
Looking for ' Tres Amigos'

Superdad - 1-12-2007 at 08:40 PM

Hello from the Great White North:

I am attempting to track down an establishment in Cabo San Lucas.

I bought a coffe mug with 'Tres Amigos' and pictures of three alligators on it and under the caption is 'Cabo San Lucas'.

I am trying to find out if it possible to find this place and acquire a couple more mugs for my fishing buddies.

When we fish in tournaments, we call ourselves the 'Three Amigos'

Hope someone can help me

Tight Lines

David Delcloo aka Superdad
Kingston, ON Canada

Summanus - 1-12-2007 at 08:45 PM

David...I get gift coffee mugs made all the time at a local engraving place...or whatever you call these shops. Most large malls will have one. They do T-shirts, mugs, you-name-it. They put whatever you want on all kinds of objects. All you need to do is take a good digital photo of your existing mug ogo and give it to them..and viola! I hope that helps you in case nobody chimes in about your place in Cabo.

Glad to help

Dave - 1-12-2007 at 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Superdad
Hope someone can help me

Mexican girl: Which one do you like?
Other Mexican girl: I like the one that's not so smart.
Mexican girl: Which one is that?

osoflojo - 1-16-2007 at 11:58 AM

I dont recall a place in Cabo called the "Tres Amigos" but I think there used to be (and still may be) a boat there by that name. I havent checked the marina for some time.............

Tres Amigos

Superdad - 1-18-2007 at 08:22 PM

Thanks for the replies.

There is a fishing boat 'Tres Amigos', I looked at it just figured it wouldn't have coffee mugs.

We'll keep looking.

David aka Superdad
Great White North - Canada

Garry - 1-21-2007 at 02:57 PM

Tres Amigos -- About 10 years - ago there was a large boat that had come from S.Amer. to LaPaz an then to Loreto, was a sail boat. Anyway one day all the Blk Ford Ltd's with blacked out windows came racing down the road also had a Helicopter an busted the boat, they had a load of Herion stuffed in the Canvas fire hoses. The next day they were trying to find someone who could sail the boat back to La Paz