Originally posted by Capt. George
I've been fishing since 1950 and what has had the most impact on all fisheries is, simply, the population explosion. Perhaps a nice nuclear war might
stop expansion and developement of beachfronts. I see nothing else that will.
Roosterfish and cabrilla, and grouper, and mero, and dorado ,and jurel, and sand bass, and on and on and on....................................
are you willing to quit fishing in order to accomplish saving the whatever? Do you fish?
Do you realize what is going on throughout the rest of the "commercial fishing" WORLD?
Management can work but it is on rare occasions that it does. And it is usually only in the good old U.S. of A.
How do you stop coastal developement? Eliminate the entire population of baby boomers, no can do. They're coming and in droves and they all want what
we've taken fro granted for a very long time.
I wish I had a real answer! Capt George |