
Trip Report Nov. 17 - 29

Bugman - 12-7-2006 at 05:17 PM

Left San Diego mid morning on the 17th with my wife and 2 year old son hoping to make it to Catavina in time for dinner. Things were going a little slow but OK until we got about 10 miles past El Rosario. We came upon a very bad accident that kept traffic stopped for about 45 minutes. Looked like several cars involved (including a cop) and a big rig on one of those nasty turns. Finally made it to Catavina about 6:00 and grabbed a room at the cabanas there as we did not feel like fumbling for a camping spot in the dark. Not a single checkpoint stopped us the whole day and looked like only one or two were even looking at northbound traffic.

Next morning we headed for Loreto and the only place we got stopped was at the immigration check in Guerrero Negro. They did not even look at our papers and just wanted the stupid 10 pesos to spray the car for bugs (what a waste of time!) and we were back on our way. We stopped in Mulege for lunch and to have a look at the awful hurricane damage. Pretty sad what happened there and you can see the devastation below the bridge. Late in the afternoon we got to Loreto and decided to stay there for the night. Luckily, we got a hotel room just in time as the Baja 1000 crowd was all over and snatching up rooms fast.

The next morning we grabbed gas and supplies and headed for Agua Verde. The road in there was not great but good enough and we had no trouble getting in. The beach we like to camp on was empty when we got there so we setup camp and ended up staying there for the next 8 days. Very relaxing time with awesome weather. It was calm and warm every day. My son had a blast throwing rocks in the water and hunting for beetles and shells. Our good friend (a local) was still living down at one end of the beach too so it was great to catch up with him and he took us out fishing a few times. Fishing was OK but not great. We caught plenty to eat for dinner each night and tacos for lunch. Mostly sierra and cabrilla were around during our stay.

After 8 days we were starting to run low on supplies so time to start the trek back home. We left after lunch and spent the night in Loreto which gave us a chance to catch up with some of our friends from around town. Next morning we headed for LA Bay. We finally got stopped at our first and only military check of the whole trip at Guerrero Negro. The soldiers there told us that the new president was responsible for the lack of open checkpoints. Never was told the reason though?

We made it to LA Bay around sunset and went to Larry and Raquel's place. The Baja 1000 crowd had all left the day before and the place was empty. We ended up staying there for two nights and were the only guests both nights. Larry has a new manager named Ruth. She is very nice and a very sharp lady so I suspect the will do well in her new role. We went fishing both mornings we were there and had to come in a little early both days due to the winds finally making an appearance. We did OK though and had fun. My son spent the whole time playing with his toy cars in the bottom of the panga which gave my wife a chance to fish a little. That was a mistake as it gave her a chance to outfish me...again (happens enough I'm used to it now...). The north winds kicked up really bad shortly after coming back from fishing the second day so we decided we would pack up and head for home. It was a battle driving in the heavy wind all the way back but we made it home around 11:30 pm with no problem. Border wait at Tecate was only about 10 minutes. And so goes another successful trip.

Now I will just have to count the days until the next time the cold grip of reality will relax enough to let me take another trip down there!


Janice - 12-7-2006 at 07:43 PM

Thanks for the great trip report! Did you have to use 4WD to get to Agua Verde?

David K - 12-8-2006 at 09:34 AM

Nice report... Agua Verde is a very special place indeed!

Many thanks!

Bugman - 12-11-2006 at 11:38 AM

The only place we needed 4WD was the last 100 yards of road down to the beach we camped on. It was easy getting down but the road is steep with a few holes so getting out was best done with 4WD. Most of the locals don't even try it, preferring to park and walk down the last little piece of road.

BajaWarrior - 12-11-2006 at 02:29 PM

The 4wd. paid for itself if it meant getting the sweet spot. Good for you!

Crusoe - 12-15-2006 at 08:22 PM

Nice trip report Bugman---we have spent have "mucho" time at your beach in Agua!!!! So great to have those secret spots.:saint: