I've had a police escort for anything other than a funeral or for breaking the law. (Reminds me of my "No vroom vroom" incident in San Felipe... but that's another story.)

Considering myself to be a bit of a tequila affeciando, I have to admit to being tempted to try the rattlesnake tequila. I did enjoy the tequila offered at the L.A. Cetto winery, and even bought a bottle to take home. But I think I may have made the right decision NOT to try the 'Tequila de la Vibora' when I overheard someone who did drink it say "it was smooth going down, but it had a very gamey aftertaste". Not exactly the characteristic I'm looking for in my tequila.

Anyway.... what an awesome gathering. Thanks again to everyone who had a hand in putting this trip together. Can't wait for the next one!

David K - 11-7-2006 at 11:08 AM

Not gamey... it didn't even 'bite' LOL!

I am not a tequila afecianado, but it was very smooth... almost like a mezcal.

The day was special...

DENNIS - 11-7-2006 at 03:25 PM

There's a place in La Bufadora, wont mention which, that has Rattlesnake tequila. There is everything in that jar but tequila. Nobody knows and probably wouldn't care anyway. It isn't a tequila moment, it's a rattlesnake moment.

Ken Cooke - 11-7-2006 at 11:46 PM

Originally posted by David K
Not gamey... it didn't even 'bite' LOL!

I am not a tequila afecianado, but it was very smooth... almost like a mezcal.

The day was special...

I must refute that. The Tequila tasted very gamey...for a quick second...

Ken Cooke - 11-7-2006 at 11:48 PM

After the tour ended, Chris and I took a Taxi Libre to Revoluccion and 8th where we attended a Quinceanera for the rest of the evening. Here is Chris with wife Miram and their daughter Nayelli:

[Edited on 11-8-2006 by BajaNomad]

David K - 11-9-2006 at 09:14 AM

Okay, I took a few photos to share... I will start a new thread... go here:

[Edited on 11-10-2006 by David K]

David K - 10-22-2007 at 05:35 PM

This event was almost one year ago... I thought I would bring it up for some good stuff to look at for a change from the sad fire news happening today.

Ken Cooke - 10-22-2007 at 07:41 PM

Originally posted by David K
This event was almost one year ago...

I had such a great time on that day trip. It felt like such a fun party that I wish I could hit a button and push [repeat].

David K - 10-22-2007 at 07:51 PM

So, you really liked the hand cuff part, eh Ken?:lol:

Yah, a great day for Nomads and other Baja enthusiasts who also joined us... Previous Viva Baja parties have all been great fun, too! Ken came to more as well... Photos are on

Ken Cooke - 10-22-2007 at 08:17 PM

Originally posted by David K
So, you really liked the hand cuff part, eh Ken?:lol:

My favorite part was tasting all of that excellent Tijuana beer. That really blew me away...

David K - 10-22-2007 at 09:50 PM

Yup, it doesn't get much fresher than that! Viva TJ Beer!!

Bajafun777 - 10-22-2007 at 10:03 PM

Beer and Tequila with new friends, well a good day for all it looks like. Hope to go to the next one, as I was out of town for this one. Later----bajafun777

Ken Cooke - 10-22-2007 at 10:20 PM

BajaFun, You missed out...bigtime.

David K - 10-24-2007 at 02:12 PM

Anytime Baja loving people get together for fun, it seems to be a great time... See past Viva Baja parties, BBBB parties, Pyramid Booksigning events and Matomi group trips at :bounce:

After the fire storm is over, we may need some happy times!

Ken Cooke - 10-24-2007 at 08:43 PM

Originally posted by David K

After the fire storm is over, we may need some happy times!

I hear you on that...

I am wondering what our 4WD group will encounter as we travel Hwy 94 to Tecate and see what's left. :no:

David K - 11-6-2007 at 08:04 AM

It's been a year now since we had the fun tour and food fest in Tijuana...

Baja Spirit in action!