We had been pretty well skunked by the yellows at Ildifonso, and our carnada was gone or dead so we had been drifting cut bait across the bottom in
about 80 feet of water. I was fishing a joke under the circumstances. A Penn 9/0 with 80 lb. dacron and 8' of 60 # SS leader. Very slowly I was
aware that I was hung up, and when the drift got beyond my drag setting I eased off and told my partner I had the bottom.
We had come to the end of the drift so he fired up the little kicker and started to back us up wind of my snag to see if I could save my rig. In the
process of keeping a tight line and adapting to my buddy's wild attempts to back up (!) I was watching the line and the shore and the boat and came to
the inescapable conclusion that the bottom was moving.
We positioned the panga to let me get my knees against the gunnel and I started laying some pressure on it. LOTS of pressure. There was never a
surge, no headshake, no dipping of the massive roller rod tip. The pressure was relentless and slowly moving from my left to my right. Then it turned
directly away from us and wandered away. When the spool was half empty I laid on the rest of the drag until one end of the stainless 60 pound leader
There was a lot of talk about Russian Subs, but I suspect I must have snagged a big Manta.
Like the man said...you never forget.
[Edited on 1-9-2007 by vgabndo] |