
Puertecitos gas ?

tunaeater - 12-25-2003 at 08:20 AM

Where can I get gas in Puertecitos ? I will only need a few gallons for the motorcycles on our way to Gonzaga bay. Thank you Paul.

bonanza bucko - 12-25-2003 at 08:39 AM

There is no gas at Puertocitos. There is a gas station and in the summer you sometimes can find the guy who runs it and he'll open up but that hasn' happened in a while.

The next gas afte San Felipe going south is at Gonzaga Bay and that might not be reliable on a holiday weekend...they always run out then.

honda tom - 12-26-2003 at 11:03 AM

paul, I know it depends on route and cc's but 112 miles is a stock tank and a gatorade bottle with gas. A stock xr tank makes it on reserve. a desert tank makes it with more than a gallon to spare. What bikes? and are you riding the main/graded road, or are you taking some washes in and out?

Anonymous - 12-26-2003 at 03:35 PM

There is no gas at Puertecitos. However, if you are really stuck, go up to the Conasupo and ask the lady to page "Panama" over the VHF. He is an American (no a naturalized Mexican citizen) named Jay and the local mechanic. He might be able to help you.

As the other post suggested, the next real gas stop is Gonzaga Bay at Rancho Grande.

tunaeater - 12-26-2003 at 09:15 PM

We plan on driving the main road to Gonzaga bay on Jan 2nd. I have a YZ 400 with a 3.2 gal. tank and my dad has a stock tank XR 350. Do you think we will have any problem getting a few gallons once in Gonzaga. Thanks Paul

Anonymous - 12-27-2003 at 08:13 AM

Tunaeater, we will be most certainly camped on the beach south of Alfonsina's, south of the palapas on 1/1 through 1/3. We have a White F250 SD and a green Toyota Tunda. As long as there was plenty of gas to the South in BOLA and/or Guerrero Negro, we'll have several full NATO cans full of gas. If you have no luck at the store, come by and visit us, we should be able to share our spare gas,

tunaeater - 12-27-2003 at 09:46 PM

Gene, thank you very much for the offering of your gas. We will take you up on your offer if the store is out. Again thank you very much. Your generosity is much appreciated. Paul

honda tom - 12-28-2003 at 08:12 PM

paul, you should be able to get gas at rancho grande at gonzaga. just fill up as soon as you get there.

Thanks to all

tunaeater - 1-5-2004 at 08:40 PM

Thank you all for responding and giving suggestions and offerings of gas. Please see my report on the off road section. Paul