
Inauguration day

Bruce R Leech - 12-1-2006 at 07:44 AM

well today is Inauguration day in Mexico. today they swear in all of the new presidents:lol:

also it is a Holiday and all government offices and banks and schools will be closed.

Bruce R Leech - 12-1-2006 at 08:17 AM

it is going to be interesting. good day to watch the Mexican TV :lol:

Let the games begin

Taco de Baja - 12-1-2006 at 08:54 AM

Felipe Calderon took over as Mexico's president on Friday.

A huge brawl erupted in Congress where leftist opponents vowed to block him from taking the formal oath of office.

Dozens of rival lawmakers threw punches and chairs at each other on the floor of Congress on Friday morning,

Leftists built barricades of chairs to block the main doors into the lower house Chamber of Deputies

Presidential guards earlier used sniffer dogs and metal detectors to sweep the floor for explosives

"He is a clown," protesting university professor Javier Villegas said of Calderon. "It only counts when the people recognize the president."

Mexico won full democracy in 2000, when Fox swept to power in an election that ended seven decades of one-party rule. :rolleyes:


bajalou - 12-1-2006 at 09:38 AM

From the AP

MEXICO CITY - Felipe Calderon took the oath of office as Mexico's president Friday amid jeers and whistles, in a chaotic ceremony before congress preceded by a brawl between lawmakers still divided over the nation's tight presidential election.

Physically protected by ruling party lawmakers and flanked by outgoing President
Vicente Fox, Calderon quickly swore to uphold the constitution. The national anthem was then played, momentarily stilling the catcalls and shouting. Calderon swiftly left the chamber as congress adjourned.

"He did it! He did it!" chanted ruling party lawmakers.

Earlier, the conservative Calderon took control of the presidential residence in an unusual midnight ceremony with Fox, swearing in part of his Cabinet. In that private ceremony, broadcast live from Los Pinos, Fox handed the presidential sash to a military cadet as his term ended at midnight.

That left experts on Mexico's constitution, which requires presidents to be sworn in "before congress," puzzled over whether Mexico had a president or not earlier Friday morning.

Cypress - 12-1-2006 at 09:39 AM

Could you imagine Trent Lott taking a swing at John Kerry?:lol::lol: How 'bout Pelosi taking a poke at McCain?:lol::lol: At least the Mexican reps feel strong enough about issues to actually fight over 'em.:yes::yes:

Cypress - 12-1-2006 at 10:44 AM


Bruce R Leech - 12-1-2006 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Could you imagine Trent Lott taking a swing at John Kerry?:lol::lol: How 'bout Pelosi taking a poke at McCain?:lol::lol: At least the Mexican reps feel strong enough about issues to actually fight over 'em.:yes::yes:

I think that would be a lot More civilized and more effective than the way they are doing it now. I would love to see it anyway:lol:

TMW - 12-2-2006 at 11:26 AM

From what I've seen so far in both Mexico and the U.S. when liberals lose they rant, rage, fight and wail on TV and every stage available. They want endless recounts. They go to court to try and block the outcome. Conservatives on the other hand, when they lose, regroup and get ready for the next election.