TMW - 11-6-2006 at 07:22 PM
As of Nov. 4 there are 434 entries. 34 Trophy Trucks and 30 class 1s That's a lot of high power vehicles running down the course. I singled out just
these two because the OA winner of the 4 wheelers will come from this group and most likely will also be the overall over the motorcycles. This is a
very fast course with a few exceptions. The slower sections believe it or not are the paved sections. Valle de Trinidad, LA Bay hwy and the 40 miles
going into San Ignacio. With the GPS boxes there is a 60mph limit. It must feel odd to get off the pavement in LA Bay then accelerate to speeds of
100+ in many places around by the San Francisquito jct and over to hwy 1, then slow down to 60 again going into San Ignacio. I guess for class 11 the
pavement sections will be a speed up.
There are 152 MC/ATVs. At 2 a minute starts it will be 10:46am before the first Trophy Truck starts and 11:18am when the last class 1 leaves. The last
of the 282 total 4 wheelers to leave will be at 1:07pm. For him/her it will probably be dark when they get to San Felipe. At a 25mph average that last
car will make La Paz in 42 hours or 7:07am on Saturday morning.
bajalou - 11-6-2006 at 08:13 PM
And if there are a few more sign up it will be still later----
LaTijereta - 11-6-2006 at 09:05 PM
Of those 152 bikes/ atvs there are close to 65 "sportsman" bikes and atvs..
Many of the sportman riders are doing th race for the first time..and solo to La Paz
There is still a chance that SCORE may move those "sportman" bikes to start behind the Pro classes. They have never had such a large field of these
bikes start in front of close to 36 Trophy Trucks
It won't take long for those trucks to catch the large pack, and that could spell for trouble as they try to pass each other.
TMW - 11-7-2006 at 08:00 AM
I hope they do move them back. I'd really hate to see someone hurt bad or be killed. I think it was the late 80s Score had Rod Hall do a drivers
indoctrination/safety class following a drivers meeting. I sat in on it and found it to be very interesting and worth while with lots of good things
to know. I always wished they would do one for the MC riders. Many of them have no ideal how to deal with racing with cars.