
road from Vizcaino to Asuncion upgraded

shari - 12-16-2006 at 11:58 AM

Just to let you earthquake voyeurs know...the paved section from vizcaino to the turnoff to Asuncion has been fixed...all those nasty potholes filled. they have started paving now at the junction so before you get to the turnoff you have to get off the paved road and turn left before all the big trucks parked there and proceed on a side road for a mile or so as they are paving the top surface. This is very poorly marked...some small rocks painted orange that you can't see at night...I recommend coming in the daylight for sure. Don't worry, no big quakes these days....just medium ones to keep you on your toes. Also the rest of the dirt road in will be graded today or tomorrow so should be fine for the next couple weeks.

Bajagypsy - 12-17-2006 at 08:40 AM

The pot holes have been filled, that will make our late night trips to your place, way to easy for us!!!!

When we come back down in May, we could bring the car down, and not worry!!!!

Hope everything is ok at your place shari, and that the quakes have slowed down.