
Baja 75 years from now...

surfer jim - 1-1-2004 at 09:01 AM

The last piece of undeveloped land has been built on from T.J. to El Rosario every bit of land is occupied...fenced in...with the few "surf camp" exceptions getting to (or even seeing) the beach is hard to do...the 4 lane toll road now ends in El Rosario....the old road is now 4 lane also to this point....most tracks of land have been built with walls around them so access is allmost nil to outsiders...sewage is a major concern as a lot of septic systems drain into the ocean...inland from the beach areas slums hidden from view are filled with locals who work as laborers/maids/ect. for the wealthy landowners...

You forgot....

Stephanie Jackter - 1-1-2004 at 12:49 PM

That the desalinization plants necessary for this growing population to exists, will have polluted the very goose that layed the golden egg and the Sea of Cortez will wind up an ecological wasteland like the Salton Sea. - Stephanie

[Edited on 1-1-2004 by Stephanie Jackter]

Anonymous - 1-1-2004 at 01:52 PM

OH NO don,t even say such a thing !!


Debra - 1-1-2004 at 04:40 PM

unfortunatlly, I'm afraid it's not going to take 75 yrs., :(

Anonymous - 1-1-2004 at 07:13 PM

Oh! You beautiful Sea of Cortez in 75 tears from now i see you even more than you are today. With the glisstening water full of sea life and an abundance of fish life such that exist their every day. No shrimpers draggin the bottom in Front of Loreto. Squid coming back every other year and growing to 70 Lbs. in a short Season.The Park controlling the take of fish by the Sport fFsherman and the amigos from the States bring in the Money to assist in the economy of Loreto

And maybe after 75 years there will be enough money to support- all; those Houses that are suppose to be built down South to the many americanos and Canadains
The amount of money to bring water into those homes will take all that time to make a development a success!
Oh Sea of Cortez !! Keep on producing those beautifull Fish!!!

surfer jim - 1-1-2004 at 11:57 PM

Forgot to mention the gulf side has not had any fish in it for too many years for most to remember...some old books around in dusty corners and shelves tell wild tales of catching fish from shores and boats...most people think these are old tales like the golden paved streets of some long forgotten civilazation....old timers will tell youngsters of the fish they used to catch...and parents will tell the kids the storytellers are just old men who dream a lot....

Anonymous - 1-2-2004 at 08:20 AM

Get a grip Buddy.... I think you need to double that Prozac dosage!! If you are so worried about it, stop going to Baja and contributing to the destruction... your not going to be around in 75 years anyhoooo....

Skeet/Loreto - 1-2-2004 at 10:47 AM

Oh! you beautifull Sea Of Cortez!!
The Abundance of your fish that still come to your beaches is Great.
Catching Yellowtail on top of the Water this side of Pt. Lobos is still one of my favorite places,going out to the Reef where the fish are boiling on top of the water,going south to a small rock called Las animas where the fish life has not changed for the past 35 years, or North to the Isle Delfonso where the Amberjack can get to 80 Lbs,or North along the shore were you can find the right place for Huge Lobsters,or south of Pulpito where the Lobsters are White from the Hot Water coming up from the Bowels of this Greast Sea O Cortez!!


Anyone who would like an Adventure to the Sea of Cortez to look for these fantastic places to fish please send me a Map and I will mark it for you and return it.
Keep in mind that the time of Day and the Time of year will get the best results

The places will not be GPS they will be from years and years of experience with Old time Mexicanos.
There is no cost.
I would like Pictures,feed back on any spot yu go,that is all I ask.

Baja in 75 years

capn.sharky - 1-2-2004 at 12:23 PM

I won't care what it looks like in seventy five years. Just don't start now. Give me ten more good years. Skeet, that is a nice offer you made above this post. Someone ought to take you up on that one. I learned from a Mexican pangaro that fished all his life and experience is the key to good fishing---especially during the slow times. Hope this new year brings you nothing but good health and happiness. :)

Although that's a mighty fine offer,

Ski Baja - 1-2-2004 at 12:27 PM

It would be a heckuva lot more fun if Skeet were to accompany the adventurers and act as a guide. Any chance of that happening Skeet ?

Anonymous - 1-2-2004 at 01:24 PM

Originally posted by surfer jim
...sewage is a major concern as a lot of septic systems drain into the ocean...

"Septic Systems" by design utilize leach fields and do not drain into the ocean.

"Sewer Outfalls" drain directly into wherever.


inland from the beach areas slums hidden from view are filled with locals who work as laborers/maids/ect. for the wealthy landowners...

Status quo... No Change from today.

So, if I own a piece of oceanfront land in Baja and aim to develop the land to the fullest extent economically while within or well within the laws and codes, whom in the hell are you to tell me what to do with my land?

Hey Ski....

Debra - 1-2-2004 at 01:34 PM

I like that idea! (Skeet?) although I don't fish, it would still be a fun trip to be on I'll bet.

Skeet/Loreto - 1-2-2004 at 01:51 PM

Hey! We could all meet at San Nicolas and have Terry and Chewy,Juan, Manuel let us Camp and take in the island and Pulpito or if some one would like to Campt they could Drive nearly to Pulpito{4wd only}Skeet

JESSE - 1-2-2004 at 08:05 PM

In 75 yrs:

Do to the effect of nukes and bio bombs exploding in several U.S. cities, a constant and increasing flow of americans escaping the madness of the U.S. lifestyle will turn to Baja for protection and a decent and peaceful life, several million will make this peninsula the largest community of americans outside of the U.S. and the Baja we know now will be no more.

Its inevitable, we will at some point open our arms and homes to all of those fleeing the madness.


Debra - 1-2-2004 at 10:14 PM

You point the way (Have 4Runner, will travel!) as I said, I'm not a 'fisher person', but, I'm told I'm a pretty good cook...I will pull my weight (125#, LOL!) if I get help with the water hauling and clean-up! :bounce:

Maps to the treasure

estrella de mar - 1-3-2004 at 08:25 AM

Hello everyone,

don't you think it a bit unwise to hand out maps that delineate those special spots where the animals flourish to just anyone? sure, there'll be those that go just to witness, but there'll be others that go to take as much as they can. i know of fishermen who keep secret sites that attract endangered sea turtles. these fishermen go to these sites so that they can catch, kill, eat and/or sell these endangered critters. given the economy a 150lb sea turtle is worth more than a few fish. what if others knew of these 'special' spots? also, judging by the replies in this post, several folks seem to love the Sea and Peninsula simply because they can get something from it. knowing what we know of the overall health of the sea and the continued land development it seems like we should be changing our refrain from 'what can Baja/Sea of Cortez do for me?' to 'what can I do to help the people of the Sea and Peninsula?'

Estrella de Mar :saint:

Skeet/Loreto - 1-3-2004 at 12:58 PM

The Areas that I have offered to mark are areas that I have been fishing for over 35 years.
No Gps waypoints so those many fisherman that only know how to fish with a GPS are out of Luck!

These spots have plenty of fish and will contiune to for many many more years to come!!
They could be found with some little effort by a good many people but Estralla you know that many fisherman are lazy and will not put out the effort to find these spots.

Your point is well taken about the secret places for Turtles,those I will not give out and you know why if you read my Post on the old amigos Board about"The Crys of the Turtles".

We cannot stop fishing,it has been tried everywhere with out success. The same with wild Beaches.It will be many years before the Beach which is the subject of this post will be developed. It is very similar to "Doctors Point" north of Loreto where an attempt was made 45 years ago to build a Resort--No Water=
I would not really worry about to much Development on the Sea Of Cortez. I for one do not thing the Loreto Bay development will go anywhere.
The one place that has caused a decline in the fish life is at the North end of Conception and somewhat to the South end where many Scallops where taken out.
However just around the end of Conception and South of that point is very good fishing but most people will not make the effort to go that far.

I appreciate your concern for my Sea Of Cortez as well as the old time Mexicano Fisherman who are still trying to raise their families by fishing.Even though they now have to compete with Americanos!

If it had not been for fishing my friend Alvaro would never have been able to raise his 5 daughters nor have a fair size house to live in!It cuts both ways!
