
Did you see last week..

msawin - 1-25-2007 at 11:48 PM

Watching the AM TV news this last week. In Texas the Mc Donald drive-in's are going to take both dollars and pesos for purchases... The local texan's were fighting this display of non-patrotism.... "How can they take those"

Am I alone in thinking how stupid these cowboys are?
I can't tell you how many times after coming back home, 700 miles from Tijiuna, with my pocket full of pesos wish'in to use'em at the local market. Its easy.. Do it all the time in Baja. Pesos / Dollars.

Whats the problem?

Capt. George - 1-26-2007 at 03:36 AM

our inherent arrogance.

abreojos - 1-26-2007 at 05:52 AM

All I can say is that idiots like this make it harder on us Gringos living down here and this is not the only reason.

Cypress - 1-26-2007 at 08:28 AM

I'd say McDonald ought to be able to accept whatever currency they want. It's about business.:spingrin::DPatriotism?:OThere are plenty of folks in the armed services with relatives in Mexico.:yes:

KenS - 1-26-2007 at 10:12 AM

"Pizza Patron" in Texas has taken some heat for accepting Pesos... I even heard someone on NPR (I think...) suggesting that it's illegal as they are "aiding and abetting illegal aliens" :rolleyes:

Skeet/Loreto - 1-26-2007 at 11:17 AM

Now Yawl Listen Up Ya Heh!!

Us'ens Texans are not all so Narrowed Minded! Just look what happened in New York City with the Muslim Cabbies!

Look at San Francisco where they are trying to get a Law that you can'y Spank your own child!

Mexicanos Accepts Dollars Why not Americanos accepting Pesos??

I think it is just some "narrowed Minded Sheep trying to get Attention"'

Yawl come to see me, Ya Heh!


Capt. George - 1-26-2007 at 12:54 PM

y'all so narrow minded, you could look through a keyhole with both eyes at the same time!!!!!!!!

and you thought I was from NYC! shame on y'all............


msawin - 1-26-2007 at 08:05 PM

You know I am in business and need every dollar that I have the chane to make.. I am in "Back Water" Nor Cal, And I have had a few from south of San Diego come in to my store to purchase what I sell. I took thier dollars, but I would of taken thier Pesos because I can use'em. It's just money..

The business owners trying to pay thier bills, maybe local Cowboys, To turn away a sell because of Pesos.... Come on its just money not a politcal statement..

Viva La Pesos....

Capt. George - 1-27-2007 at 10:53 AM

msawin just read above, that is really the answer?!?!

DianaT - 1-27-2007 at 11:06 AM

When we lived in Calexico it was really convenient---we never had to exchange left over pesos as we could spend them anywhere in Calexico---Von's Market, Walmart, or anywhere else.

Bet some of those people complaining would be really upset if they crossed into Mexico and someone did not accept their dollars.

vgabndo - 1-27-2007 at 11:30 AM

JD, I doubt the people who complain about foreign currency will ever have to worry about their dollars being accepted in Mexico. Folks with that attitude, I suspect, are part of that 70% of Americans who are SO isolated from their membership in the world community that they don't even possess a passport.

DianaT - 1-27-2007 at 11:45 AM

Originally posted by vgabndo
JD, I doubt the people who complain about foreign currency will ever have to worry about their dollars being accepted in Mexico. Folks with that attitude, I suspect, are part of that 70% of Americans who are SO isolated from their membership in the world community that they don't even possess a passport.

Agreed----they probably are the ones that are sure they will be raped, robbed and murdered if they ever leave the US. :lol:

Fanning the Flames of Discontent

MrBillM - 1-27-2007 at 12:36 PM

I doubt that even those who are promoting the discontent over the "Pesos" actually believe it's a problem signifying anything. It simply represents a Political opportunity to get part of the Base Agitated. Whether or not that Agitation can be maintained until the next election cycle is doubtful, but it's worth the effort.


woody with a view - 1-27-2007 at 02:33 PM

15 pesos make a dollar right? gotta travel many miles to spend them down south.....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 1-27-2007 by woody in ob]

Sharksbaja - 1-27-2007 at 04:33 PM

When was the last time you walked in a USA bank and tried to exchange any kind of foreign currency? Money wires....a different thang!:lol:

Bob and Susan - 1-27-2007 at 05:13 PM

you need to go to the "mall":lol:

KenS - 1-27-2007 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
I doubt that even those who are promoting the discontent over the "Pesos" actually believe it's a problem signifying anything. It simply represents a Political opportunity to get part of the Base Agitated. Whether or not that Agitation can be maintained until the next election cycle is doubtful, but it's worth the effort.

I think that's the thrust of it... the gentleman I heard was so rabid he couldn't even listen to the suggestion that having pesos had nothing to do with immigration status. Pizza Patron also indicated that most of the negative feed back they got was from areas where the did not, and probably would never, have franchises.

vgabndo - 1-27-2007 at 06:10 PM

Probably isn't what you're talking about Sharks, but from this keyboard I often go to my B of A on-line banking site, order my money, and the Pesos arrive in a day or so by FedEx.

Haven't tried to take any back.

DENNIS - 1-27-2007 at 06:58 PM

vgabndo ----
You, while in the states, order pesos from your bank and Fedex delivers?
Or, do you do this in Mexico? Is Fedex in Mexico? What is the charge for this service?

Speaking of money, the Cambio with the best rate of exchange that I have seen is in Costco, Chula Vista. I dont use Cambios but if I did..........

Baja Bernie - 1-27-2007 at 07:12 PM

Stupid is as stupid does................Money is money and I have plenty of room in my wallet for either dollars or pesos. Mexican banks still refuse to take any kind of change from a Mexican...............I used to have a waiter friend who would bring his tip change to me and I would take it to the bank and change it for paper, either bucks or pesos because they just would not accept it from him.

DENNIS - 1-27-2007 at 07:23 PM

Seems like the banks wont deal with most people if they dont have an account with them.
Customer service is dying or dead on both sides of the border.

Bajalover - 1-27-2007 at 10:07 PM

In Santa Ana, Pizza Patron started accepting Pesos. Great !!!!!!!! Only to find locals are protesting this concept of Pizza Patron's. Really stupid :yes::yes::yes:.
Everyone traveling abroad expects them to accept dollars, why not pesos here :?:.
Oh well :P:P:P.

vgabndo - 1-27-2007 at 11:29 PM


That would be here in the states. If there IS a service charge, it is inconsequential compared to what you lose at a casa de cambio.

Capt. George - 1-28-2007 at 04:28 AM

the banks on Cape Cod would not accept canadian change, dollars yeah, change, nada.

vgabndo B Of A they hooked up with Bancomer?? Heard they're the best way to wire funds (etc) to Mexico..

Any more info on this??

longlegsinlapaz - 1-28-2007 at 08:52 AM

How is this any different than the border states accepting Canadian $$$???:?::?::?::?::?: At least they USED to, not sure about now since I left Washington in 1997. Paper & coins were both legal tender. In my personal experience, Mexican banks deal ONLY in paper USD, they will not accept any US coins, regardless of value. Just a guess on my part, but I'd think that "illegal immigrants" would be getting paid in USD! I'd view this more as a convenience for "day-trippers" more than anything else!

DENNIS - 1-28-2007 at 09:14 AM

vgabndo ----
Thanks for the info. Like I mentioned, I dont use the Cambios either. I stick with the ATM. The Cambios. from my general observation, seem to be around 20 centavos per dollar less than the bank rate. It wasn't that long ago that our choices were not so abundant.

Don Alley - 1-28-2007 at 09:59 AM

Most places in Montana accept Canadian paper money; you take it to the bank and deposit it with everything else. But banks do not accept Canadian coins, nor do stores but they pop up from time to time and everyone wants to dump them off on someone else. If you are alert, you try to make sure you don't get a Canadian quarter with your change.

In Mexico, banks do not accept US coins, so they have limited value here. I sure wish visitors wouldn't give US coins as tips and gifts to kids. They have to take them to local Americans and ask for an exchange, they cannot spend them. I don't know if the Cambios take coin or not.

FARASHA - 1-28-2007 at 10:21 AM

International regulation it seems - NO COINS taken for exchange in Banks!Find this problem everywhere. And as a frequent traveller, I have been asked MANY times, from locals, to change coins. Travel usually home with a heavy purse, for that reason. >f<

burro bob - 1-28-2007 at 11:57 AM

I cant say if the banks will accept US coins here in San Felipe, but all the merchants I deal with do. The only time I use US money here in Mexico is when I get I get it back as change. It seems to be accepted readily, coins as well as dollars.
About ten years ago I remember a group of Italians, that had just arrived, all they had were a few US dollars and a lot of Lira. No one had ever seen anything like it. Neither the banks, nor the merchants would take the Italian money. One of them ended up returning to the US on the bus to get all their Lira changed into dollars, so they could then be changed into pesos.
Anywhere along the border I would expect any good merchant to accept both pesos and dollars. And if Mexico had a border with Italy I would expect them to accept lira also.
Does anyone know If they accept any Guatamalan money on Mexico's southern border? Also are any of you Canadians able to use your Canadian dollars at any merchants/banks?
burro bob

vgabndo - 1-28-2007 at 02:20 PM

Capt. George...I don't have your answer. Try 800-346-7693.
Good luck.