bajabound2005 - 1-18-2007 at 08:31 AM
This wasn't a pleasure trip and we did the same day turn around, but here are a couple things travelers may want to know.
Our first surprise was at the first toll booth (Northbound, or the 3rd and final one Southbound) just north of Ensenada. The toll was $29 pesos or
$2.65 US for a car or motorcycle. The tolls at the other two booths were the same as before, $26 pesos or $2.40 US.
Our second and more pleasant surprise was the military checkpoints have become far more efficient than they were when they first set up a couple weeks
ago. There were no checkpoints Northbound, only Southbound. That would be at La Playas de TJ and just outside of the first tollbooth Southbound.
Both were waving everyone through that we could see. There was no back up at either one. There was a checkpoint on the Free Road that was visible
from the Toll Road. This is just south of Foxploration and they appeared to be working on traffic traveling in both directions. There was a minor
backup, nothing that wouldn't clear in a few minutes.
And the best part, we got waved through Customs coming back in to Mexico even towing our little 4x6 cargo trailer loaded up with our treasures we are
taking out of storage in Chula Vista and bringing to our home in Punta Banda! The last couple of trips they opened up the trailer and had a peek,
then sent us on our merry way.
So, all in all, an easy border run. Lots and lots of development on both sides of the highway between Ensenada and Rosarito, and Rosarito and TJ.
Minnow - 1-18-2007 at 09:46 AM
Bajabound. That is one of the advantages of living close to the border, you can take things down a little at a time and they don't hassle you. I
furnished my place in basically the same way. I stopped the first few times but when they looked at my meager possesions I think they felt sorry for
me and sent me on my way.