
Thank you

Ski Baja - 12-21-2003 at 05:08 PM

I wanted to thank everyone who made donations to the mountains (and beach) folks down south. Muchas gracias from everyone.
The San Luis Gonzaga "Cholleros" won there first game in Ciudad Constitucion using balls, bats, and gloves donated by you guys. They were especially appreciative.
The clothing that many of you donated was distributed among the different communities and the food went to Mission San Luis Gonzaga so I could be assured of some great Tamales y Enchiladas.
I logged 2,877 miles this trip with most of them being in either the Lagunas or the Gigantes on some very interesting roads.
I had the fortune of meeting Tucker and BedoCrafts this trip and they were most gracious hosts. Tucker allowed me the use of his home for laundry and showers which was incredible and Bedo showed me some areas I hadn't seen before. I understand Tucker has helped out a number of Nomads with his generosity. I recommend taking him some extra chunky peanut butter next time you are passing through El Centenario.
Bedo is an incredible person with one of the most unique driveways I have ever seen. What a Trooper !
Thanks to the both of you as well as the people who donated things.
I am planning another trip in January which I hope to take many more things down. The most commonly asked for items are seeds, school supplies, plastic tarps and shoes. If any of you are able to help with any of these items including the previous requests for baseball equipment, clothing and foods, it is very well received by some wonderful people.
Thanks again to everyone for your help !

Anonymous - 12-21-2003 at 06:12 PM

I think there's a great Christma message tucked away in you post. Glad your trip turned out well and hope your next trip is even better...."El Mochilero"

David K - 12-21-2003 at 06:44 PM

I am happy to hear all went well. I will keep you supplied in young teen clothes... as my kids are growing very fast these days!

Skeet/Loreto - 12-21-2003 at 08:57 PM

J. R. Thank you for being a kind and giving person. The Lord said" it is more blessed to give than receive"


Debra - 12-21-2003 at 09:18 PM

Thank you. first for your selfless caring...and 2nt. for your timeing with this post...

May you always be warm, fed and find comfort from whom ever you name your God.


Thanks again folks

Ski Baja - 12-22-2003 at 11:06 PM

David, one of the most requested items are teenage clothes. Thanks for your generosity.
Everyone else, blessings are wonderful but seldom keep you warm or make you smarter. These kids need some school supplies! Seriously.

Happiness in a Smile!!

Skeet/Loreto - 12-23-2003 at 09:21 AM

Thanks J. R. that picture says a lot.

Oh How I pray that our youngsters in the States will somehow be able to learn to smile and be Happy as that boy shows!!


Ski Baja - 12-23-2003 at 10:42 AM

That would be nice Skeet but unfortunately, I doubt it. You see these people are still humans and practice humanity down here. They don't condemn anyone for their beliefs as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. And if it does hurt anyone else, you had best watch out!
The U.S. Politicos could learn a lot from these people but I already have a program installed to clean up the trash down here so that would be defeating my purpose!
And Se?or Skeet, when are you going to be back in this part of the world ?

Skeet/Loreto - 12-23-2003 at 11:14 AM

J. R. We must have Hope!!!

How do you post your Pictures? Do you have a special Software.
I posted some pictures using my Paper Port and nobody could open.

J. R. I am hoping that in my posts that most of the Posters take exception with will connect with someone who will think"maybe there is another side to this posters words" and maybe open his eyes and ears and learn not to beleive everything put forth especially his Colleges Profs. Skeet

Posting pics.

Ski Baja - 12-23-2003 at 11:29 AM

Skeet, I use adobe photo shop and shrink my pics down from 1280 to 400 for posting. You can actually set your digital to do this so you don't have to but I like the higher resolution in the original shots.
There are many programs for this and if you have windows ME, it does it for you before you send or post the pictures.
Many on here know a heck of a lot more about photos and computers than I do so hopefully you will get some good advice from smart people rather than this old dummy.
Did you check out the caves in the historic section of this board? Snake country fer sure.


marla - 12-23-2003 at 12:21 PM

Ski Baja. You live in Rosarito? Where can donations be brought to you?

Skeet/Loreto - 12-23-2003 at 12:25 PM

J>R. Good Shot!
You make it simple I will try it. Thanks Skeet

Pictures n such

Ski Baja - 12-23-2003 at 12:48 PM

Skeet, let me know if it works. Do you have photoshop? there are some really neat features you will like if you do. I am one of the worst photographers around but because of my camera and photo shop, you guys are able to see the pics. fairly clearly. Thank you modern technology!
Also Sr. Skeet, as much as we disagree about certain issues, I think of you often when I am in the wilds and would consider it an extreme honour to enjoy your knowledge and company if you are ever interested in joining me sometime.
Marla, check your U2U and thank you.

And speaking of characters, I thought you guys might enjoy this one.

Packoderm - 12-23-2003 at 03:44 PM

Yes Marla, I second your idea. I plan on passing through soon. Are toddler?s clothes in any demand down there?

Ski, could you please make a list of what is needed in the order of importance? I will contact you when the date nears.

I would imagine that many families in down in Baja could greatly benefit from sheets of exterior-grade plywood. It would not be too hard to smuggle a couple of sheets on the bottom of a pickup truck or the floor of a van. It would be good to pre-paint any wood before delivery. I?m sure they could use nails and screws as well.

I have for some time had a small fantasy that I could bring about fifty gallons or more of high-quality oil based exterior primer and several five-gallon buckets of exterior paint each on having a different color; then on a Friday, when most of the people are away at work, I would like to pick out a particularly bleak looking shantytown and use my airless sprayer to slap some primer on all of the huts while a helper back-rolls it into the plywood, tar-paper, or whatever we are dealing with in order to get a decent base coat. Two days later, on a Sunday, it would be fun to let each of the residents pick what color paint they would like, give them the necessary rollers and poles, and let them just go to town. I would check their progress and jump in and offer help and advice as needed. I would just like to add some color to their little world. I could even paint the roofs with orange-red paint to mimic tile roofs. It would be fun to have before and after photos. I would do this only on the condition that their landlords agree not to increase their rents due to this charitable action.

The list

Ski Baja - 12-23-2003 at 04:00 PM

is posted somewhere else on here and I will try and find it. But,
1. school supplies
2. seeds
3. tarps
4. shoes
5. medicines like antibiotic salves and cleansers.
6. Safety Goggles

A funny story. I used to be a customer service manager for a developer. My neighbor had a house in El Rosario so I would send down all of our excess "earthtone" paints. This went on for quite some time and I finally went down to El Rosario with Roberto.
All of the rocks, fences, plants, roads, people, satellite dishes (they had those but no TV's then ?) and basically everything was that So. Cal earthtone color when I got there. I got the biggest kick out of that. Fortunately, it has worn off.

Welcome Back...

Herb - 12-23-2003 at 07:40 PM

Glad to hear your trip went well. Thanks for doing your part in trying to make better "humans" of us all!:spingrin:


Ski Baja - 12-23-2003 at 09:56 PM

Fortunately, I am learning from the best. I most certainly include myself in my ramblings but trying to learn to be better everyday. I think the deer and guayaba may have somthing to do with it as well.