
History Lesson

Osprey - 12-26-2006 at 05:04 PM

History Lesson for Bobby

This Christmas I had a chance to give my grandson, Bobby a little schoolhousin’.

I said “Bobby, these times now are relatively quiet times compared to the past. In the not too distant past there were many warlike factions we don’t find today. There were groups and alliances that grew up fast and died out the same way. There were skirmishes and raids, sniper fire and bombs, attacks and counter-attacks that seemed to take on a life of their own. The battle lines were indistinct and changed from day to day, sometimes by the hour. It was sometimes hard to tell who had the upper hand, who were those that were clear winners or losers.

Now we have diplomacy – there is far more discourse, accord and friendly accommodation than the dangerous rancor we used to be involved in.”

Bobby asked “Granpa, that war, what did they call it?”

I replied “Oh, it didn’t have a name really. I just call it Early Baja Nomads.”

aquaholic - 12-26-2006 at 05:28 PM

OSPREY: Were the Early Baja Nomads the only ones that wished other Nomads would "expire", or, is that still going on today...???

David K - 12-27-2006 at 09:23 AM

One thing that is nice about Doug's Baja Nomad forums, is that it is all archived from the first posts in 2002. You can go back and read the good (and bad) stuff if you want...

The Baja Trip Reports Forum is what I find the most valuable... and soon (I hope) we will see all the photos again that were posted with reports.

I do hope that everyone can just appreciate that we all have the love for Baja as a common ground. The personal attacks that once was common (and chased away many) is mostly or all gone. I know that Hose A is trying very hard to be a good moderator and that is a big help to Doug.

pargo - 12-27-2006 at 10:04 AM

As always David K comes through with words of wisdom. Newbies and Juniors are just a words but they are on this forum, I believe, for the same reasons we all are....Because we love Baja and we want to learn more about Baja. They bring things to the party too. After being on this forum for awhile you become familiar with those guys and gals who genuinely and enthusiastically share their knowledge with everyone. Then there are those who seemingly can't wait for someone with a lesser degree of "Sabe Baja" so they can reply to him/her with sarcastic comments. You get alot of that on other boards which is why I came here...then only to find that there is some of the same here. It's hard sometimes to decipher one's true demeanor with just text to go by....but yeah, "viejos" should be polite and show the Whipper snappers that Nomads is cool peoples and will not "expire" anytime soon. Es todo!

Most interesting!

Baja Bernie - 12-27-2006 at 08:12 PM

I envy the Osprey because it can soar above the fray and look down with an objective view of the scene of battle and discern the ebb and flow as well as the direction of the final outcome of the battle long before those such as I, who labor in the trenches, can even get a picture of what is actually occurring.

That said I guess most of you would consider me to be one of those ‘old-timers’ who have or had things to say that were of some interest. Fine! But I must tell you that I truly enjoy to views expressed by the newby’s—why? Because I always learn something from their posts. And if you really wish to know—learning is what makes a lot of us old fools understand all kinds of stuff that keeps us from falling into those big holes that folks keep digging in the cemetery’s. Yep! I would rather avoid those as long as I feel useful to my fellow man.

Okay, all that BS said and out of the way I guess I should say, because I believe it, that the board is much more docile right now than it ever has been. Just look up old post by JR or Ski Baja to see what I mean. But, boy those days sure got the old blood a pumping and made a bunch of us think!

Sure there have been jerks who really didn’t care for anything but attacking and flaming anyone they could find—that does, however, seem to ebb and flow just like the tide against the Baja shores.

We have lost some great old Baja folks for any number of reasons—I am in touch with many of them via email and I know that they are still lurking out there. A few of them accuse me of being stupid because I still post here. Could be that I am exactly that but I rather enjoy that which Doug Means has provided to all of us—and with minimal strings attached so that we all can be silly, learn, and enjoy a very mixed bag of folks that seem to be stitched together by our love of a magic place called Baja.

Oh! Yeah! I have learned not to post on a few folks threads because I realize that they lay out IED’s for others to step on.

All in all I really enjoy the mix of folks who wander onto this board.

Thanks for being there and thanks to Mr. Baja Nomad.